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Thursday, October 4, 2007
ok kiddies time to friten u!!! i started a oic at 8:10 and am now finishing the lineart at: 8:59
and ive been talking with ma wonderful frendz.
now for da coloring!!!
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i finished like 4 pages of the thing and i haf a maybe cover! im so happy! ill ut it upwen i get like 10 pages. squeeeeeeee!!!
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I'm boored.
random Q&A!
1.Whaz ur fav manga?
3.fav video game?
5. what do i need to imrove in my drawing? be honest!
1.Gamerz heaven!!!
2.cuz premature grey hair is awesom!!!
3, kh
4..... meuns rite. this IS a dumb question.
5. i don no. i culd go o an on an on... but the coloring probably bothers me the most. i cant seem to break from that style... grrrr.
ok and... um... uh...
tats it i guess.
kay osse... OFF!
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
um ive had a total obbession with thumbelina scecially the song let me be youre wings
Let me be your wings
Let me be your only love
Let me take you far beyond the stars
Let me be your wings
Let me lift you high above
Everything we're dreaming of will soon be ours
Anything that you desire
Anything at all
Everyday I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall
Let me be your wings
Leave behind the world you know
For another world of wondrous things
We'll see the universe
And dance on Saturn's rings
Fly with me and I will be your wings
Anything that you desire
Anything at all
(Anything at all)
Everyday I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall
You will be my wings
(Let me be your wings)
You will be my only love
Get ready for another world of wondrous things
We'll see the universe
And dance on Saturn's rings
Heaven isn't too far
Heaven is where you are
Stay with me and
Let me be your (You will be my) wings
i just downloaded! happiness =)
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Monday, October 1, 2007
i think my braiin went mush.
i just got thru the first nine eps of ouran. and um i think my brain wont be working for a while.
and it wuldnt be that bad if the subtitles were understanible! i just figured out that "havin intercourse with" is more or less "to connect with," or "to connect extremly well"
and Tamaki is caled Huan.
Kaoru: Xin
Hikaoru: guang
Haruhi: Churi
Tayuya: Jinge
Mori: somtin wierd i can remembr...
an i thnk evryone else was fine...
i don even know the dark dude with the cat puppets name, or crazy french chick, or haruhis father, and i do NOT trust the subtitles.
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
and i forgot to mention...
i am asking these users: Angelsbest, MEUN, nightlyko, animecrackhead, magzct and if Kailegh(u know who u r) remembrs her username.
to be the testers in the manga idea
i need realsounding names that they use in ur country. i need a place were u liv or that u wished u live. i don care were u relly live, but im pretty sure we all live in america or canada in that list. one of tose countries is prefered, and i don care about the cities, just the state. and i don know how canada is divided.
i need a desc. of ur real life person (u dont hav to look like wat u relly look like but it has to be realistic) and ur virtual user (go crazy)
i need ur race, class, and weapon. i need personality quirks, special abilities, phobias. in short, a detailed description.
o and u can just leave the virtual user design to me. just giv me ur fav colors or watever colors u wanna use and ur race and stuf like that. or u can draw ur own and post it up, or just giv me a desc. ur choice
and if u know an admin. i can contact for info that wuld b swell.
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ok here it is, the post u stalkers have alll been waiting for: i live in south florida! now go and try to find an anime obseesed person whos in school! mwahahaha...
anyways, this weekend we had a swimming meet in orlando. no we didnt go to disney. i lost miserably but a few ppl on the team made it to finals! and 3 of them placed!
also i haf a new idea for a manga. darkness crusade hasnt been updated in forever, but ill updated it soon. im scared the new idea mite turn out too dot hacksey, which is fine, but i wanna b original!
ok hers the idea:
the otaku wants to put up a game section. u get ur own lil personalized character to run around in virtural reality. and they send invintations to certain users to test this.
and they cant leave cuz someone forgot to program the log off before they got in.
the only way to leave is to beat the game. and if someone dies, the game was made to go to the title sreen, but a glitch cuppled with the log out thing caused the dead players to be turned to stone.
dun dun dun.
waddaya think?
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
Im Sora! yayerz!!!!!!
sorry buddies but roxas stinx. he took soras place in the BEGINING. RAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!

What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Come on!!!!! request, art trade, dying wishes??? ANYTHING???
i drew tamaki with mushrooms growing out of his head! MUSHROOMS!!!!!!!!!
i really need inspiration.
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Friday, September 21, 2007
This is not my week.
Monday: after swimming practice, my ankle starts to feel funny. left ankle, to be precise.
Tuesday: We have a Meet (equilivent to a football game or tennis match). my ankles been a pain in the... ankle. all day. manage to finish 2nd (best time!) and it screwed up my ankle more. now my calf hurts, too.
Wedensday: ankle hurts lika a mother. calf hurts too, cant even sit down cuz now ,y thigh also hurts. bah.
thursday: my ankle was feeling a bit better, cuz i had been walking on the other one. i tried giving ma frend a flying hug, and collapsed on my formerly good right ankle. giant lol from everyone in the art room.
friday: i get an ankle brace thingy (finally). but now both ankles hurt. oh, and i have ringworm. on my neck. i think i got it from my niehbors dog.
my left ankle feels better thouh.
(until i found out i won meuns contest. that cheered me up lots)
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