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Amature photographer and cosplayer through and through
Real Name
Alli-chan, Alli, Inu-san
Cosplaying unexpected characters for me...such as Tifa Lockhart.
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Sailor Moon when I was only four years old.
Favorite Anime
FMA, Bleach, Hellsing, Gundam Wing, Inuyasha,Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Cowboy Bebop, DBZ, Wolf's Rain, Witch Hunter Robin, BigO, Chrono Crusade, Gundam, Outlaw Star...There's more...
That's to become a famous photographer and take photos of the famous
Drawing, cosplaying, drawing, taking pictures, DDR, traveling
Drawing, writting stories, and photography.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
OMFG!! I'm posting.
That's right. I'm posting which I haven't done in a small forever. Well, to sum what's been going on since then, I've been to three cons, had three jobs, officially have a great boyfriend that I love, have three new costumes, and went to Washington D.C. and froze my ass off as Tifa Lockhart.
I went to ChattaCon in January. Wasn't all that eventful though I did get the FullMetal Alchemist DVD for my birthday from a good friend. I also met Noelle, who takes cosplaying Miroku to the extreme. She even dry humps Kagome cosplayers. I also met Carolina who is a great Aerith cosplayer and was one of my roomies at KatsuCon. Also in January, I turned seventeen and went to Cherokee, North Carolina, with my con friend, Amanda (Sesshoumaru cosplayer). And during January, I got my Inuyasha costume. I got my wig yesterday, so it wasn't completed until then.
Last month was the big month. I ACTUALLY WENT TO KATSUCON! It wasn't all the fun due to the hotel and con security staff being assholes but seeing as it was in D.C. and there were guests and diplomats that weren't with the con, they had to be assholes. The biggest thing about that weekend was the Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children skit. We had twelve people in the skit, two who were kind of drafted. I think I messed it up because I didn't start the Tifa vs. Loz fight until a few seconds into the music and I was supposed to start when the music started. Oh well. I still had fun being Tifa. I had fun with my boyfriend too and NOT THAT KIND OF FUN! It was just on the way back. He held me when we were in the car and I felt safe and protected. That's a great feeling. I'll tell you all that now. The craziest part of the weekend would have to be the fact that we managed to fit twelve people in a room that made have been big enough for half of us. The closet was full of costumes, costume pieces were in the floor, there were wigs on the desk, and costumes on the bed. And it was about three people per bed too. I think I heard someone say they slept in the tub >> May have been hearing things. Well, I figure you guys want a few pictures so I'll post one and give you the link to the rest.
Here's the room and skit group:

Standing up in the back (left to right), it's me as Tifa, my boyfriend as Sephiroth, Heath as Barret, Jose as Reno (best Reno in the world because he's a Gai Sensai cosplayer too), Carolina as Yazoo, Ridley as Kadaj, Amber as Vincent, and Anna as Loz. On the bottom, it's Kenya as Cloud (Best Cloud ever ^^), Bret as Rufus, Cat (or the Nina from AWA) as Red 13, and Moira as Cait Sith. This is probably the only picture anyone got of all of us together and it was probably the most fun we had just because we were able to act crazy. I know it's not really noticeable but Kenya's crying because I'm with my boyfriend. Anyone who sees the crack of that would actually get it. The rest of the pictures I took are at and are under either the FF7 AC gallery or KatsuCon gallery.
Now for this month's events. This month has been relatively boring but there was a con yesterday and today. I only attended yesterday. It was MomoCon. I didn't take many pictures so if you want to see the ones I took, they're on Cosplay.Com. Yesterday was fun. I introduced to friends in hopes of hooking them up. They looked like they got along well, but the world may never know for sure. Brittany, one of the ones introduced, was introduced to all my insane cosplay friends except for Nikky, Heath, Jose, Mara, and Michael (my boyfriend) because they weren't able to come. Basically, that's all that went on other than me being in a lot of pictures as Inuyasha. Again, I hardly took any, but yesterday was a day just to hang out I suppose.
I'd tell you all about the job crisis but I've already spent enough time on here, so I'll probably tell you later. Also, if anyone has LiveJournal, add ed_the_chibi. That's me. Well, take care everyone and bye!!!!
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