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Home, School, anywhere and everywhere, sometimes just locked up in my mind daydreaming.
Member Since
Real Name
Good at school. Got too much awards to name.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Fushigi Yugi, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Inyuasha, Shaman King, Angelic Layer, One Piece, Digimon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Card Captor Sakura, Vampire Hunter D, Megaman, Gundam Wing.
Staright A's, Graduate at top of my class, go to great college, I also wanna find a cure for aids, become a virologist, or biotechnologist, have money to by want, and to just be successful in all that I do.
Watching t.v., reading books, comics and mangas I find very interesting, and writing stories (mainly fanfics).
Very Creative, wild imagination, poetry, stories, draw landscapes.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
School Sucks
chuggA chuggA chuggA choo-choo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MORE later.
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
September 15
TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY ISN'T THAT AWESOME. I'M SO HAPPY. I TURN SWEET 16, but I'm not celebrating until next week saturday but its only with my family. When I turn 21 and graduate from college that's when I really celebrate.I got a purse, (something that will remain nameless) from my mom. My dad gave me a $50 check. My friends Maria, Shrusti, Abby, Ransel, and Nancy wished me a happy birthday, even my little 5 year old sister wished me happy b-day. Got a card from Therese, a pretty blue shirt from Ransel. A purse and bracelet from Abby. WELL HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE WHO HAS THE SAME B-DAY AS I DO AND EVERYONE BORN IN SEPTEMBER AND ALL THE VIRGOS AND EVERYONE ELSE.Peace out!
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Friday, September 9, 2005
NO feel goood
I don't feel good cuz I got a sore throat, I'm coughing and I got a snuffy nose, and I back ache yet I still came to school. Well peace out y'all.
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Monday, September 5, 2005
Work & Play
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Well I'm bored again as always.
I still have homework to do.
I'm taking breaks in between so i won't be bored to death.
I gotta read a fanfic, and then get back to work.
Comment Plz, peace out.

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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Been Awhile
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I think its safe to say its been awhile since I updated. Well today was the last episode of Shaman King and I hardly got to watch it cuz of my mom.
Well I got alot of work to do, men I hate school. I wasn't even that excited about going back in the first place.
I gotta do my English and U.S. history homework. Then I have to update my stories on quizilla and winglin, plus I need to start some new ones.
I'll see y'all around. Peace out!
Do NOT delete anything past this point, thanks ^___^ Enjoy the blog!

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Thursday, September 1, 2005
Well I'm in homeroom right now and I have an assembly second period which sucks because I like my B2 class which is Spanish 4 its the only class I like this year. I'll see y'all later. Peace out.
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Back to School
I know its been a really long time since I've updated and I'm sorry. Anyways tomorrow is back to school for me. I have to science classes Human Anatomy & Phisiology and GT Physics. Two math: Homors College Algebra & Honors Trigonometry. Honors Spanish 4, GT/AP English 11, AP U.S. History. So bascally I have a no fun schedule for this year. Good luck in school you guys and wish me luck too. Peace out.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
School Work
Well I'm bored and I still have 1 book to read and I have four more chapters from the second book I'm reading. I'm tired so I'm just gunno read the summaries on google. But I still got notes to take and my mom is all you better finish it on time because by the time its all done it'll be back to school. Anyways my step bro is coming on thursday haven't seen him since I was 12. Sometimes we get along and sometimes we don't. And since I haven't seen him for awhile I have no idea if were gunno get along. Anyways I gotta go do some work and find something fun to do while I'm at it. Oh ya I'm redecorating my walls putting new stuff on it.
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Well its been like a month since I updated. My summer is going well. Got my report card my 4th quarter grade was good got straight A's my final grade I got one "B". My finally exam grade sucked got E in math, D in Nutrition and Foods and CIP 1, A in chem, B in English, C in Health and Tech. My mom is pissed off about my final exam grades so she wants to talk to my teachers when we return to school. She also has me on a studying plan. I have to take lots of notes, she wants to see those notes and we are gunno review the notes together. Wierd thing is I studied for math exam but not chemistry. OH well. Besides that my summer is goood.
Been watching lots of movies, read books, slept and watched tv a lot.
Anyways I saw that some places in London were bombed and since I have family members living there the first thing my parents did was call them to see if they were ok. Luckily they are but my aunt said a car blew up right in front of there's.
I really wish this whole war and terrorist bombing thing will just end so peace will return.
May God be with every single one of us.
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
School's Over
Well last day of school was yesterday for me. And now I'm bored and I have nothing to do. I have to read three books and take notes on them.
So I'm gunno read The Scarlet letter something that has to do with Adultery. I'm gunno read Moby Dick cuz I've heard about it and never read it so I gotta find out why people like it so much. I also have to read the Bluest Eye or Sula my friend says the Bluest eye is a good book. So I think I'm gunno choose that one.
Another book I want to read is Harry Potter and the half blood prince.
I've read the last 5 books and say the last three movies and I loved them. But I kind of hate the third one cuz the diresctor cut too much from the book so I was kinda pissed off cuz some of the plot didn't make sense if you compare it to the movie.
Anyways I wanna read book 6 cuz I gotta find out who in the world the half blood prince is. But I have to either check it out from public library or wait until school resumes.
I'm probably gunno have to wait because my mom isn't very fond of HP she only bought the movies because my lil sister loves them. Which is only because I got her hooked on the first two.
Well see y'all later. Have a great summer and as always peace out.
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