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myOtaku.com: Keatas

Monday, June 14, 2004

Cargdro: All Is Lost PART__1
Tyara stared up at her white ceiling still trying to focus her bright green eyes. She sighed and still tired got up to go downstair to break-fast. After she desended she sat down at the small brown table in the kitchen. She started when her mother spoke.
"You know just because school's out dosen't mean you can sleep in all day, I mean 1:00 is past lunch time!" Her mother stated.
"1:00!" Tyara screamed. She had 10 minutes ago to meet her friends in the park, and the park was all the way across town! "Gotta go." she said as she grabbed a couple pieces of toast and flew through the door.
As she ran she took a bite of her toast and found to her discomfort that they were both burnt. She threw them in the grass and continued her treck to the small park on the other side of town. When she finally arrived there she was panting and sweating.
"What the hell took ya so long?" Ashitaka asked her haughtily.
"Leave her alone you jerk. Can't you see she did her best to get here and is tired?!" Naomi said as she led Tyara over to a park bench to sit down. Ashitaka turned away and pretended to study a nearby tree. He brushed his hand through his hair, which was just as black as Tyara's. Naomi grunted and tossed her long blond hair over her shoulder.
"I love it when a girl gets a work out!" someone said from behind Tyara. She turned around to find Aubri grinning at her. She blushed and turned away from him. She hadn't know he was going to be here or else she would have worn something better than a plain tight blue t-shirt and black jeans. She sighed still blushing.
"So whats this meeting about? Some vampire or something?" Aubri asked.
"Yeah, it's about a vampire named Cargdro. We're gonna find him and kill him." Ashitaka said.
"Well talk about being blunt." Naomi said.
"Well thats what we're going to do. I'll be kind enough to elaborate on the subject. Cargdro is a vampire who dosen't just bite for food and that makes him a threat. Most vampires bite for food only now, but Cargdro bites for the pleasure of hurting people, and making them bound to him. Meaning he likes making people to where they have to do what he says. Meaning if he wants you to blow your arm off you can kiss your arm good bye while your blowin it off with a gun or something. Compeash? So thats why we're going to kill this son of a bit_h and get it over with." Ashitaka said.
"Wow so much anger...I'm impressed!!" Naomi said.
"Well he is curently in Atila so we have to go there and hunt him down!" Aubri said. Tyara looked at him in admiration.
"Lets get our asses in gear then" Ashitaka said, happy that no one had disagreed for once.
"We can all spend the night at my house so we can get up and leave early in the morning." Aubri said. *Wow I actually get to spend the night at Aubri's house, mabe even in his room!* Tyara thought to herself as they started walking to Aubri's house. She looked at the sky and just now relized it was starting to get dark. She sighed and continued walking.
When they finally arrived Aubri led them to his room."You girls can have the bed while Ashitaka and I bravely rough it on the floor from hell. That or we can group off in pairs. Tyara and I get the bed, and Ashitaka, you and Naomi get the floor." Aubri said with a teasing smile.
"You sick freak! I'm not sleeping anywere near Ashitaka especially not on the floor!" Naomi shrieked. Tyara blushed as she realized that Aubri had choosen her over Naomi, and in a joke suggesting they sleep together! She wondered why she even cared so much. A thought crept into her head, but she quickly dismissed it, after all how could she be in love?
It ended up that Tyara didn't get to sleep in the same bed as Aubri. She did, however, have to sleep next to her best friend, Naomi. It turns out Naomi snores. LOUD!!!

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