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Ruler of the next galaxy over
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Took over a whole galaxy(a.k.a. I'm still working on achieving something)
Anime Fan Since
First saw Pokemon...Or Sailor Moon. Whichever came first.
Favorite Anime
How can you expect me to decide?!?! Top favorites: Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Witch Hunter Robin, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rave Master, Dragonball(Z and GT), Sailor Moon(old, but you can never beat a classic), and a lot more which I'm not sure if I can fit it in he
To learn to draw better
Drawing, Reading, Annoying People, Writing
Erm...Pretty Good at DDR
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, March 11, 2005
!Happy Birthday to Me!
I'm sad that my most of my friends forgot my birthday.
I got no presents from my family, but I did get presents from people at school.
Went to the mall and played DDR
Bought Crescent Moon #5, halfway through reading it.
I have a bunch of anime picture from various quizzes on my wall because it was part of my birthday gift.
Also got Spiral for my birthday, I think it's the first DVD.
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
I've been a bit lazy lately. I just had two tests today, I'm pretty positive I failed my Biology test, but think I did pretty well on my Spanish test.
I'm still working on getting the picture up soon. I think I'll copy it over then color that one, that way I don't totally screw up my picture. I need some inspiration still.
Tomorrow is my birthday. Yay ^_^. Another year closer to being able to drive myself to Anime Boston Convention.
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
Still trying to get a picture up
I'm working on finding a way to get a picture onto my site. I think I'll just leave it black and white for now until I learn to color better.
If you go to rythem's site, there's a wicked cool video of Naruto. I've seen it literally 14 times already. I really want to see the anime. It looks so cool!
I got a C- on my World History essay on European Feudalism vs. Japanese Feudalism. On the bright side, most of the class got the same thing. The class average was only a point higher than mine. So I have to redo that and then think of a moment that changed my life somehow. Ergh.
I'm waiting for new inspiration to fly through my window and hit me.
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
I went bowling today. It was pretty fun. Afterwards we played DDR, the machine wasn't...well. It was an older version and the arrows were pretty faded. Still bowling was fun.
MiMi: GAME 1 2 4
Erica: GAME 3
Trini: GAME 5
My highest score was 105. I wasted all my skills in the first game. It was the only game where I got a strike.
Finished my drawing! It's still in black and white...actually most of it is gray.
Must do all of my homework today, last day of vacation
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Me+Driving Car=Disaster + CHAOS
I went driving today. It was so much fun. My brother was practicing his driving in the highschool parking lot, which was empty, and my dad decided to multi-task and just teach me then. So...I got to drive. All those car racing games really messed up my driving skills. I'm so use to pushing down the brakes and accelarator really hard in the arcade games, so it was hard to not push down so fast.
Played DDR in the mall today. I just finished one of my drawing, sorry no color.
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Friday, February 25, 2005
I dislike school!
I must read 60-something pages of Great Expectations tonight and then tomorrow I have an essay on Japan vs. Europe to write. I'm going bowling on Sunday with my friend who has never gone bowling in her life, so me and a couple of friends are going to make sure she experiences this fascinating sport. Maybe I'll do what the monks did in the Karate Kid, and end up getting all strikes. Let's just hope. We're going to play some DDR afterwards if the machine isn't broken.
Anyways, does anyone know of a good site where I can get a 125 by 125 pixels anime picture that I could use for my picture thing?
I went to BJs today with my mom. It was sooo cool. There was so much CANDY!!! I bought 28 Gushers packets, and 28 Fruit by the Foot packets. My sister and brother fought each other for it. It was pretty funny.
I spent today drawing pairs of eyes. I seem to have trouble with symmetry. hehe. I'll hopefully get it soon.
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Ok, there's suppose to be a background, but it didn't show up for some reason, it showed up on mine, but not everyone elses. I guess I shouldn't have tried to experiment with backgrounds. It's not Chrystine's fault, by the way. She showed me how to do it right before, but I went and messed it up accidentally. Hehe.
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Cool quiz with cool pics
Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
Mucho Thanks to Chrystine
Thanks Chrystine, for showing me how to do the background thing. Umm... I don't own the background image, but I wasn't sure if I should've put where it's from since there was no warning against using that image.
Anyways, It's a Cardcaptor Sakura picture if anyone was wondering. I'm a big Syaoran/Sakura fan!
Well, I might have to take a digital picture of my drawings to get them on to the site. (Thanks to Chrystine for that suggestion too). Hopefully I will finish some of my drawings first.
I watched the first 4 episodes of Samurai X yesterday. It was very violent. There was blood squirting everywhere. I highly suggest watching it for those of you who havn't seen it yet.
Has anyone ever noticed that Kenshin doesn't carry around 2 swords even though he's a samurai. Samurai are suppose to carry 2 of them, one long and one short. He does in the movie even tho he's an assassin, not a samurai. But Rurouni Kenshin means Wandering Samurai Kenshin, so how come he carries 2 swords when he's an assassin, and 1 sword when he's a samurai?
Spent today winter cleaning and yesterday night drawing
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Umm... Hi!
We just started our school break today. No school for a week! Which means I can draw 24/7 if it wasn't for that stupid thing we call sleep. Me and sleep dont get along because its jealous of all the time I spend with homework.
Anyways, I will finish some of my drawing and maybe I can even scan them in at school and then put it on a disk and then bring it home and put it on the computer so that all of you can see my... work-in-progresses.
Hopefully I will have had posted up a picture by the end of the school year. My birthday is coming up so maybe I'll end up getting a scanner, or maybe a new computer than can handle having a scanner attached to it without breaking down.
The main reason I got a account was because they wouldn't let me download a really cool DNAngel wallpaper. It's awesome to see everyone's drawings though.
Sorry there's still no color, I'm still trying to learn the terminology, so it's a bit confusing trying to figure out which part of the page is called what.
PS: IF anyone cares, I tripped today while going down the stairs to lunch. hehe.
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