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• 1987-02-19
• The black Shadow Apartments
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• 2007-03-08
• Prince;
Real Name
• Keiichero
• Saving mine from imminent danger....
Anime Fan Since
• ....i was born
Favorite Anime
• Inuyasha
• To live a long happy life with Mine
• Being in love with Mine, and sword fighting
• Writing, sword fighting,
Monday, March 12, 2007
...human's are so strange.... I'm disturbed, and yet i can't help but smirk.
I stayed the night at a friend house, mine was there too... My Land Lady (Squeaker-sama) was there as well.
I had no where to sit, so i ended up leanigna gainst a wall while everyone was do stuff. I jsut stood there, and watched. Didn't get a wink of sleep, oh well. I wasn't teh only guy there, but i was liek the only person nto doing anything. Sesshomaru was there, and well, let's just say that i think he's rubbing off on Squeaker-Sama.
At around 2 am, Dracona, Squeaker, Kira, and Ty got in an argument over som human politic stuff. One thing i noticed was that squeaker was acting jsut like sesshoumaru during this. She had the "everyone can die for all i care" tone of voice, and pretty mcuh was saying jsut that. The humans (Dracona, Ty and Kira) couldn't see it, but wwhile Squeaker's human form (her "body" as we say) was acting all emo (but nto in a corner)....she ans sesshy... you don't wanna know... LOL...
Sesshomaru's got more amotion, so amybe they're good for eachother. Squeaker si a bit too emotional, and sesshy, well, we already know his problem...
Squeaker has officially made dracona tired of MCR, what with listenignt o it nearly 24/7. That's squeaker for ya, she's lsiten to the same song for hours jsut because she loves it. So, it only stands to reason that she'll listnen to the same 3 cds (MCR, FOB, FOB) for months before ever tiring of them. I think maybe as a gift i'll buy her Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, since she wants it so bad... ^^...
I was dragged hoem by squeaker at around 5 PM. So i was separated from my mine. Oh well. As it stands now, i'm okay. *hears a scream from the first floor* .... somethign tells me thay still haven't fixed the hoel in Sesshomaru's floor yet.... And somethignt ells me that Sesshomaru wasn't the one who fell through into squeaker's apartment this time. (Was msot likely Zolo)
Well, i have class tomorrow, i'm gonna go now, don't want to be late. I've got Mr.S tomorrow, he'll kick me out if i'm late. have a nice day!
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