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Student/Anime Otaku
Anime Fan Since
For as long as I can remember!!!
Favorite Anime
(I will list as many as I can) Fruits Basket, Kyo Kara Maoh, Inuyasha, Sister Princess, Lost Universe, (my brain went blank), alot more. My favorite games of all time are Zelda and Tales of Symphonia ( I love you Kratos!!!!)
Watching Anime, Writing insane, random, stories, laughing, and of course being insane!!!^_^
Drawing,Writing,Being totally random,and freaking out uptight people!!! Hee hee!!! ^_^ ^_^
| KawaiiMelody
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
LOL such is life.
I look back on the post where I was mad about the Josten's man... (Who, like all salesmen, is out to get people's money.)Little did I know, the next day I would be hoping Roy would burn a $182 traffic citation instead of a silly order packet. How perspectives can change in a day... Long story short, an angry/bored bus driver out to get me decided to play snitch and the next thing I know I have to have a nice chat with my eccentric local police man in his cluttered office. (The part in his office was actually kind of funny...the $182 part isn't funny, though...)
So today was an early out. Got some extra work done. My awesome Rafael Nadal essay! I feel good about that. It seems like I'm short on time recently. I have to work tomorrow to cover for a lady whose son is having a medical problem. They asked me to work other days, but I can't give them my entire week on such short notice. I'm not being mean. It just means they'll be short a person on those days and I'll have a few days buildup of extra books to put away on Monday...(of course the librarians won't put them away, they're too busy taking calls on their own personal cellphones and talking too loudly about their personal lives so you can still hear them on the other side of the library... ::cough, cough::)
Anyway. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 came out on DVD. My mom and I just watched it. It's really good!!!! I remember watching it in the movies with Jillian and bawling. I'm really looking forward to Twilight coming out. I've read all four of the books. I'm usually not that into vampires, but that series totally sucked me in. I'm so excited to see it I can't wait!!!!!
LOL TS, don't worry I'm fine. For studying Friday, Saturday, or Sunday...of course I wouldn't mind another Fullmetal marathon again. OMG I've kept watching that "I LOVE DOGS!" scene over and over again...that's what has got me through the last few days. Roy is so hot.
KawaiiMelody out.
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