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call me kc or bailarina
published poet, i can do 5 push ups, learned to play the berimbau, pandero, agogo, guitar, and sax, i also repeled off of a 40 foot tower
Anime Fan Since
i cant remember
Favorite Anime
whatever is on the tv
to become a capoeira mastra and travle the world kicking ppls ass
capoeira, dancing, reading, writting, anime, and being healthy
fast, flexable, i'v been called an elegant dancer, poetry, music, and i'm smart/ mature
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, April 6, 2006
thanks for all of the nice comments everybody! i'm doing better now. i'm still resting but i really really miss being active! i want sooooooooo bad just to be normal! the doctor said that i will never be better because of my condition. they said i had it all of my life but it didnt kick in untill i had a cold a few months ago. the doctor said that i will never get over this but hopefully i will get back 2 sports but i just have restictions. he also said that i might not be able to drive! this sucks!!! whenever i talk to somebody they are always complaning to me about how much our martial art instructor pushed them or what-not but i hate it because i would rathe have my ass kicked then have this. most ppl that i have told think i'm luck because i have to take special percautions- home school, i cant be waken before 10 am, i have to eat like crazy, and i have to eat salty food and microwaved food. it sounds nice but if i could enjoy that would be even better.
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Monday, April 3, 2006
well yesterday i had a lot of pain and was unable to move so my mom called the nurse hotline and they told her to call an ambulance. it was scary! they had to put me in a stretcher and roll me head first down a steep hill! once i got in the ambulance the trasmition went out so we had to call another ambulance! and after a very bumpy ride in the ER they had no clue what my conition was. they never heard of it!i think it's rare because almost nobody has heard of it! i knew more about it than the doctors at the ER!
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
it's going to storm where i live. i like it when it rains as long as i dont have to go into the mud! well my condition has goten worse. i almost passed out at my moms school and the doctors put me on bed bound *for thos that dont know, that means i cant go to school because of my condition. my teachers have to come to my house and teach me.*i'm so glad that the doctors understand that i feel like ****. my school was trying to say i was crazy and that i was faking it and my school nurse refused to follow dr. orders! well i better go before i get shocked!
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
i havent posted in a while but i'v been sooooo sore. sunday went really well! i played *in capoeira we dont say fight we say that we played with the person because we may fight and try to hit eachother in the roda but after we always are friends* beto in capoeira. he kicked my @$$! well i was expecting it because of his rank and his playful atitude but it's all good, we laughed about it.
i finally got my first berimbau!!!!a berimbau is like a bow with a gourd, it's really imposible to explane. look up berimbau and you most likely see a pic. my berimbau is a medio and it's beautiful!!!!!!! i got it from beto himself! it's such an honor that he came. he rarely ever does this and we are all so happy he did.
well now that i went on and on about me what about you?
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
my day with beto
well i had the most kick @$$ time with him and the rest of my group from another city! first we had a music workshop.
capoeira is pracitced by live music. it almost cant be done at all without music. music forms and decides if the game is friendly or competitive. a capoeirista must be able to flow, think 3 steps ahead, have a back u plan, be brave, listen to the music at all times, and interpret the music because the music gives messages. sometimes im my group we have to sing and play at the same time *not easy!*
after the music we had a movement workshop. beto worked our butts off!!!! i'm still going to be feeling this till next saterday! when we got finished with our movement we went out for dinner at some african place. it was nasty and you had to eat with your hands. then we went to one of our instructors house and had a party. it was soooo much fun!!!!!!we busted out a bunch of drums and just went at it. then we learned how to dance brazilian lol. it was funny for the ppl that could not move their hips. it took me a while to get it. well i had A LOT of fun and i hope you all have fun on your spring brake/weekend.
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
omg!omg! okay you all know by now that i love to do capoeria but rightnow i'm doing angola style *slow ground style*. well their was one of the most famous mastre ,mastre pastina*sp?* was like the godfather of capoeira. well he had 2 students he trusted to carry on with keeping angola alive, well they they had students and their students had students and then we have beto. Beto is a prof. from a direct line of pastina!!!!!!!! well i told you all that to tell you that this whole weekend i will be training with him!!!!!!!! i met him for the first time yesterday, he is such an amazing capoeirista!!!!
well here is your quiz
.::What Kind Of Heart Do You Posses?::.
 You are the "happy" kind of person. You care about what happens all around you, always making sure to fix what is wrong. Your heart is large and beautiful, filled with jewels of many emotions. Passion and love flows through your veins and keeps you alive and well. An honest person, who doesn't go around trying to fight, Someone who truly deeply cares for their dear ones. Even when times get hard, you always manage to stay alive. An unselfish person who is referred to as an angel. A happy good going cheerful person. Most of your friends count on you. Always remember to protect what matters to you the most. A loyal person as well. Color(s): Pink, White, Purple Quote: "Light glimmers even in the darkest of nights" Element: Water Animal: Rabbit Word: Tenshi- Angel Take this quiz!
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
well i got a ultra-sound today because of the pain in my tummy. i found out i'm under weight but i'm not trying to lose any weight. i love my food!here is my day food wise- snack, snack, snack, meal, snack and i'v been doing less exersize. i think you guys have heard enough of my pain so i wont go on.
my sister is doing a lot better. shes soooooo happy to be home just her arms are soooooo sore because they kept a constant flow IV's in her. she looks like a drugy with all the marks on her arm lol. we joke about it a lot but shes just glad to be home. i'm glad you all are so nice and care about whats going on. THANKS!!!!!LOVE YA!*in a friendly way*.
i made a poll on quizzilla! take it plz
and here is your quiz for the day
You're special...but why?(Guys and Girls)Anime pics
 You are special because you are 100% individual. You don't do things just because everyone else does them. You might to do them, but that's only when you want to. You are alot like creativity(another result), but you do everything you can to make sure you do things no one else has. Seeing someone else act like you, whether it's natural or not bugs you alot. You rarely give in and and would do almost anything as long as it hadn't been done before. You don't change yourself for others and will usually give your true opinion about anyone or anything even if it is a little rude and that's your flaw. But aside from that you are a true friend and will usually help those who need it. One of your favorite sayings is probably,"When life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let everyone wonder how you did it."Please rate and/or message, I worked hard on this quiz. Take this quiz!

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i'm special!
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
sup pplz? nothing really is going on today. just laying around being sick
my sister came home today!she feels a lot better. i'm so glad shes okay.
here is the quiz for the day
What is your real zodiac sign? (Beautiful pictures, lenghty answers)
 Click Here to Become a VampireYou are a Pisces, the kindest sign of the zodiac. You are sympathetic, sensitive, impressionable, compassionate, forgiving, imaginative, a dreamer, romantic, tolerant, and funny. Of all the animals in the world you are most like two fish, you swim in the watery depths of feeling and knowledge. And about those TWO fish, you have two choices in how to live your life 1)you can try to swim upstream(which is the harder way but life is full of challenges, plus the rewards are much sweeter) or 2) you can just "float" along the bottom of the river(which is when you take the EASY way, which has more, can i say, BORING! results. -your colors are pale green and turquoise, the color and light of the sea in which you dwell -your metal is platinum -your precious stone is aquamarine-your day of the week is Friday -the part of the body that you rule is you feet -your element is WATER -the planet that you are ruled by is Neptune, named after the Greek god Poseidon(AKA Neptune). Poseidon is the god of all things water. -your true love comes form a Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, or your own Pisces Take this quiz!

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and here is funny quiz i made on quizilla
the randomnesssssssss of pink
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
so happy
well i had to leave school again early to go to the ER cuz i was feeling horible and dizy for 3 hours in the nurses office. they finaly found that i have strep on top of my condition or i really would be feeling better. so as soon as i'm over strep my condition will be a lot better!!!!
my sister is still in the hospital. they kind of stoped keeping me informed so um.. ya.
my school is having such a fit over me being so sick and leaving everytime i have to come to school. lol one day i'm not going to go home and pass-out on them so i can sue them =D.
other than that nothing new happened.... here is your quiz
so sad. lol
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Monday, March 20, 2006
being sick is anyoing
well i went back to school today *no i havent been on spring break, i'v just been really sick*. i made it to my second class before i almost passed-out. i tried to tell my mom before she made me go that iwas NOT okay but i had missed too much. i had to go to the hospital. they never do anything but ask questions and take blood *vampires*. lastnight i had so much pain i wept on my cell asking my dad to bring some pain killers.
they keep making my sister stay "just one more night, for more testing" at the hospital. it makes me so depresed that shes so upset and my mother is trying so hard to take care of the house, my other sister, and me and my hospitalized sister lori going in and out of the ER. I'm trying so hard to go to school so my mother wont worry but every time i go i end up having to go to the hospital because of this slump.
i'm sooo stressed with everything but i'm only giving you a hint of it *i dont want to go on forever and make you sad*.
in lighter news, i got all good grades in math, ss, & LA... but i got a bad grade in science because my teacher has a problem with my disorganizness * i know its not a real word but it looks fun*. well i think i'm going to start a daily quiz result *or whenever i feel like posting*
here is the quiz for the day
 How Dumb Are You? A Rum and Monkey stupidity.
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