I think Ive finally calmed down after that last post.... Sorry everyone... Il try not to snap like that again...
Today/Yesterday I saw Sweeney Todd...
It was awesome... All day I've been thinking how awesome it would be to live in some of the places in Tim Burtons films... (except Charlie and the Choclate factory if he even did that)
The only thing that sucks now is that I saw it by myself and none of my friends have seen it yet and theres several funny songs I want to show them that I cant because 1 song spoils alot of the movie since the whole movie is basicly a musical and if you listen to the soundtrack, youre like watching the movie with your ears because theres probably only 10 short scenes that arent spoken in a song but those have very minimal dialogue...
But yeah... It wasnt scarey but evferyone around me watching kept flinching everytime he cut someones head off and that was kinda annoying...
I mean hes only slitting their throats... whats so disturbing about that... you can stop whenever you want...
There was maybe 1 actual really gorey scene that I guess I could expect people to be disturbed by but im just weird ^^;
Im going to see it again tomorrow and bring my parents this time and a couple friends and make them watch because its not fun when your the only one singing a weird song thats suppose to be funny but no one recognizes and they dont know why =\
Well I guess that is all...
(if anyone else has seen it yet tell me because if enough people here have seen it then I want to post my 2 favorite songs xP...)
Also thank you people who commented on my last post... You guys really helped... this post might have been another of those last ones if you hadnt...