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Monday, October 25, 2004
It's kinda random...
The Yin-Yang is balance symbolized
It isn't something everyone can recognize
They may not know exactly what it means
Here's the definiton...from the point in which I see
The Yin is the darkness that accepts the light
It is the passive half that uses Yang's might
The Yang is the active generating plane
The gives its strength to its Yin so that it may remain
Yin and Yang...dark and light
Together they are an awesome might
When they are together they create...but sometimes they destroy
Sometimes bringing disaster...other times Joy
You say what I speak is wrong...tell me this then
Is it wrong to have an opinion about balance...both Yang and the Yin?
-By: TJ Hairston(Me)
It's a poem on my Philosophy on the Yin-Yang...I know it's dumb but who cares right? Well that's all...catch ya later!
-Keiji AKA Kayin
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I'm back
I'm back from Virginia and the wedding went well. My little cousin(cousin's son) was the only thing that really made the whole adventure difficult...He is extremely hyper all the time, but then again he is only six years of age. I did my best to help my cousin control him...outside the wedding ceremony that is. He was actually pretty good becauses he wanted to be good for his "B-B" which is his granddad, the father of my cousin mentioned, and my uncle whose wedding I went to Virginia for.
My dad was exhausted from driving so I was late to school this morning cause we all slept in. Unfortunately...still no comp access at home...my uncle who is supposede to fix it forgot to pick it up on the Friday we left. What makes it worse is that he stopped past my house to feed Hunter(my dog) and he was to pick it up then...but then again he's gettin up there in age so it's not a big deal...but no matter what it's no big deal. Whenever he fixes it I'll be grateful to him for fixing it for me. I just hope he fixes it today lol. Well keepin my fingers crossed...Unfortunately haven't been drawing anything lately...my wrist is feeling weak again...Well catch you guys later...peace!
-Keiji AKA Kayin
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
I'm goin...
...to Virginia tomorrow morning...so won't be able to post here til Monday unless my uncle(not the one whose wedding I'm going to) fixes my comp. by Sunday night. Well, until then everyone...cya!
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
I'ma hopin...
...that my CPU will be up and running before I go to Virginia for my uncle's wedding...I'm way behind on my RP's on the OB....Still so very upset...and to make matters worse I feel like my whole upper right sector of my body is paralyzed...in a very painful way...That's enough outta me...cya! *waves gimpishly* Stupid arm....
-Keiji AKA Kayin
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Still enraged...
...but what can you do...The good news is my comp should be back up by next Monday...the bad news is....my comp won't be back on until next Monday...This makes me so mad...cause I can't Rp...can't talk to my friends...can't go to OB at all....damn school blocked it...I really miss my friends...GYAAAHHHH!!!! *punches nearby wall and puts a hole in it* Oh crap! *feels wrist break* Well guess I won't be able to type anything anyway...or at least not well. lol...that didn't work...I'm still ticked. I'm no good at cheering myself up...anyway I'm out peeps...I really miss all you guys...you know who you are...Cya!
-Keiji AKA Kayin
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Friday, October 15, 2004
CURSES!!! >.
MY CPU is down and I can't get on at home! So I can't even RP over the weekend!! I'm so pissed off right now...and so sad cause I can't talk to my friends....Well that's all til I go back to school on Monday...cya...
-Keiji AKA Kayin
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Bad news..I'm feeling ill again...same problem as before. IT just kinda died down and returned with a vengeance. Gotta go work on an English report...cya.
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
I'm not feelin too bad today...a bit better now. Thanks to everyone who cares and encouraged me to get better *hugs them*(You know who you are). Two more periods left once again. Study Hall is the only time I can get on MyO so that's why I'm always sayin 2 more periods. Anyway, no need to hunt me down Crucifx...I'm feelin better. Well Cya guys 'n' gals.
~Keiji AKA Kayin
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
I still feel like crap...and my dad's still makin me go to school...urk...Oh well...I'll just have to cope with it...*sighs* Well see you guys later....
-Keiji AKA Kayin
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a quiz result
I'm slightly confused but anyway...
 ~~~~-^ OPPOSITE LOVE^-~~~~
Your love is wierd. You suddenly fell inlove or have a crush on an enemy or someone you though you never date. You seem shy,silent,and nicer to that person. tip,so you like an enemy,oppisite always attrake.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
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