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myOtaku.com: Kayago

Thursday, October 21, 2004

   One year
That's right everyone!! I've made it to one year. Even though I've had bad times and good times, it's been fun. I hope I'm here for another year or longer if possible ^^ I've made and lost friends here..I don't want to lose those ones I have now. I'd like to thank some people now for making my year great ^^. They are;

DarkFireDragon33: Even though I didn't like you at first, I think you're cool now and you're a good person. ^^ Don't change. Tell Seto he now has another fangirl!

Inochi: You are a great internet sis. I'm glad you're on MyO. Good luck with surviving your freshman year!!

Inukid: You're cool. Even though I don't get to stay at your parties, they're cool ^^

Shinigami: You were one of the first people from MyO instead of my friends to sign my guestbook. I'm glad of that ^^

Yami Seto:(Kara) Thank you for the banner!! As you see it's still on my site, because I still love Vash. Thanks again ^^

Uzumaki Naruto:(Jonathan) Yes, I have to thank you too. You're my b/f. You've gotta thanks for putting up with me ^^

I also want to thank everybody else. You guys are cool, I just didn't get to know you as much. Your sites are cool. I'm glad you guys are here. I hope you stay ^^
Anyways, now to post on your sites!

P.S. There will be a party after I get done with my homework tonight so bring your bishies ^^

Current status over the year;
Total Visits: 1626
Popularity Ranking: 181
Guestbook signatures: 124

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