Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.
Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura Chihiro
Art Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Hey everyone, how've ya'll been doin'? Me? Bored. Gewd. That's all you'll hear from me on IM, so you really shouldn't bother asking me how I feel. ._.;;;
I don't know what's been going on lately, since I forgot when I last updated. xD;;; Oh, wait. Nevermind.
On Honor's Night, I got an award from the "President". NOT. His signature wasn't even real. >_>;;;
Click to see it
Yeah, I think my sister squished it with her fingers or something, and left an imprint. >_>;; Person can't keep her grubby hands off my stuff...
There's only 15 days left of school!!! Though it still seems like a long time. Almost 3 weeks. :\ School weeks. But there's no school on Memorial Day. And it adds a whole new thing to the mix. FINALS. OMG. xD;; I like testing, so it's not all that bad. I just don't want to take the science one, since I can't remember all that stuff.
Did the mile yesterday, got 12 minutes. I only walked for 3/4 of a lap too...And I didn't get under 10 minutes, so that sucked. But at least it's over. My legs and back still ache though. So I can't play DDR today. It was driving my crazy during math today. I couldn't find a comfortable position, plus I got like a side cramp or something from lunch...or after lunch. Whatever.
Tomorrow in FACS we get to make Strawberry Punch!! Well it's just our group, so that's kewl. xD;; Alex's group and the one next to it is going to make pie. >w< But we don't get it until Friday. :\ I can't remember what kinda pie it was though. :\ We also get to clean kitchens. I don't know what's fun about that, but after the this unit, we have to learn about child development. ._.;;; I hope there's nothing hands on going on during the last 3 weeks of school. I just want a nice, smooth end of the year. No last minute projects. >_>;;;;
Oh yeah, I drew some new pictures for a story. These are just two of the 4 OC characters for the story. x3
Ross-Trust Keyblade
Miki-Keyblade of Courage
The last two are Anthony-Keyblade of Reliability, and Clare-Protection. My friend drew Clare, but I didn't like her design. She just didn't seem the part...I wanted her to look cute, but dark, so there was this cute scene between her and Miki. I guess I'll have to do all the designing. T.T;; And yes, I know my coloring is WAY off. I still don't get the light and dark concept of coloring. T.T;;;
Ugh, this is long. I'm gonna go leave now, and see if anybody else updated. See ya!
EDIT: seems the comments aren't working again...if you still want to leave a comment, send it through EMAIL. The PMs don't work. --;;;; Send to either, or
I have a messenger on both, but don't expect me on Yahoo. AIM is KariKariHikari
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