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Ruler of the next galaxy over
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Took over a whole galaxy(a.k.a. I'm still working on achieving something)
Anime Fan Since
First saw Pokemon...Or Sailor Moon. Whichever came first.
Favorite Anime
How can you expect me to decide?!?! Top favorites: Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Witch Hunter Robin, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rave Master, Dragonball(Z and GT), Sailor Moon(old, but you can never beat a classic), and a lot more which I'm not sure if I can fit it in he
To learn to draw better
Drawing, Reading, Annoying People, Writing
Erm...Pretty Good at DDR
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
BiRtHdAy PaRtY!
Today was awesome, I woke up at 10 and got picked up to go to Chuck E Cheese for my parents' friends' daughter. It was like 2 hours away. The birthday girl was turning 2. She tossed her cookies in the car during the ride, but it wasn't that bad. Well, at Chuck E Cheese we ate cake and got tokens and pizza. I went into the tube/pipe things because my sister wanted me to. I got up there and started freaking out. It didn't seem stable enough to hold the weight of a highschooler. Well I got halfway through and stopped moving. I got really freaked out because at this one part it seemed thin and I heard a small snap. I finally made it back to the slide and left the tubes/pipes. We got goodie bags and then ate, sang Happy Birthday(Chuck E Cheese style), and opened present. Everything she got was Dora the Explorer. Then we went to the mall behind the place, and me and sister played DDR Extreme.
That was mainly my day. Now to read Romeo and Juliet.
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Spanish Disaster
Today was one of the most horrible days I've ever had. In Spanish today, this guy sat down next to me because earlier on in the day I told my friend, who usually sits there, to go to the nurse since she wasn't feeling well, and she ended up going home. So, he sat next to me and he apparently has no clue what personal space is because he kept leaning over to my desk and whispering loudly about random things, like do you play an instrument? and I know 20 kinds of karate. Ergh I was so embarassed. He also wrote I (heart) You MiMi! on my binder and my notebook. Then he kept touching me with an index card like he was trying to slice my arm. I kept hitting away his arm and telling him to leave me alone. Then the teacher told him to stop "teasing" me and he had the nerve to blame it on me. He said that I was asking him to make out with me in class, and that I also asked him to go naked to a tea party with me. He was yelling this and everyone was staring and laughing. If we weren't in school I'd punch him, or kick him.
I told my brother and he laughed, he said that the guy from Spanish was "a funny kid"(they play Texas Hold'Em together sometimes). Now I don't want to go back to Spanish.
::thinking of other things to write about::
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Random Songs
Here's a list of random songs I've been listening to lately.
~ Simple and Clean(Kingdom Hearts)
~ Suteki Da Ne(FFX)
~ Melodies of Life(FFIX)
~ Catch You Catch Me(CCS)
~ Real Emotions(FFX-2)
~ 1000 No Kotoba(FFX-2)
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Love is Stupid
Well I had a very interesting day today. Most of it was spent wondering about love and crushes. It was quite funny, really. I was having a conversation with a friend and we were discussing the whole I-don't-want-a-boyfriend-now-but-maybe-later-on-in-life thing. Also, the whole difference-between-crushes-and-love thing. Talking to friends really does help, it makes you feel better.
I just finished reading Land of the Blindfolded after borrowing it from PaleRose. Which I recommend reading, it's wicked cool. The extra stories in the back of it makes me wonder why we dont have school festivals like the ones in quite a lot of anime and manga.
Our former fifth-grade principal came and gave us a speech during Rotating Block. Well, that was interesting. People got to complain about the school system, and ask questions. This was the second week in a row I wasted Rotating Block for World History class.
MCAS, a school exam for Massachusetts, was today, but only the 10th graders had to take it. I got to go to the Cafeteria for Study Hall during second block.
I'm pissed off at a certain person, but knowing me I'll get over it once they start talking to me. I hate it when that happens.
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Friday, April 1, 2005
I finally got my glasses today! Yay, I can see! I've been walking around the house yelling and jumping about how I can see everything so much more clearly.
Just came back from the Renaissance Faire at the middle school. It was wicked fun because they had DDR! HEHEHEHEHEHE I played a bunch of rounds and got a hotdog and ice cream(but not together).
I'm in the process of finishing one of my drawings. It'll stay black and white though because I can't color well.
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Glasses ^_^
I got my eyes examined today. And Hooray I need GLASSES! Maybe now I'll be able to read the board and see people that are far away. I am nearsighted. Anyone understand what the whole 20/20 vision=perfect vision thing means. Like...what is 20/20? I think the doctor said I had 21/100. Wow. That's really off. It was really pathetic that I couldn't even read the 3rd line down. They made me look into this thing then without warning, they sprayed my eyes. Now it kinda stings.
Um.....I spent half an hour with my mom trying to find good frames. I kept complaining that my head was too big and that they were too expensive. She says that it's because I'm smart and that I should stop worrying about the money. Geez glasses cost a lot. Anyways, we finally decided on one with hot pinkish thin frames. Now I only have to wait a week.
Waiting for: Spiral 4, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles 5, Crescent Moon 6, DNAngel 7, Flower of the Deep Sleep 2
Reading: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants(before the movie comes out); Kill Me, Kiss Me 2
I started another picture. But knowing me it'll take weeks to finish and it'll be really horrible. I also have to finish my Process Book assignments for Graphic Design class because if I don't I'll get a D+ for the term, and thats really bad because this year I've gotten A+ on each term and on the midterm.
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
Beauty and the Beast
Well, I went to see our highschool production of Beauty and the Beast with my little sister's class "field trip". Is it really a field trip since it's on a Sunday and they had to pay the regular amount? Well I won't complain because I didn't have to wait in the long line to get tickets because they already reserved it. I saw my friend there and we were talking during Intermission for a while but then I remembered that I was "chaperoning". Heh.
Well, anyways, the set was totally awesome. It looked so real. I wonder how long it took to make that. The castle's interior was so beautiful. There was a fire place and cool balconies. Ohh I wish I could see it again but I can't because it was the last show. I didn't get a glowing rose that my friend told me about ::angry::. Then at the end my friend Kelly wanted me to hug her, but I didn't because I don't really hug anyone. She asked me why I wouldn't like to hug a spoon(she was an enchanted spoon). I got Nachos!!!!! They were yummy. The girl and guy playing Belle and the Beast were also the "couple" in the last play. I wonder if her actual boyfriend is jealous? ::gasp:: In the words of my friend: ScAnDaLoUs!
Current Songs Stuck In My Head:
~Catch You Catch Me(CCS)
~True Light(DNAngel)
~Kibouhou(?it's the opening)(Spiral)
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
I've had 50 visitors...I think, does anyone know what that toal visits thing is. Does that count how many times other people visited your site, or just how many times you've visited your site. Wow it'd really be sad if visited my own site 57 times ^_^
Well I had a very interesting conversation with my friend today about who had the more dramatic life. Then that friend blocked me because I kept telling that friend to "Be Happy". It's not the first time a friend has been annoyed by me. But it is sad to know that I cause more trouble when I talk, than when I stay silent.
Still trying to get that picture up. ^_^ ::sigh::
Oh there's something I've always wondered. How do you people get my username? I've never posted anything up yet you people always seem to find my username. Not that I'm complaining. It's nice to read all of your comments and super thanks to those who signed my guestbook.
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Monday, March 14, 2005
!Anime Birthday!
Oh yay! This year was the best birthday ever! Hehehe. I just found out my friend's aunt works for a publishing company and she got free manga. Yet my friend doesn't like manga so she gave me some. I ended up getting Flowers of the Deep Sleep 1, and Demon Diary 1. I might be getting Demon Diary 2 and 3 from her tomorrow because she doesn't think she will want to read them. Then for St. Whites Day/my birthday, my friend gave me Rurouni Kenshin 1, because she knows I have a huge crush on Kenshin. Kenshin Yay!
Also, I got this wicked cool horoscope thing from Chrystine. It's so cool there are these destiny dice and it's so much fun to roll. Also, there's a mini book that tells me who I'm compatible with and why we're compatible.
My friend also let me borrow Ceres 2. Yay! I'm going to go buy the whole Spiral season because that anime is so cool. I HIGHLY suggest watching it. It's like Case Closed, but with a much cuter guy. ::wink::
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
i just love this picture
 You symbolize Love. You are very popular with the men and you don't plan on changing anything. You are very loyal and respect the one you care for. Once in a while someone might give you a rose and theres no problem with that, but they should know not to mess with you. You can be over protective about your love with your special guy.
Which Emotion do you represent?(AWESOME anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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