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• kayeportagegirl
• 1991-02-11
• Portage,Indiana
Member Since
• 2005-08-09
• Fired
Real Name
• Kaye 
• Drawing during class the whole time with out getting caught. Getting third place at a chess tournaments, becoming a Private First Class in ROTC WOORAH
Anime Fan Since
• �
Favorite Anime
• Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Case closed, ahh I don't feel like writting them all so I'm just going to stop now.!
• become a writter, PhotoJournalist, song writter, and a Marine! *salutes*
• Drawing, talking on the phone, being online, and writting stories, getting either or both high and drunk at partys, working out,hanging out with friends, going to concerts
• Winning Chess tournaments, Drawing Anime charectors, editting people stories and writting my own, writting songs and poems, finishing peoples sentences, getting into arguements, being loopy, DDR
Saturday, October 22, 2005
If this is a dream never wake me from it!
Today I was working at a park near my house for ROTC building a playground for civic service and I was hanging out all day with my friends there, and when we were all done with work me and Dustin, Mondez, and Eian all went through the bike trail to head down to the creek. I was the only one who knew the way there so I had to lead the way. It takes about a half hour to fourty five minutes to get to the creek from the side of the park we were on so for a while we were just playing around going through bike trails running and being stupid. Then it was about 3 and Eian Mondez had to go cause their rides were supposed to pick them up. So me and Dustin just kept going down the trail and when we finally got to the creek we just sat around and talked for the longest time and carved stuff on the benches we were sitting at. Then as we were talking came the topic of boyfriends and girlfriends and to my surprise he actually asked me out. Then its like dude are you serious and he was so serious it wasn't even funny. Then I can't even tell you what happened from there it was weird cause we kept talking about this bizzar stuff and then his dad called and said he was on his way over to pick him up. So we head back through the shorter way to the park. And today was literally just this day where it was actually like completly and dreamy Romantic day. The trees the woods and the perfect guy made just everything connect into something out of a movie. So I'm like in aww to what happened cause then we went to his church for a halloween dance and he was dressed as the guy from the phatom of the opera and he looked so awesome. And I was dressed as kaye my charector from my story I'm writting. I wore a dress I made a black and white one and I had the most gorgous Tiara on to,and black and red wings and black gloves from hot topic. When you put me and Dustin next to each other it was like awesome costumes they thought we had planned it to be like that. Now I don't even know what to think of him, cause he is even better then I thought he was, everything is just so differnt now its like out of a fairy tale or something. Ahh I better go its getting late so bye guys. PM me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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