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Kawaii Seth
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Member Since
HAHA!!!! Single...
Real Name
You just wish, don't you... DON'T YOU! *Points accusingly.*
You see if I told you I'd have to kill you. No; seriously... I would. :D
Anime Fan Since
Aboot age 7! Woo for seniorship, bebbie!
Favorite Anime
Hellsing, Paranoia Agent, Naruto, Trigun, Yami No Matsuei, FAKE, Love Mode, Gravitation, Level C... *Goes on forever.*
Becoming a voice actress and an active techno DJ for clubs. x)
Writing fanfics, laziness, reading fanfics, meeting friends, cosplaying, being lazy, going to cons, voice acting, spinning a flag in cologuard (marching band), acting in general, taking Latin class, DJ-ing and being lazy.
I'm good at acting and have been told my writing is very good along with my DJ-ing skillz... does that count? >.>;
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
My smile fades in the summer....
Woo for being back in class and not doing anything. I'm getting a little pissed off about the way this week has been going for many reasons.
1. I've been thinking more and more about Setoek.
2. My "research" has been delayed due to the fact that Dr. Malik won't e-mail me back.
3. I have people crawling all over my back about things.
4. Someone just won't get the fact that begging won't solve my problems with her.
5. All of these presents I have to today and NO ONE seems to be here to receive them! *Cough*Kagura*Cough*
6. My "mind" has been in a blank cloud of depression lately. (When I say my "mind", I'm referring to the voice in my mind.)
Now, I've been meaning to do this as a kind of hidden meaning that no one will get besides Sethos, Tori, Ashley, and Yugi... but I've procrastinated.
*Clears throat and reaches into a closet, pulling out someone.*
This is Seth, he's what everyone calls my "alter ego". Though he's nothing like me... we seem to have lots in common. Unlike me, he's very innocent, loving, and just down right cute... right Sethos?
He's like a RP character... kinda... and to put some spice into my otaku like with what I've been wanting to do, but Lynch just didn't like speaking much, Seth'll be here to voice opinions.
Seth: *Clears throat and squeaks.* Hi...
Aww! Pure cuteness, eh?
Anyway... enough of my weird-ness... imagine Seth however you want to. He's here for imagination purposes too.
Seth: What about yesterday's question?
Oh! Here were the winners.
Closet Pervert
Lemony Slash
Muun Purinsesu
SD Big Boss
Yugi personage
Congrats to all of you! I tried to make it easy by putting "Love and Peace!" In my post title... so. *Hands everyone little plush hearts.*
Today's question:
What's my favorite band?
Seth: *Blinks.* Uhm...
G'bye for now everyone!
Seth: *Waves.* Bye bye... |
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