Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.
Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura Chihiro
Art Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Hi!! xD;; Meh...I haven't updated for a few days. But the last day of school was awesome. x333 OMG. I got so many pictures (actually...just 27, but oh well). But what counts was that I got one of Quoc and Alex. xD;;; But to get Alex I had to get Austin. I hate Austin BTW. He acts like such an ass. (What an ass.-Genis) Sorry, I just had to do that. xD
The rest of the last day was just testing. I don't think I did too bad in any of my classes... Well, Social Studies, and English I don't know about. English is my hurting spot, so I hope I did well on that one. >_< Last time I checked, I had a C+ in that class. I'VE NEVER GOTTEN SUCH A LOW GRADE. ARLDJFOSUDG:LSRfj;oshdfa
Um...I got back from my one day trip yesterday. xD;;; I left on Friday, and came back Saturday at 7 I think.. Just missed Pokemon Chronicles. :0 Darn. The trip wasn't really that fun. It was just a huge casino full of smokers. Ish hate the smell of cigarettes. x.X But there was a small, SMALL, SMALL, did I mention SMALL? pool there. There was also an arcade, and there was a Step It Up there too, but since the darned thing was so loud when I put the first token in, I left it like that. That thing ate my last token. ;_; My sister won three things from the crane game. o.o;;;; But I was the one who told her to pick up the pig. Gawd. The girl can't see which one is the most easiest to get.
The room wasn't all that fancy either. There was cable, but the pillows sucked. I would've been better off sleeping without a pillow. That thing hurt my neck so bad. T.T All of the food there was like so fancy, it sucked. Plus practically all of it had seafood. xPPP If they were gonna make Asian food, they should've hired some Asian chefs. >x< It gave me a major stomachache the next morning. Blech.
On Saturday we went to Lake Mille Lacs on a fishing boat trip. THE BUGS WERE SO EBIL TO ME. They were huge things. o.o;;;; Lyke dude. They looked like they were gonna eat joo. They stole my seat. T.T So I couldn't sit down while I was fishing. >=0 I caught 1 fish for the whole family. I think it was a Walleye. Nobody told me. But on our side of the boat, we called it the 'Perch side'. Some guy caught a Smallmouth Bass that was 19 inches long. He got to keep it. o.o;;;
And then we headed home and got some noodle soup. x333 Ish love that stuff.
And now, I haven't eaten any lunch yet, and it's already 1:10. *woke up 20 minutes ago* If my parents won't take me shopping today, then I'll probably work on a new layout and visit you guys. :D Plus since I'm off school now, I'll get to be an Otaku more often!!! SQUEEE.
Here's Max being as adorable as ever:
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