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myOtaku.com: kawaiixalchemist

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

RandomHugGiver (11/05/07)

Random hug!!
Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

sandstorm Gaara (05/27/06)

hey this is an awesome site!! i love it!! if it's alright with u i'm going to add you as a friend ok add me too plz ttyl PM me sometime and peace out!!!

GhostlyNinja (05/21/06)

Hey! I posted the anwer to your question on my site. I like your site. Very cool. I'll add you as a friend and i hope you do the same.
Ninjas Rule!!!

Fallen Angel101 (05/11/06)

Konnichiwa! Pride-chan here!

seems like your quite new here, ne? you should change your FONT color or add a BG, i cant read what you wrote T.T

well its nice to met cha!

*cheers* We have a few things in common~!
i became a anime fan when i was 4 too! lol
OxO i LOVE FMA!! tis ish awesome

Oi...you reminded me of school ._. gosh school is tough/annoying these days ne? well not really tough...just plain annoying

i suck at writing in my opinon >>' though my last teacher said i should be a writer!!! *gonk* i hate writing....but i love drawing~!

Well, im gonna add you as a friend, PM me anytime

Time to go


Pride-chan out

PS i also love help'n people on sites ^^;

swtanimelvr (05/10/06)

hiya! i'm signing your gb again!! wow! i guess i wasn't the first person here... oh well!!^-^!
hope to see ya around!

Michi-san (04/16/06)

I'm the first person to sign your guestbook! WOW! You seem like a really cool person! ^^ Well, I'm going to add you as a friend, and I hope you check out my site. Keep in touch! Happy Easter!
