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Sunday, March 18, 2007
hi all of my otaku friends. How are you guys doing? I'm doing alright and nervous as ever because of the Gee testing this week. I won't be able to get on the internet until friday! Here's the next part of my story of kingdom hearts.
Hope you like it.
The next day, Rini told the others in order to get to where Seymour is, we need a Airship. She carefully explain it to Melari about where Seymour was now living in a temple in the skies. "where do we find a airship? "I have an uncle who owns a airship his name is Cid" said Yuna. He lives in Bikanel desert. "But how are we going to get there asked Melari. Don't worry said Rini I had everything prepare. She showed Melari their horses. Rikku and paine sat with Rini and Yuna sat with Melari. They finally made it to Bikanel desert where it was nothing but sand and more sand. "This heat is really started to bother me" said Melari. "That's bikanel dessert for you" the hotest dessert ever" said rikku. "There he is" said Yuna as she hid behind Melari. "what's wrong?" asked Melari. "Her uncle doesn't know she's being transformed into a fairy." said Paine. "don't worry I'll go and ask him" said Melari and she went over him. Melari went over by Cid and said "hello is your name cid?" "yep the one and only" said cid. "You see we need a plane to get to a temple in the skies but first we need to get to brevelle. "Sorry no can do." said cid. but why everyone says you have the best airship their is." complain Melari. "I'm sorry Miss, but I'm on a tight schedule. Melari was getting very mad towards cid. Cid heard a voice that sounds fimiliar to him. "Yuna?" he said, but he didn't see her anywhere. " yuna is it you.where are you?" ask Cid. "here I am" said Yuna and she came from out from behind Melari."Yuna what has happen to you" asked her uncle. Yuna explain everything to her uncle. "Damn that Seymour. He'll paid for what he done." yelled Cid. "so you need a airship to get to brevelle to get the certain gem you need to change bcak to your original self?" Yes" said Yuna. "All right" You need plenty of sleep before we head off as he was leaving. Yuna and the others follow him. Next morning, everyone woke up and was prepare to leave. Cid's airship rose into the skies and flew off. Melari looked out the windows and said "this is so beautiful. I've always wanted to fly. Melari looked at her braclet and was trying to get a signal thorugh to her friends, but no signal came through. "I hope everyone is alright" melari thought to herself. Hiroko was looking out of the window thinking where Melari could be." Thinking for quite a while, Hiroko's braclet starting to beep. She check it out to see what it was. It was a distress call coming from Melari, but the signal was messing up. Hiroko grabbed for a piece of paper and a pen to pin locate the location. She got in just in time before the signal was lost. Hiroko saw Riku outside of the hospital and yelled "Riku!! She hurry and went downstairs and told him about Melari. Riku went to Sora to tell him he was going to find Melari. Before Riku was about to leave out of the room, Sora grabbed Riku's arm and said to him "we're coming too." Hiroko told them about where she was and they left.
How was the story? My fingers are hurting so bad from all this typing. LOL. Anyway here's a picture of one of my kittens I have now since my two other cats left me.
Isn't he's cute? I wish you all a great day.
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
Melari was invited by Rini, yuna and the others to their home. Rini offered Melari a seat and begin asking her questions. Melari explained to them that she find her lost sister and now she lost her again and everything else. "My you have a heavy burden on your shoulders" said Rikku. "I do hope you find her again" said Yuna. "Thank you" said Melari with a tear in her eye. Rini got off of her seat and went somewhere and came back with food and something to drink. Melari thanked Rini for her kindness and started to eat. As they were finish eating, Rini said to Melari. "You must be exhausted from your long journey. " You can stay here for the night. yuna showed Melari to her room and told Melari goodnight. "Goodnight" said replied Melari and she went to sleep. Late at night, Melari was having a dream about when she was little and her and her sister were together, but the dream got worse. She saw her sister was killed by a creature and she was holding her sister who was cover in blood and died in her arms. Melari woke up from the dream and heard a faint crying. She thought it was just her imagenation, but she kept on hearing it. Melari got up from out of bed and went out in the hallway and started to find where the crying was coming from. As Melari was walking in the long hallway, she heard the faint crying getting louder and louder and she knew she was close to it. She went inside a room and there was someone on a balcony. Melari got closer and notice who it was. Melari asked "what's wrong Yuna?" Yuna said while drying up tears "I'm sorry did I wake you with my crying?" "Oh no that's not it. I just couldn't sleep" replied Melari. Yuna told melari she misses her love one named Tidus. "Do you have anyone special to you" asked Yuna. "someone special" said Melari. Melari started to remember everything about how her and Riku met and how they became best of friends. Melari told Yuna "I don't know if he feels the same about me." Yuna said "he do he's just waiting for a perfect time to tell you." If only I had that crystal, I can be finally be reunited with my love. Melari told Yuna " I will help you retrieve this gem you mention about." "thank you so much" Yuna said as she hugged Melari. next morning everyone was in one room and Melari explained to the others what she was going to do. "are you crazy? we could could hurt or killed" said rikku. "We have to take the risk if you want to change back into your original selves" said Melari. They agree and told Melari where they had to go.
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Friday, December 29, 2006
Please sister if you come back with us, you and I can finally be together again." said Angel. Melari didn't want to fight her sister. "Please stop this, I don't want to hurt you sis". said Melari. Angel didn't say anything she attacked Melari. Melari dodges the attack, but to only have a minor cut from her sister's attack. Blood dripping down Melari's arm, the arm which Melari uses to fight with her keyblade. The intense pain in Melari right arm was giving her a hard time trying to defend for her life. Angel had a smirk on her face and said "what's the matter sis, can't fight with that injure arm of yours? Angel used her healing magic to heal her sister's arm. " why did you just heal my arm?" asked Melari. "because it wouldn't be any fun if I defeat you quickly and besides you are my sister." said Angel. "shall we start over?" asked Angel. Angel charged at Melari from a great distance. Melari was blocking the attack. As Melari was blocking her sister's attack, Melari saw tears in her sister's eyes. Melari jumped back and notice Angel's eyes were changing back to her emerald green, but they kept on changing to emerald green and crimson red. The crystal in Sonsuke hand was getting out of hand. It was about to break. "How can this be?" asked Sonsuke. "If this here crystal breaks than all of Melari's sister's memories will be released. Sonsuke used his powers to try to keep the crystal from breaking. Angel was acting more and more different like she was in pain. Angel was screaming grabbing her head saying "please make it stop!" I don't know what to do"!! Melari ran to her sister and asking her what's wrong. please tell me. Angel soon stop screaming and Melari saw her sister's eyes changed back to crimson red. Angel attacked her sister in the face and was keep on attacking her. Melari was being pushed to the edge of the building. "Please stop this Angel!" Melari soon felled off of the building. Melari summon her keyblade and try to stabbed it into the building to slow her speed, but it wasn't working. Soon a portal appear and Melari fell into it. Angel didn't see her sister anymore. She told Sonsuke about it and they left. Melari awaken to find herself in a strange world. It was so beautiful but yet it felt peaceful. Melari saw something in a tree. It was a little girl, but as soon as she came from out of the tree, Melari saw the girl had tiny wings on her back. "what are you?" asked Melari. The little girl with the wings flew away and came back with two other girls with wings on their backs. One of the little girls flew around Melari examining her. Do you think she has any treasure?" asked the little girl. "Let's see if she does said the other two. "hey you guys stop that said someone else. Melari saw it was a young female woman with long and beautiful blonde hair with grey eyes. Don't do that to our guess" said the blonde hair girl. "I'm sorry for what they done to you" My name is Rina. Melari introduce herself to Rina and asked her about the little girls with the wings on their backs. "Oh they are called fairies and their names are Yuna, Rikku and Paine. Yuna told Melari that they wasn't always fairies, but a evil man named Seymore put a spell on them to be forever fairies unless Yuna decides to marry him. Paine explain to Melari the reason why we always look for tresure is becasue their this legend about a crystal with mysterious powers and we wondering if we do find it we can able to change back into our original selves. Rina told Melari to come with them to their home to explain anything else.
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Thursday, December 28, 2006
Hi all of my otaku friends. Sorry I hadven't been posting for a while, but I had been really depressed this few days. Yesterday, my siamese cat got ran over and died. I missed him so much because he wasn't like any other cats I've known. He used to follow me to the bus stop and wait for me to come home and play with me. Another one of my other cat's baby got ran over and I couldn't find the head of the baby. It was horrible and sad how I saw and how I felt was like the end of the world for me. I'm trying really hard to not be depress after the fact my father had died. How are you guys doing?
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Sunday, December 17, 2006
This is a drawing I done of Aeris
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
Riku was siting in a chair waiting for Melari to awaken. The sun started to set still no sign of Melari's eyes opening. Riku was really worry if she will ever wake up. Riku gotten up from the chair and went closer to Melari's bed. He saw her face was pale but still have have some life in her. He sat down and was thinking to himself. "this is all my fault. If I haven't met her, none of this would have happen to her." Someone came into the room. It was Hiroko in tears. Hiroko rushed over by Melari and asked Riku what happen to her?" Riku asked her how did you find us?" Hiroko dry up some of her tears and told him "remember I explain to you about our bracelet? Not only do they let us know our location, but to see if any of our lives are in danger. I came here as soon as I notice something was wrong. Riku explain everything to Hiroko and told her "I'm sorry." Hiroko saw tears coming out of his eyes. "No it's not your fault, Riku." "It's the Nightriders fault they hurt her not you." As Hiroko was still talking to Riku, Kairi came into the room with some food for Riku. "Oh I sorry for interrupted, but Sora wanted to talk to you and I brought you some food. "it's alright. I'll watch over for her" said Hiroko. Riku thanked her and left with Kairi. It was getting late and Hiroko was getting so sleepy. She tried to stay up but she was so tried, so she went to sleep. Late in the middle of the night, someone appeared inside of Melari's room and went by her. The person touched Melari on her face and taken off their cloak. It was a young girl with long brown hair with green emerald eyes. The young girl was crying and said sister. Melari started to wake up and the young girl ran and phase through the door. Melari saw the girl and she gotten out of the bed and went out of the room to find the girl. Melari saw the girl ran into a room and Melari follow her. Melari finally caught up with the girl and saw her. "Who are you!" asked Melari. Are you one of those Nightriders?" The open window blew a breeze and the person's identity was revealed. "Angel" is it really you?" Before Melari could ask the young girl anymore questions, the girl jumped out of the window and disappear into the darkness. Melari also jumped out of the window and saw the girl on top of a building. Melari taken out her keyblade and started to climbed the building. She finally got up on top of the building to only see the young girl. She went towards the girl and taken her hood off. Melari gasped and said it's really is you, Angel." But I thought you were dead" A voice came from out of nowhere and it was Sonsuke again. Melari's keyblade reappear into her hands and she "it's you again" "what do you want?" "whoa temper, temper." "is that how your going to treat us after what we done for you?" said Sonsuke. "What do you mean you done something for me?" All you ever done for me is brought me nothing but pain and sorrow!!" Sonsuke said you just don't understand do you?" The reason why your sister is alive is because we brought her back to life." "what I don't understand" said the confuse Melari. "Is this really true Angel?" Angel didn't something, but gave Melari a cold look in her eyes. "what have you done to her?" yelled Melari. " we just revived her, oh and I almost forgot when we did revived her, some of her memories are gone. She's just probaly remember a little about you" said Sonsuke. You on the other hand are just like your sister. "what do you mean by that?" asked Melari. "I really hate explaining things but I guess it is time to tell you the truth. "you see your sister didn't really died of a rare illness. She was killed by a creature you and her tried to destroy. You also died trying to protect to her. We notice how much powers you have and revied you back without your memories, but your soul was asking who you really was and began to put fake memories inside of you and that's when you abandon us and gone somewhere else. Melari didn't want to believe what Sonsuke was telling her. "It's not true. I would have never joined you even if I didn't any memories." yelled Melari. "well I guess have no choice. Sonsuke taken out a crystal and Angel eyes started to change from emerald green to a crimson red color. "what's wrong Angel?" asked Melari. Angel had two keyblades appear into her hands and she said "please sis come back with us."
Part 2: A sister's love
I'm writing the next part right now. I'm going to post it later on tonight.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
My mom loves this picture
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Monday, November 27, 2006
This is a picture I took in my old garden
I just really love this picture I took back in New orleans becuse it kind of reminds me of a christmas pic, but that's my opinion. I really miss my hometown.
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
what does the characters of kh2 think of you????
 riku:he loves u becuase u have a lot in comun.sora:likes u as a sister.roxas:likes u alot but afraid to admit it.axel:loves to do pranks to u.namine:she likes u as a sister.kairi:she loves that riku is inlove with u. Take this quiz!

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Friday, November 10, 2006
This is what I look like.
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