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Home, School, anywhere and everywhere, sometimes just locked up in my mind daydreaming.
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Good at school. Got too much awards to name.
Anime Fan Since
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Escaflowne, Fushigi Yugi, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Inyuasha, Shaman King, Angelic Layer, One Piece, Digimon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Card Captor Sakura, Vampire Hunter D, Megaman, Gundam Wing.
Staright A's, Graduate at top of my class, go to great college, I also wanna find a cure for aids, become a virologist, or biotechnologist, have money to by want, and to just be successful in all that I do.
Watching t.v., reading books, comics and mangas I find very interesting, and writing stories (mainly fanfics).
Very Creative, wild imagination, poetry, stories, draw landscapes.
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Well I'm bored outta me mind
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Well so far this week I've had lots and lots of work. I finally finished the English paper I started a month ago. over 8 pages, luckily it was double spaced.
Today we had a Spoanish competition in Towson University, my high school went thier to participate with other schools. Y'all should have seen the little elementary kids, they speak french better than we do. I recited a spanish poem and I messed up and forgot some lines. I had to be angry which is hard cuz I don't do anger very well. I knew my lines so well, but then when I got on stage I blanked out. It's like my mouth was moving but my brain wasn't comprehending. Then, I paused and lost my place, so I just picked a random verse and finished from there.
To tell you the truth I only went so I could miss school. But, then I just learned that I still could have gone without reciting a poem total bummer. But, my frineds were really good and they one 2nd and 3rd place out of 65 students who receited the poems in spanish.
Hopefully, when/if we go next year I'll be ready. Well I haven't done this in a while, so I'll try to post comments later, cuz I got too much fricken h-work. Teachers are trying to kill me with all this work. Peace out.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Well I had my cell phone stolen today. I got it for as my christmas present from my mom cost over $80. I'm not even sure when it happened, but I think it dropped out of my pocket. I realized it after school when I wanted to call my mom. So, I told my friends and they called the cell number, at first I thought it was another friend that picked up. The person hung up, so I called again and I asked "who is this?". I told him "ypu have my cell phone and I want it back." The guy started cursing at me calling me a B***CH, and a whore. So, I want to one of the officers at my school and he gave me a dumb form to fill out. So, I kep calling he kept hanging up. This happened for 20 minutes. Then, my friends called and try to reason with him but he hung up. Then, I called my mom and she came to pic me up cuz I missed my bus looking for my cell and the guy who had it. Anyways, my mom is pissed she called me clumsy, but hey I don't blame her. Anyways, she calls my cell and its busy. She calls again and again, guy pics up and is like "who the F**K is this" to my mother. So, my mom had to go to work so she called me to find customer service # for verizon. She gets the phone turned off so no one can use it. Anyways, I filled out the form and I'm gunno see if we can get it tracked cuz it's a new model and I want it back, I've had it for less than 3 months and I just basically, just lost the most important Christmas present I got from my mom for 2005. Usually, she buys me clothes so I was surprised when she bought me a cell. Anyway, I filled out the lost/stolen form. I hope I can get it back. But, I'm still pissed I mean
#1. why would you steal someone's cell? You can only use it atleast three days w/out charging.
#2. Sooner or later there gunno want it back and when u refuse they'll get it caught off, so you can't use it anymore.
#3. They can just get it tracked so you'll be in more trouble for not returning it willingly, even annonymously, rather than having someone to come and pry it out of your hands. Well that's it, you know sometimes I want to trust everyone, but its circumstances like this that make you lack trust in people. But, not everyone is bad, so peaceout!
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Oh ya
Sorry bout the earlier post I knew the disk wouldn't open at my house so I stored the info in my otaku so I could access it when I got home.
oh ya I got some news for y'all I AM HOOKED ON NARUTO!
It's my friends fault. One my friends she was hooked on it in 9th grade or maybe before that. Anyways, this year in 11th grade another one opf my friends got hooked on it. Then she told me too watch (borrowed episodes 1-36) from a guy friend of ours and now I love NARUTO!
wELL i GOTTA go continue my history work got BCR to right, bummer. Cya round
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1. Louisiana Purchase 1803: Napoleon took Louisiana from Spain and later he wanted to sell it so he asked for an offer. Thomas Jefferson sent James Monroe and Robert Livingston to buy the Mississippi area, but instead Napoleon just sold all of Louisiana to the U.S. for $15 million dollars, much cheaper than it should have been. This doubled the size of the U.S.
2. Embargo Act 1807: created neutral trade with France and Britain in effort to have them see how important American trade is and for both Countries to respect America’s neutrality. The Embargo Act ended up hurting American merchants since they weren’t being paid.
War of 1812: Yes, I would have declared war on Great Britain. After the war of Trafalgar France decided to attack Britain with his allies. This resulted in the British blockading trade. The blockade was not good for American shipping, furthermore, British impressments of American sailors and the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair. The war ended in stalemate and produced the Treaty of Ghent; both countries come to a compromise.
3. Monroe Doctrine 1823: Basically, U.S. told Europe “stay out of our business and we’ll stay out of yours.” U.S. was no longer open to European colonization and they wanted no part in European affairs and they wanted Europe to stay out of American affairs. Going against this would cause danger to their safety.
The impact of the Monroe Doctrine: kept France and Spain out of the U.S. It also caused Latin Americans to cause a bitter resentment towards the U.S. This policy stood for over a 100 years. It has become the basis of our foreign policy today because we don’t want that much war with other nations except when we are being threatened then we have to consider going to war with other countries and as such we need allies.
4. Westward Expansion: The Louisiana Purchase made the expeditions of Louis and Clark (1804) and Zebulon Pike (1821) made it possible to expand to those territories, therefore they people could expand west to those areas.
The American people and economy benefited from this because they no longer had to be confided to one area and the economy grew as people moved to the west.
The American system: addressed the issues of
Protective tariffs: whether or not people should support high tariffs to protect American Industries.
Federal revenue: maintenance for high public land prices.,
Bank of U.S.: Stabilize the currency and rein in risky states and local banks.
Roads and canals: system of internal improvements, connect the nation, financed by tariffs and land sale revenues.
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Been Awhile
Well so far school sucks, and life sucks. Got report card on Monday, my parents are very disappointed in me.
Ap English 11-A -->boring
Anatomy and Physiology-A --> okay
Honors College Algebra-c -->hate the teacher, he can't teach.
Ap U.S. Hist-B --> Not fun
Honors Spanish IV-A --> It's cool
GT physics-B --> I hate it cuz it has math
Honors Trig-D --> same teacher I have 4 college algebra.
Ya basically sh'e pissed about the C & D and now i gotta work harder if I want to go the Ap Calculus next year. i got a lotta owrk right now I'm doing a chracter sketch (write about boring historical people), then I gotta write 2 presidential outlines. I got 2 quizzed tomor (coll alg and hist). I just remembered I gotta do my anatomy h-work (crap). But hey I'm gonna read Tale of the body thief-by: anne rice. But i gotta write a 10 page report on the controversial author. So that's not fun. Plus my frond wants me to get like 9 books for her, so ya got work and it aint cool. Been ranting for awhile. Well cya round. Peace out!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Well school's 2 hours late today and I have to go to second period, total bummer because I hate my english class. Were gunno skip second which is the only class I like today. Boring schedule.
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Monday, December 5, 2005
Good Day
Today actually isn't that bad. When I woke up I was pissed cuz of no snow. But then after my third period class when I heard we were closing an hour early I was so happy because I really hate Trig and I hate my math teacher even more. The snow was beautiful I hope we don't have school tomorrow or atleast a 2 hr delay. I'm suppose to update fanfics and start a new story but I'm too lazy. Not to mention my parents and little sis are home and its only a matter of time before they start to bug me. Well I gotta go make some fries for my lil sis. Talk to y'all soon.
Check it out I changed my bg and profile pic.
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
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Well it's another Saturday and I'm bored out of my mind.I've already found some pics I need for my a project I'm doing with my friend.
So far I did chores, lots and lots of chores and I still have more to do.My mom got pissed cuz I took a nap instead of fold the clothes but she'll get over it.
Well have fun everyone and Peace out!
Do NOT delete anything past this point, thanks ^___^ Enjoy the blog!

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Thursday, December 1, 2005
Well I changed my Gb, I love white tigers.
Been awhile, school sucks this year. All the good teachers are gone and now we have the crappy ones and I can't help but feel like they're setting us up to fail. I got interim it was bad. Got E in Trig. Got report card, parents weren't to happy had 2 C's, first time I had C's in high school. Now my parents arethrowing a fit like its all my fault. Atleast I still have my friends to distract me so I won't die of boredom. I'll try to update more. Happy b-lated turkey day.
Peace out!
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