Drumroll please! *magically a drumroll sounds in your head*
Sorry for the trick question, but I wanted to see if all the arguments would be stated, and almost all of them have!
Super Saiyan 2: Many believe this is the height of Super Saiyan power for Half-Saiyans, especially considering no single Half-Saiyan has attained Super Saiyan 3 or higher.
Gotenks: I say "single" in the pervious argument because Gotenks can indeed reach level 3, but he is fused. There is a lot of vagueness here as Gotenks is still *genetically* a half-saiyan (both Goten and Trunks are half, therefore so is the fused version) UNLESS Saiyan DNA overtakes Human DNA when fusion occurs, in reality this doesn't hold up too well, but in the DBZ universe, many might agree, especially Vegeta, as he believes human DNA is "weak".
Now if this is the case, then why don't the fused forms of Goku and Vegeta ever go SS3? (they go 4 in GT) Some argue that a fused fighter can only go as high in SS as the lowest the two parent characters can go. In the Buu saga, for example, Goku can go SS3, but Vegeta could only go SS2, so the fused version Gogeta, or Vegetto (forget which one is for earrings and dance *hint on next question*) can only go SS2. Now we aren't entirely sure they even went SS2 in the Buu Saga, but we do know they at least went SS.
This also throws the power level arguement out of the window, unless Vegetto/Gogeta just didn't feel that going SS3 would be necessary or energy-effiecient. Barring that part, then Vegetto/Gogeta have a WAY higher power level then Gotenks, yet Gotenks can go SS3 and Gogeta/Vegetto can't which doesn't make much sense.
SS Mystical Gohan: This is a more rare argument, but has some grounds. Some state that if Gohan (the only unfused Half-Saiyan to ascend past the SS2 level) had trained harder between the Cell and Buu Sagas, that he would've been able to reach a "Mystical Super Saiyan" level upon attaining the power to reach Mystical from the Old Kai. In relative terms, a "Mystical Super Saiyan" is stronger then a SS3 by about 7-8 times! This estimation comes from the fact that the power level of Mystical Gohan is about 5 times of that of Super Saiyan 3 Goku. (here's my evidence among others http://www.myfavoritegames.com/dbz/power-levels(new).htm)
Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan 4 - An even less known argument, this is perhaps the most mysterious as it has no evidence whatsoever other than logic and theory. The rumor is that if a Saiyan reaches Super Saiyan 1, and still has their tail, then they can become a Super Giant Ape (the name of the the giant gorrila espaces me right now) After mastering the power of the Super Giant Ape, the Saiyan (or half saiyan maybe) can finally reach Super Saiyan Level 4.
The reason why this is only theory is because noone was able to go super saiyan while they still had their tail until GT. In fact the only Super Saiyan around while any of the Saiyans or Half-Saiyans had a tail was Broly, but he was not known of at the time. The main arguement against the Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan level 4 theory is that a Saiyan or Half-Saiyan must master the power asociated with levels 1-3 before being able to control the super ape form which unlocks level 4. This makes sense, as only Goku and Vegeta ever reach this level, Goku manages to reach all Super Saiyan levels, thus enabling him to become 4 after getting his tail back when being wished back into a child. Vegeta is able to master all the forms through help from evil forces (Babidi allows him to go and master SS2 and Baby-controlled Bulma brute ray allows him to go Super Ape and then ultimately SS4). Also, Goku is unable to stay fused with Vegeta at SS4 for very long, as his child body can barely sustain such power- this further solidifies the power level and Super Saiyan Mastery requirement for SS4.
I know this was long, but it can cause a lot of discussion among DBZ/GT fans, especially the hardcore ones.