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myOtaku.com: kazuma161

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

kakashi ss (03/05/08)

hello! it's kakashi s! my site was just being screwwy so i made a new one!

edisshort (05/08/07)

Hi! I like your site! The words pop out! XD BB4N! (buh-bye for now!)

oturan ikamuzu (02/20/07)

Anosa, anosaaaaaaaaaa!! hi there. I love orange because of naruto. ^^
anyways, i hope you enjoy myotaku since you're kinda new here...right?
i don't know. lol!!
I"m going to add you as my friend now. I hope you'll do the same too. Ja!!

kakashi s (01/16/07)

HEY!!!! I got gb signing #5!!! I win!!! and naruto is amazing! my favorite character is Kakashi. What about you?
hey I'll add you as a friend and if you need any help with your site feel free to PM me
and sign my gb if you want
and I absolutely love drawing so yeah...
Ninja Pirate can't count
they're #4 not #3 hahaha
sorry I get asmused very easily
6th grade was easy and 7th SUCKS!!!
just to warn you hahaha
I'll amke sure to visit your site
Kakashi s

NinjaPirate (01/15/07)

YEAH! THRID TO SIGN! WOW! I'm in the 8th grade! How you likin 6th!...my years sucked, gonna add you now!


LuNa LoVe YoU

ZodiacNinja (01/14/07)

Hey kazuma! Wats up? I think Naruto's my fav anime too!

(luv the orange)