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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Hey TS...
Can we agree on Johnny? He's short (only 5'9) and not muscular but he's so kawaii that it works for him.
His "delicate" frame works well with his style of skating so I actually think that he doesn't need to buff up. One of the few guys I would say that about...(LOL mark the calendar.) LOL I usually don't swoon over someone I just think is cute, but in this instance he is not cute he's CUTE!!!!!! You get the difference. I ramble. Trying to distract myself.

BTW...I payed the 50 pound (91 dollar!) application fee for Richmond University in Londan. Yeah ouch. Kane better send them my transcript promptly. Anyway I'm trying to distract myself from thinking about the "dent in my dough." And WORK all week! Some lady's dad died. And I'm working this Saturday too. Mench. LOL distracting myself with Johnny Weir pics.

LOL TS will probably think he's too lanky. In my mind someone is lanky when they are like 6'4 but not muscular. Maybe we'll finally agree on someone (that's not an anime character...)

This one is going in my locker now! ::prints::
::looks at pictures and squeals:: Argh. I will be spacing off in psychology again.
KawaiiMelody out!
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
::sigh of relief::
I added more to an essay that was way below the page count. I also figured out why my photo prints weren't turning out so now I can put together our vacation photo album.
TS was supposed to come over to study and I was waiting. My mom came back from the dollar store and said "Yo check your phone." And I was like huh? It turns out TS got called into work and couldn't come. She texted me a few minutes before three and I didn't check until a few minutes before she was going to come. LOL my bad. I usually always check my phone but I got so distracted with dealing with my printer. Oh well, that's fine. I'm happy to have an evening to relax.
OMG. I randomly ended up watching golf. Yes that's weird but bear with me. I discovered a hot Colombian golfer! Seriously! Golf is no longer as lame as it was when I woke up this morning. Camilo Villegas won the tournament thingy too. Definately caught me by surprise.

KawaiiMelody out! ^_^
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Just sleepy...
I had a great, fun, and happy birthday celebration with my friends on Sunday. Awesome cake and gifties. Erin didn't completely behave but it could have been worse. Jillian brought her along so that took that problem out of my hair.
After that. Work and school. So tired. Pulling essays out of my butt (not literally.) The Dewey Decimal System swirling around in my head as I cling to the heavy book cart. Tests and quizzes left and right. My dad on vacation this week and constantly being around. ::sigh:: Barely a moment to catch my breath.
And speaking of that, TS, I need to reschedule our study day because my dad is DEAD SET on going to the football game with me on Friday. I would ask you to come but he's all "I'm on vacation. Have to spend Father-Daughter time with you."
I hope I sleep better now. When I'm over tired it's harder for me to sleep.
KawaiiMelody out!
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Friday, September 19, 2008
Tee-hee! Lunch break EYE CANDY!!!!!

And then he escourted them up to his room...

Ha ha ha ha ha...Yes he also appears in German soup operas.

I want to sit on his lap...
I'm okay...^_^
KawaiiMelody out!
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
I haven't asked questions in a while so that's what my whole post will be.
1. What's on your mind right now?
2. Is anything bothering you?
3. What is your favorite song at the moment?
4. What are you looking forward to in the near future?
5. What is the best sprinkle color?
My answers
1. America and Germany's dual citizenship laws.

2. I'm absolutely sick of high school.
3. "Das Gegenteil von Liebe"

4. My birthday party on Sunday. Kind of. I'm looking forward to seeing TS and Jillian and eating my cake. I have a bad feeling Erin is going to (like usual) whine about not being able to get a ride, show up an hour late, freeload my fridge and then guilt someone to drive her home because she can't legally "da-vive" (said in a mocking baby voice) yet and her mommy is working late and can't pic her up. Or she could have her license by then. LOL don't worry about it...

Random scantily clad girl...

5. BABY PINK!!!!! ::evil laugh::
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Please can it be Friday...
It's only Tuesday?!?
At least I don't have to work (as far as I know) after school tomorrow. I will finally be able to have my walk! YAY!!!!!
Tomorrow morning in P.E. we have to run a mile again. We have to run the track until we make the goal that Carrico made for us. My "goal" is 10 min and last time I got 10 min and 40 sec. I don't know. I worked really hard last time. We'll have to see if I can shave over 40 seconds off of my time. Not being able to breath through my nose does not help. LOL!!!!!
KawaiiMelody out!
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Can only think in Basshunter lyrics
LOL. Last night the Batman movie was on TV and I muted it and played Basshunter. It was so funny because the music always matched with what was happening. My mom and I were dying of laughter.
Hey TS. Check this out. Go Basshunter! The person who wrote the article was just jealous.
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Monday, September 15, 2008
I feel better but stuffed up.
I got the new Basshunter CD! Thanks Aunt Claudia! Some songs are new the others are remixed. Most of them are in English. I love Basshunter so much!

Last night I dreamt about being married to Ryan Lochte and we were at the London Olympics and it was about his struggle to beat Michael Phelps. LOL it was from his perspective but I was his wife. The only time when I appeared in the dream was when he could hear me screaming for him in the audience. In the race he lost to Phelps by a fraction of a second. I blamed it on his coach/dad for training him too hard the night before. Ryan was so afraid that his dad was going to make him eat this disgusting nutri-bar like thing and water for dinner. Ryan cried because he was so close and when I woke up I was crying LOL!!!!
I also had this weird dream about a burgular dressed head to toe in black with a stocking cap casually jumped into my window told me to go for a walk so he could steal my stuff. In the dream I was scared but when I woke up I thought it was funny.
School...then work for 3.5 hours. I was dizzy driving home so I sang along really loud in German to my Jorn cd.
KawaiiMelody out!
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
Yes, me under the weather.
I've been taking lots of vitamin C though.
I had a fun day compared to the last couple. I borrowed Mario Party 2 from TS. It was hilarious seeing her running out of my house this morning because she was one minute late to showing up at Tony's house.
Jillian came over and we pretty much played Mario Party all day. I also carried my stereo into the living room and we listened to Il Divo and Sebastien Izambard's solo songs. I might leave it out there for my birthday party which is exactly one week from today. ^_^ Jillian and I were killing flies a lot as well. It is the time of year where they act all crazy before they drop dead.
We had one of the luckiest games we've ever had on Mario Party. Jillian won with five stars, but one of those stars was out of a hidden box. Otherwise I would've won. I had over a hundred coins in a 20 turn game. Then we played another one and it was probably the most unlucky one. The computer characters kept stealing coins and stars from us and the computer gave them two hidden boxes in one turn. Jillian got dead last. I somehow managed to win with bonus stars.
Fun stuff, fun stuff...Tomorrow might suck. Feeling sick with school and work. And we'll be running the track in P.E. too...Oh well. Just one week until my birthday party. ICE CREAM CAKE! WOO!

KawaiiMelody out!
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Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sleepy Saturday...
I think I'm a bit under the weather. I've pretty much just been laying around and working on College Comp homework. And I still have a few more pages to write. Oh well. At least I didn't have to work this Saturday. Next Saturday I will and I will also have to work the Monday of my birthday. LOL.
Oh yeah...I got into college. So that's good. I just have to send my housing card in. No rush for that. And I'm going to some scholarship days in November. I'm going to be lucky to have Jillian help me plan my course schedule when that time comes (probably beginning of next year.) She pretty much had to do it alone. I'll need all the help I can get since I'm planning on double majoring. We still have to figure out financial stuff. But technically the hard "OMG getting accepted" part is over. So I'm about 90% sure I'm going to Wartburg.

OMG! Il Divo's new album is coming out November 18th!!!!!!
KawaiiMelody out!
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