myOtaku.com: Keiko Inchihara
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Wai! Hello all you loverly people!
Nothing much has happened since I've been gone that one day... My site theme changed though-- Qui aime le nouvelle theme?
It's a drastic change from the greys and whites I had on though hm?
Anywhoo... I watched "My Fair Lady" yesterday night, it's the movie that was featured on that "Movie Night in Canada" CBC presentation.
And now... The newly installed one time, and maybe will be continued.... Poetry Corner!
[My Muse]
My pen lies in its case, forgotten
My paper lies on my desk, dusty
Proof of an art I’ve forsaken
Evidence my skills have gotten rusty
Elven finery, jewels and gems
Seasonal treasuries,
Of trees, branches, stems.
A few thoughts that never stay,
Some of which I think of, every day.
No inspiration is causing mentality to break
Light no longer shines,
Darkness no longer looms
No more myths, legends, stories
No tales of impending doom.
Faith has been lost.
Frustration causes stress to reign
A period of nothingness,
Forever leaves a stain.
Find me, my muse
For I’m lost without you
I’m on my knees pleading
I am falling without truth.
An excerpt from my latest poem... "My Muse".
EDIT: I got 10 LOTR songs from the soundtrack! I'm completely and utterly in love with it!
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