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myOtaku.com: Kayago

Saturday, March 26, 2005

   Hello Peoples
I was up at about four o'clock this morning due to hyperness. Today is the day of MomoCon. I'm kinda have mixed feelings about it. You see, it's an anime con and all but it has DDR and Sinny Boy ((the boy that looks like Shinji)) wants a picture of me falling on my ass so he can laugh. -_-' I don't wanna fall on my ass!!! I want to play DDR though. It should be a fun challenge. I'm glad I'm not going to wear high heels...That would be stupid. I'm flip-flops so I can slip them off if need be. -Grins-

News that you guys probably don't care to hear: I'm in a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear yesterday -_-' Girl problems...I'm also wearing my "Got Cat Boy" shirt. I got it waaaaayyyyy back at D*C '02. I haven't worn it since 9th grade. It's a cute shirt. It has a cat boy on it looking innocent and everything and he's gold and in anthro form^^ You guys'll see a pic ^^ Well, not much else to say. I guess I'll tell you guys about it tomorrow. See ya!

P.S. Here's some pictures for you guys to see and to think about if you wish to.

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See how fat he is? O.O

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Dolphins at Sea World, Orlando Florida.

Warning: If you are prone to hentai/perverted thoughts, DO NOT look at this picture.

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Issac and Kyle. They're straight, they just like posing for pictures like this so the girls on my bus can take them. I think four of us took this picture. ^^ Isn't Issac kind of cute? ^^'

That's all for now.

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