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Home, School, anywhere and everywhere, sometimes just locked up in my mind daydreaming.
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Good at school. Got too much awards to name.
Anime Fan Since
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Escaflowne, Fushigi Yugi, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Inyuasha, Shaman King, Angelic Layer, One Piece, Digimon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Card Captor Sakura, Vampire Hunter D, Megaman, Gundam Wing.
Staright A's, Graduate at top of my class, go to great college, I also wanna find a cure for aids, become a virologist, or biotechnologist, have money to by want, and to just be successful in all that I do.
Watching t.v., reading books, comics and mangas I find very interesting, and writing stories (mainly fanfics).
Very Creative, wild imagination, poetry, stories, draw landscapes.
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Changed bg from yue to yyh hope y'all like it.
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English, Math and Spanish Final Exams
So today I had my English and Algebra 2 final exam I think I failed the Algbra 2, at first it was easy but then it got harder by the end I didn't know what I was doing anymore.
Well monday I have chem and world history final exams total bummers, men I hate them, the end of the school year would be more fun without the stupid exams anyway I have to study, my friend says it doesn't really help if you study for the chem its hard no matter what.
So I still have lots of work to do and only two days of school left I'm gunno go on wednesday cuz my mom's gunno make me do work at home anyway. I finally updated my HP fanfic on quizilla check it out my user name is yinh. Well cya later peace out Kc.
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
I'm so happy, at first I was pissed off cuz final exams start today, but then I find out we get out of school 2 hrs early due to heat. Yesterday we got out an hour early, so at 12:20 I'm outta here.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I kinda got sick last wednesday and I didn't start feeling better until the weekend.
Then I was ok yesterday but it got really hot so I turned on Air Conditioner and now I have a stuffy nose and sore throat but most of it is going away. And since I'm in school with a computer at my disposal and no work YET, I decided to update.
But I might not update for awhile cuz final exams start thursday until next tuesday. My final school day is wednesday. Hope I pass the final exams cuz if I don't my mom is gunno be pissed off and she's most likely gunno kick my butt.
I mean my final grade is gunno be A or B but she cares about the final exam. She compares everything to college and if everything was based on test I would fail the class (that's how she sees it). SO I gotta study HARD!!! Peace out Kc.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
A Very Disturbing Conversation
I have never been asked this question before and I hope it never happens again.
It started when I had to go pick up my lil sis from bus stop. I got there at 4:05 and when I got there this kid from my school came up to me and asked if I went to New Town. I'm like "yeah",he asks me "do u have a phone on u?" I'm like "no". He's like do u leave somewhere close, I say "back there" cuz I didn't wanna be speacific. I tell him "I'm waiting to pick up my lil sis." So he starts a conversation and asks me if I have a boy friend? I say no because I'm not looking for one right now. He's like because they'll distract you? I'm like yeah. He's like what if its a one date thing? I told him I wasn't sure.
Then after a second he tells me I hope u don't take offense to this but have u ever seen a D**K? I'm all shocked he even asked me that and I'm like "NO!" He's like are u offended? I'm like I'm not but some people might be (I'm used to people cursing and using offensive language so it doesn't really affect me anymore since all I here from student's mouth if F*** You amd stuff like that, but others aren't as ok with it as I am so they do take offense to it, plus I used to curse a lot in middle school but off course I'm already learning to stop before it becomes a habit).
Anyway He's asks me would u look if I showed u mine? "I'm like NO!" he asks why? I'm like cuz I don't want to. He's says "I'm sure you'd like it." By now I just can't believe this is actually happening so I just stop talking.
Then he's like u wanna change the subject. I say sure. He's like sure can mean anything. SO I tell him "YES CHANGE THE SUBJECT" Anyway after this conversation I didn't want him to use my house phone to call because 1. my dad was home
2. the concversation just really fricked me out, I never thought someone I didn't know to well would ask about something like that. But, I still didn't wanna be mean since he wanted to use it to call a friend to pick him up cuz he forgot his phone.
Anyway in the end I was saved and Thank GOD! What happened was I saw my classmate and asked the guy if it was her. He's like "where?" I'm like over there with the dog. He's like I'm gonno go "Holla at her", and I'm like "OK! SO my sister arrived at 4:15 and I walked home as fast as I could cuz I didn't want the guy stalking me. Besides that very awkward moment I had a good day. So peace out KC. And please give me advice on what to do next time if this ever happens again.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Fun then Work
Well I actually had fun this labor day for once. We went to a buffe that my pastor set up for his kids as a congradulations cuz one of its her 21st b-day and she's moving into her own house, the other he's moving into his house and the last one he finished one of his nursing classes so they celebrated and asked people to join in the celebration and we had to go because my pastor used to be my principal when I went to school in Nigeria.
Anyway I stuffed my self and by the time I got home I had a stomachache and a headache because my mom braided my hair earlier, then I got a backache but tat didn't last long. I got home and just watched t.v., but now I have to type 165 vocab words and I still have more work to do. Its to help me study for my final exams which starts next week thursday and this thursday I have a math test to take. So that's not cool. Hopefully this year I'll do better than last year. Well peace out KC!
I gotta get off to pick my sis up from the bus stop because my dad's too lazy to do it, and my mom already went to work.
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
Ok so I just changed my bg from shaman king to cardcaptors.
Right now I'm just surfing the net, nothing else to do. I already took a nap and watched some movies. But I gotta get off now before my mom gets home and pissed of that my sis trashed the house with her toys. SO talk to y'all later peace out KC.
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Friday, May 27, 2005
School , work, and survey
Ok I'm in Nutrition and Foods but now I'm in library cuz were not doing anything so I asked if I could leave and my teach said yes. But after this its CIP 1, I hate that class its soooooo boring. Then chemistry, which is a nightmare too much work. Then World History, but were gunno be in computer lab so that's ok. I took a survey check it out.
Ok so I'm pissed off I'm suppose to take Cip 1 test tuesday but I gotta take it now. So I didn't even get to study the fricken vocabs. Hope I pass it.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Well I'm done most of my homework so I'm just looking for a new avatar.
Oh I want you to read the words on the picture below and tell me what you think of it.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
This is something that's for girls only BOYS DON'T READ!
Did you know kissing is healthy
Bananas are good for period pain
Its good to cry
Chicken soup actually makes you feel
94% of boys would love it if you sent them
Lying is actually unhealthy
Only apply mascara to your top lashes
Its actually true, boys DO insult you when they
Its impossible to apply mascara with your mouth
89% of guys want YOU to make the 1st move
Chocolate will make you feel better!
Most boys think its cute when you say the wrong
A good friend never judges.
A good foundation will hide hickeys!..not that u
have any
Boys arent worth your tears
We ALL love surprises!!
Now.... make a wish!
Wish REALLLLLLY hard!!!
Your wish has just been received
repost this in the next 15mins and...Your wish
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