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myOtaku.com: kaye16

Thursday, September 29, 2005

   HaHaHa today was a half day
which mean I got out of school early today, and surprisingly got to see Dustin alot more today, I don't know how but yay. And I got my progress report here are my grades:
Drawing 1 Kulmatycki B
Intermediate Chorus Reigle A-
Health Education Viera C+
ROTC 2 Term Johnston D+
for health I got a C cause I never turn in my work and I got a D in ROTC cause I didn't dress twice and didn't do PT twice, so as long as from now on I do those two things I will get a B- Major Johnston said. And I'm up for promotion. Cause I have a 2.5 tomorrow I will have three civic services and on saturday I will have five civic services, my boot and uniform are going to look great tomorrow, I will be proparlly groomed, and cause I'm gonna be a major suck up again to the high ranking officers so I won't just have two recommandations for promotion but at least four or more. ^_^ So I'm getting promoted I'm getting promoted at the Ball. Now though to make the Ball and the promotion perfect I have to get Dustin to go out with me. Cause he already has been up for promotion, hes cute, built, smart, funny, one of the most well dressed guys I've ever seens, and hes probably the only guy in my class that I like enough to talk to all the time. Cause how do I say this I love being around him hes differnt from the other guys in my school who are either perverts druggie jokers or slakers and the few preppy guys who are good looking but are jerks. So I think Dustin would probably be a step up from some of my ex's cause he has the full package. Since the day I met him met him me and him have become close friends, we have so much in comman it's creepy, but at the same time its really nice cause me and him sorta click. And there was only on other guy that I clicked with from the day I first talked to him, and me and him weren't together long but for the time we had together he was a great boyfriend. Ahh I g2g time for parent teacher confrences so I have to make sure my mom doens't make a fool of me. So byes. PM me!

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