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Monday, August 22, 2005
Ah nostalgia...
I was watching SailorMoon R, The movie just last night because my kid sister went out to buy it with her dad.
Haha, I prefer the japanese and english subtitles over the dubbed version, the dubbed version just makes me cringe in pain.
My sister has started to clean up her things in the room and we're calling the moving people soon, she'll be out of here for Labour Day Weekend. *sigh*
The walls look so bare already, I wanna go buy some posters to cover it up. ^_^
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
What's up people? Heh. I haven't done that 'I love you' bit in a long time, so here's a nice reminder:
I love you all like a fish loves water!
Although... a fish can't be in anything but water. So it doesn't really have a choice... so I'm not saying I only love you guys because I don't have a choice. Because I don't. I mean. I do, but I just do.
Adore you guys that is.
Each and every one of you! *huggles everyone tightly*
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
Now for my second most meaningful post e'er.
Today is, the vietnamese version of Mother's Day, but since the temple is having its celebration today, we're going to celebrate today instead.
Basically it's called:
Le Vu Lan
Another important holiday today is:
Le Trung Tu
Which in itself consists of things like Mooncakes and stuff, because as you know yesterday was the fullmoon. This I think is called in English the August Moon Festival?
X_x Looking it up on google won't do you much... Because I can't find the proper accents on my computer to put on the words. *sigh*
So yep, we're going to go do that later today at 5 o'clock. Hopefully it'll make my mom happy and whatnot.
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Wellio dearies. Since last night, I've gotten into a discussion regarding a non-published book so far and I'm going to start reading it now. It's sorta, fantasy/action/adventure that sort of thing. =P
Well. Life is grand.
Guess what! Spend all day, that's right, all day, in front of a computer. And I mean all day. Didn't even stop for break, lunch, or a pee.
Me and my Ninja-loving accomplice spent the entire day editing and making executive decisions about Nick and Andy's media idea, while they went home.
So we stayed late after school to finish it.
Now it is done.
Tomorrow we shall attempt to get the losers to actually pull their weight and edit together the outtakes, which'll be nice and simple for them.
No fancy fading or complicated music timing neccessary.
Then later on, in the evening, there'll be an "Oscars-style" ceremony and prizes for the best production.
Methinks me and Roe should get away with "Most dedicated Editors", because we did it all by our lonesomes.
Oh well.
It looks fabulous. We managed to make something beautiful from a pile of crap.
AnE's hair looks fabulastic. I wish mine was that nice when it's short. She has inspired me to get something done to tame the madness, but I'm lacking in funds and the will to go to the hairdressers.
*insert long sigh*
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Well, yesterday I hung out with Annie and Ali, I never thought I'd have so much fun!
I just met Annie, Ali introduced us, and wouldn't you know it, she didn't intimidate me like I thought she would, she's actually pretty down-to-earth and nice.
Of course, being the ass I am, talked way too much... but points for me because I did the friend-making thing!
Haha. Anywho, we went to the Eaton Center, and shopped around for a bit then we went to see a movie at 3h00... wow, that place was so frickin' deserted!
We were the only three in the theaters and we had so much fun! At one point I really had to go... like, I really had to go. So I went out of the theater we were in and across the third floor...
All I can say is I've watched WAY too many horror movies. The worst part was that the effing bathroom had a long dark hallway behind the door before you got to the actual bathroom. The light flickered and the bathroom doors swung and it make retarded noises. I thought I'd end up in the papers:
"Girl dead, raped, in a deserted cinema bathroom"
*sigh* What a way to go.
The popcorn killed us all, we each got large combos... we were dead by the end of the movie.
We went to see Bad News Bears. Don't go to see it. No good.
It's the first time I've been in company of just asian people.
=D I think it was cool. We're going again to see the Brothers Grimm after I meet up with another girl, Lauren.
I wanna see how this turns out. Muaha.
I prolly scared them off with how chipper I was yesterday.
Small Bit: I thought this was hilarious...
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Heh. Look at that... I'm Selfish.... X.x
Bitch-Slap You are 0% Rational, 42% Extroverted, 71% Brutal, and 42% Arrogant. |
You are the Bitch-Slap, the hallmark response of any abusive husband!
You are more intuitive than others, focusing more on feelings than
rational explanations, and you are also probably very brutual because
you care more about yourself than the well-being of others. As most of
us know, brutality combined with emotion often leads to BITCH-SLAPPING,
which is why you are called "The Bitch Slap". (This does not mean you
are emotional, only that you are more affected by emotions than
rationality when making decisions.) Another trait you possess is that
you are very humble, which could mean you are insecure because very few
people are brutal AND humble. Not only that, but you are also rather
introverted, and any tendencies towards brutality you possess may also
result from the fact that you bottle up your emotions and don't show
them to others until you explode in rage. Most likely, however, you are
not a VIOLENT person, just someone who is rather selfish. At any rate,
being a bitch-slap does not necessarily mean you will abuse your
spouse; it only means you are rather intuitive, uncaring toward others,
brutal, introverted, and possibly insecure.
To put it less negatively:
1. You are more INTUITIVE than rational.
2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted.
3. You are more BRUTAL than gentle.
4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant.
Your exact opposite is the Braggart.
Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Schoolyard Bully, the Class Clown, and the Brute.
If you scored near fifty percent for a certain trait (42%-58%), you
could very well go either way. For example, someone with 42%
Extroversion is slightly leaning towards being an introvert, but is
close enough to being an extrovert to be classified that way as well.
Below is a list of the other personality types so that you can
determine which other possible categories you may fill if you scored
near fifty percent for certain traits.
Take the Test!
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Monday, August 15, 2005
"It's like rain, on your wedding day.
It's a free ride, when you've already paid.
It's good advice, that you just can't take.
And who would have thought, it figures."
Sorry, but this random burst of song proves that I am in a good mood and actually happy once again.
I just went through a slight rough patch with a person (who shall remain nameless) who made me feel like a complete ejit and fool. But now I am over it.
I have deleted every shred of her from my hotmail inbox and am completely over her.
I was talking to Patrick last night, he was giving me all crap advice, as if it wasn't happening before I told him, like I was new to it. But I'll let it slide, no matter how camp and fashion conscious he gets, he'll always be a guy.
I have vast amounts of Nesquik to be getting on with, so I must leave.
"It's like ten thousand spoons, when all you need is a knife."
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Shit. It's permanent.
My mom will be happy and carefree and meek forever. She'll start giving me money and letting me go out more. Holy crud. This isn't right. This isn't my mom. I miss my mom.
I can't take her money. My conscience is going to kick in over time. This isn't me. It's so... abnormal!
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
=D For starters, yesh. These are all my creations. I used Photoshop Adobe 7.0 by the way.... ^^
I've been having really good/great dreams lately! *giggles* I'm happy I'm even having dreams, makes me less moody in the mornings I find.
The dream I had two nights ago had to do with a fellow classmate I had, who's uber cute. But I used to give him such hell... *sigh* I think he hates me. =P We all had that, "I'll give you shit, but we're still friends" thing going on. Haha.
The dream last night... er... this morning? As I was slipping in and out of consciousness was a hold-up in a concert hall. I dunno, apparently I was to make everyone escape in the back exit which lead downstairs or something, but I was so short no one listened to me.
Are they trying to tell me something? T_T
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Friday, August 12, 2005
You know what? I'm going to change the stupid theme again. It's pissing me off. I don't want to get stressed looking at my own page! It's ridiculous! I see math enough because I have to tutor it, but on my own blog? Ok. I'll put it back up when I'm IN school. I'm driving myself up the wall with it. *mutters incoherent things*
Anywhooo.... I'm playing around with my brushes alot nowadays. The new theme will just be my brushes and my name! ^^ I lurve it.
Tutoring today at noon. Wish me luck. I'm on my way to having conniption fits because nothing is getting through to the dang kid. X__x
Haha... Everywhere you turn, it's me in some form or another... aren't you scared? *grins*
Wow. This is vain! I might change it later on if I make something better. Hehe...
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