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Thursday, October 27, 2005
| Sorry I haven't been posting in awhile, busy busy with midterms and all, had my Japanese Midterms Monday and Tuesday, a verb conjugation quiz on wednesday, and a Kanji quiz today. Overwhelming? Yes, yes it is, but believe me, this is a cake walk compared to what's to come.
My dad called me earlier, and somehow, we have an $8000+ phone bill! Somehow in the past two weeks (since sept 14) I've use 3000 hours of phone time! I really don't understand how that's possible. On top of that some calls have been made/received while I've been in class! You might be asking 1 of 2 things:
1. "WTF? why is he calling people in class?!"
2. "Something isn't right here!"
If you're thinking 1, then you're terribly mistaken, I don't call or answer my phone in class, in fact most of the time it either doesn't ring or is on silent, some times even off!
If you're leaning toward 2 or some other random though along the lines of it, then you're right, something IS wrong, terribly wrong! Some calls have been made/received from places I didn't even know people from, and others, as I said, were made/recieved at times when I just wouldn't be doing it. Another possibility might be someone using my cell phone, which my dad was sure to yell at me about, but guess what, I go to a rich school where most people have cars worth more then my entire collection of worldly possesions, so they have their fancy-smancy cell phones! I don't let anyone use mine, and sure as heck haven't since I got here. I have hardly EVER left my cell phone in my dorm either, and I'm pretty sure that the couple (as in yes probably only around 2 occasions) the door has been locked, or my roomate has been here, and I'm pretty sure he would notice someone using my cel phone for an hour and a half that wasn't me! On top of that, I would've come back to class and caught the person of god's sake.
Some of these calls just make no sense, and, along with that, I think the cell phone company is doing something wierd. Since I got to D.C., my plan has been switched to not have roaming charges, well, that was about halfway through the billing period, and I lost all my roll-over minutes! Well, at the time before the plan was changed, I had a HUGE amount of rolled over minutes, as I hardly ever used my cell phone back at home. My guess is they are charging us as if I never had those minutes, and over used my minutes as if I was running off the standard amount.
I know this was really long but it's a really big issue, and my dad is on the phone with the cell phone company trying to convince them that there HAS to be something wrong here!
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Heheh Ghost Update!
| I finished my computer project earlier then expected so I took the extra time to finish and upload my TWO (yep I lied, there's actually TWO) last Cloud Tributes (for now). I hope you enjoy them, the special one is long so grab a seat and a favorite snack!
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Saturday, October 22, 2005
Long time, no post...
| Sorry for the lack of updates and post over the last few days, trouble in the Real World always seems to pull us back from MyO...
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I have postponed my release of my final Cloud Tribute to some time next week. Along with that, I won't be adding any more Graphical updates to my page for ahwile either.
My Japanese teachers are trying to kill my class! We have a 2 day midterm starting Monday and ending on Tuesday, then we have Kanji and Structure Drill quizzes Wednesday and Thursday!
So I'll get around to visiting sites and the like when I can, but it will be sporadic at best, sorry!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Hmmm everyone just really busy or what?
| I've noticed some strange things going on in MyO land lately. Usually, when I post things like a couple days ago, a crap load of people respond in comments and pms, but I've really only gotten those 3 comments.
At first, I simply just took it as people being busy or something, but then I started LOSING GB signings! I had 52 or so a few days ago, now I have 50. This boggled me at first, especially because I couldn't figure out who I lost, but then it became clear to me as I started going through friends sites. Not only have pillowsrock and synthetictears' gb signings disapeared, but their sites are locked too, and my buttons for their sites lead to an error message.
BunnieGirl was telling me that some of her firends' sites are gone altogether! Also, some of her posts have gone missing! Kind of eerie, but, being the nosey person that I am, I'm checking into it! If you have any info on what's been going on, please shoot me a comment or a pm, thanks!
Oh, as a side note, I've tweaked a few things on my page, and changed how a few of my nav buttons work.
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Yet another idea!
| I'm starting to run out of ideas for AMV/CGI Music Videos, and I personally suck a drawing so I will spare all of your eyes from bleeding because of my sorry excuse for anime. My 3rd part to my Cloud Tribute Trilogy will be out some time this week.
I'm going to once again open up the floor to you all - I have a couple ideas. I have been looking at the prospect of starting a comic strip/ manga. At the moment I was thinking about starting with something that can go basically anywhere I want - a tournament between Mario characters and the Sonic team. I already have tons of material for this one, and I'm sure I could do a lot with it. But there are other things- a FF7 manga/comic would be a little harder but might be viable or even a cross over of DBZ/mario/FF7! All the animation/pictures would be based off of sprites and animated gifs because of the abovestated lack of drawing talent on my part.
I'm not sure atm so that's why I'm asking you all? NEED FEEDBACK!
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
New CGIMV! Heavy Japanese Studying Ahead!
| My Japanese Mid-term grows ever closer, and we just got a fresh batch of Kanji to memorize! I'm already behind ebcause I didn't memorize the first sheet we got, and now it looks like I have double duty!
But, on a lighter note, I have just released my action pack sequel of my Cloud Tribute Trilogy! This one doesn't feature multiple slpiced songs, but I've refined my cgi clip handling. This one's more action packed and upbeat, so you fight gluttons will rejoice.
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
| Today I have reached my 50th Guestbook Singing and my 150th site visit! In honor of this, and of my new era of CGI movies, I have created rain for my page! I know it's not very big, but it's yet annother thing I have added.
Also, I brought back the friends list bar! It can be found in my buttons section! By the nature of the coding, it might now always have everyone, so my guestbook/quiz results pages will always be the most accurate source for my complete friends' list.
Anyway be sure to check out the Cloud Tribute if you haven't already, and thank you all again!
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New Movie, and No more classes for today!
| My government class got cancelled today because my prof. has the flu and it's raining here.
I am also pleased to announce my latest creation, my first CGIMV, "Cloud Tribute - In Honor of Redemption," The First of 3 CGIMVs honoring Cloud. This one is mostly about Cloud fighting to forgive and redeem himself for losing Aerith/Aeries. My first shot at CGI clip handling and song splicing. I hope you enjoy it!
Stay Tuned for the next two as well!
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Gas Leak!
| I was in Computer Science class today, and everyone in my class was acting sluggish and lethargic. My teach told us to talk among ourselves while he wrote some programming code on the board and even then no one said much. At first I thought maybe everyone was tired, but then I started smelling natural gas and it kept getting stronger. There is a lab a floor above us, and it really wasn't effecting me (I have a very low breath rate at rest so maybe that's why) but then half-way through class, just when our teacher was about to give out the secret to passing the whole class... the alarm goes off and we all had to evacuate the building!
At first, we were right in front of it because we thought maybe one of the construction workers working on the building may have accidently made the alarms go off, but then the wierd staff of the school that you never see until something bad happends (these guys are dressed like the Men in Black crossed with secret service agents!) came out and told us all to get back.
We proceeded to the lawn in front of the buidling and thought that was far enough away when the wind started blowing and the gas smell got stronger! To top it all off some idiot was walking around the side of the building with a lit cigarette! Well then DPS, the campus cops, showed up, followerd by the fire department, and that's when our teacher dismissed us.
Not wanting to stick around for obvious reasons, I came back to my dorm. I haven't heard any explosions so I assume the building didn't go poof on us.
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Quiz Time!
| It's time for another question, as I know it's been a while-
What was Mario's original name?
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