Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.
Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura Chihiro
Art Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
I played KH2 like all day. xDD AND I NEVER DIED. w00t! Yup. I just defeated Xigbar. And honestly, it wasn't that hard. It was actually kinda fun. xDDD When I went to my friend's house after the New Years like last week or more weeks ago, I could've showed them boys how to kick ass. xDD But no, being the "little princess" that I am, I 'politely' declined. xDD Those guys couldn't beat him. They went through a cycle like 3 times, with 4 boys. that's like 12 tries and they still didn't get it. xDDD
The scene afterwards was so totally cute. xDDD ZOMG. But either Sora's hands were too big, or Kairi's body was too small. xDD's always been like that. I noticed it in KH1 too, when I had to watch the Sora/Kairi scene again and again and again...the memories...oh the pain.
Tomorrow's mid-tri! Yay!! xDD 1/6 of the school year left!! But then again, a lot of you are probably going to get out of school earlier than me. :\ Darn..Oh well.
Anything else to, not really. .-.;; I'll try to visit after school later...tomorrow/today... Whatever floats your boat.
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