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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
new art
photoshop isnt responding, so im bringing these linearts up. i plan to try to logically deduce the htmlcon smackeeves so i can make the pages there pretty. if i can figure it out, itll all be so pretty ull wanna tear ur eyes out and glue them to the screen. dont worry, ill still be loyal to the o.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
hey every one!
im sneaky, eh?
and ive got another comic idea! dundundun! i cant stop churning ideas. and i cant draw any of them out!!!! gaaaaaah!!!
heres a list of everything ive got in my head so far:
Darkness Crusade
A prequel to darkness crusade
a prequel to the previous prequel (no i aint tryin to b funny)
Rapunzel(my version)
The little Mermaid(my version)
The O
the unamed kingdom hearts one (tori)
character house, a collaboration i joined on Smack Jeeves.(heres a link)

and my newst idea: a nightmare before christmas fancomic. a tale of jacks human past, leading up to his death and showing how he got to halloween town. i have some sketches for what jack looks like already, ill post something once its finalized.
ive also gots a few ideas for some books(as in mostly words) and have a good 2 1/2 chapters written of the one about kennyth, the genie.
ill try to work on the O at least. no promises till... next year, im afraid.
ive got waaaaaaaaaaay to much going up in my head.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
sorry i havnt posted in a while. im "banned" from the computr. i say "banned" cuz o course i tried to get arounf it by using my dads but i was caught. now i can only use the schools computer, and i cant log on to my otaku there. i can log onto theotaku, but not my otaku. stupid ey?
i probably wont be updating things for a while. ill comment on us guys pictures, tho. ill post when i can.
quote o the day:
"We're in a tight spot!"
-ulysis (George Clooney) from the movie O Brother Where Art Thou.
he says it bout three times ina row. watch the movie. NOW.
ok.... maybe not that bad.
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
... if you wanna c some wierd ass teens kiking zombie butt!
at least checks it out. tis cool!

and for you yaoi (boy love) fans:

these are GREAT. GO LOOK NOW.
unless gays offend u. (thers a bit of slightly er BAD things... u dont c notin but u know theyre doing cencored things)
or u think ah! Blood! (... Go zombie bashing!)
have fun =)
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
lez hav a PARTY!!!
my strip got in the featured manga section! WOOT!!!
what is that by, anyways? i only got 11 votes and 4 favs.
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yo every one!
hey thers! i gots a smackjeeves acount. dont worrry, im still loyal to all u guys and to the o. i just wanted to let u know cuz smackjeeves has a lil more freedom. theres also some very nasty yaoi that even makes ME go what the F!@$??? same username.
oh, i also joined a collaboration comic over there. ill post the pics and strips i post ther here, too.
u relly shuld check it out. if u make an acount, i alredy have a huge list of favs.
this is still my numbah one anime website, tho!
one question: anyone know HTML?
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Monday, November 12, 2007
im sooooooooooooo sorry about my lack pf updates! if u read my manga or just like to look at my pictures, im reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly soooooooooooooorry.
especialy to u meun. i don think ill finish my entry in time. its half colored but ill put it up anyways.
my old school has a carnival every year. it lasts thurs. all the way to sunday and i go everyday, ride every ride, buy corn and pinchos (shish-ke-bobs), and play every game. i also help out at the girl scout booth (have i mentioned im a girl scout?) this year we got paintball! it was so cool! but we didnt use paintballs. we used rubber bullets instead.
this year i was there till midnite everyday, so i was exausted, and by the time i got out of bed, it was time to go out.
i do have some doodles, tho. if my dad ll let me near the scanner, ill put them up.
same goes for your contest entry, meun.
oh, and for anyone who cares: im remaking the first cuple of pages of darkness crusade. and the cover. the cover reeeeeelly irks me.
i also gots a new story idea. ive got way too many ideas. this ones bout a serial killer tho. hes got a top hat =)
ill try to stick to the O when i can, tho.
well... thats all! til next time.
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
anyone here seen rent? my frends half forced me to see it. the play came to florida (lol... that sounds funny... how can a play travel?) and i probably would hav been forced to go but i was mildly curios. tis a very good play but its kinda depressing. very pretty music tho.
ok! random joke!!!
so my frend told me a story today: this girl was walking in the cafeteria. then she tripped. she relly ate it.
She ATE it... in the CAFETERIA!!!!
anything?? huh?
nah, didnt think so.
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Monday, November 5, 2007
all thee who see this post of mine, thy kay osse shallt be testing her own archaic tongue.
(wow that was terrible)
thy artist and storyteller hast been slightly obsesed of ye old disney classics. mine current occupation be peter pan, (and i sound like an effing pirate!)
and peter, thy coat is larger than your frail body.
i apologize for the odd talking. im writing a romeo and juliet thing, and i must practice!!!
i wont give any details, but lemme just say it ends happily!!! yay!!!
if u relly want to, ill giv the details. but only if ya relly want them.
odd random ranting:
today in art (homeroom) i saw a colored pencil. twas blue, and on its sode it said copenhagen. i was screwing around and saying it funny that whole class.
how does this pertian to anything??? my gosh, waitaminute!!! impaciente!
next period: Ap European History. we had a test! it was hard. the bonus question: what city is the statue of the little mermaid in. no, not the disney movie. the statue pertains to the original fairytale, which is much more morbid than the disney version!
guess what the answer was.
that's right.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
i went trick or treating today at my friends neighborhood. i was dorothy from the wizard of oz. my costume was covered in sequins =)
didja like the vid of my stupidity?
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