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under the pile of chibi plushies
Member Since
Real Name
Crystal the Wonderful
Gained a lot of friends, learned to be an Anime artist, and learned the ways of kicking someones butt! lol
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, One Piece, Blood lust, Yu Yu Hakusho,
To try and stay quiet for more than a minute! XDD
Drawing, reading,being jk
Singing, drawing, poetry
Konichiwa!My name's Crystal but I'm more refered commonly as Keiko.I've never been on this site before but my best friend Meghan(genkai-master) showed me the site one day at school.I'm in High School,but still..We both love Anime,so yeah.I'm pretty good at drawing,but don't expect any pic.Stupid scanner..>____<' i know sad isn't it? lol anyway please sign my Guest book and Pm me anytime you want!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Keiko and her Bad Boy Plus Yori and Deidara!! XD
"Be my bad boy Be my man,
Be my weekend lover, but don't be my friend"
Keiko listened to the Cascada song for a moment. 'Ung.... I wish I could stop falling for the bad boys.' she mentally groaned before grudgingly turning her attention to the confusing assignment at hand.
Yori sighed and turned the radio off as she flopped back on her bed. "Keiko?" she began looking at the slightly older girl.
Keiko looked up relieved to have a distraction that didn't make her brain hurt. "Yes?" she prompted putting her assignment in the book for now and turning the computer chair away from the desk. "How did you know? I mean how did you know that you'd stopped loving Shino?" Yori clarified at her raised eyebrow.
Keiko sighed worrying her lip contemplating how she should explain it. "Well.... I wouldn't say I stopped loving him. I stopped being in love with him. I realized it when my heart didn't race when he smiled at me, and when in battle I no longer worried for his as much-of course I still cared but I consentrated more on the , battles, and keeping you safe. I never stopped loving him.... I merely accepted that we would never be together." she told her as she found the words.
Yori closed her eyes. "I think I've fallen out of love with Gaara.... He used to make my knees tremble with just a look, used to make my heart race.... Now I just love him as a friend." she sighed quietly.
Keiko nodded remembering the song."I think you're ready to let your bad boy go. Eh, maybe find yourself a good guy?" she added in question.
Yori blushed. "I've never cheated on Gaara!" she shouted.
Keiko couldn't help but chuckle. "Never said you did. I just meant that that's probably what you want. A nice stable guy who goes to college-preferably with us for all the reunions-and has hopes of being a doctor or lawyer or business man-Maybe just someone who'd help you with the restaurant without complaining. You want the husband, the little house, the kids..... You want a normal ningen life." she concluded wishing she could want the same.
Yori stared at her. "Am I that obvious? Does it make me boring? I mean Gaara is loyal, funny, exciting.... he makes everything a big BANG! And I just want someone who I can talk to and cuddle with without youkai coming up in conversation." she sighed.
Keiko shook her head. "Hardly. It makes you sane Yori. And besides it's better you do this now before you hurt him more." she replied standing as she grabbed her knap sack and stuffed the hated calculous book inside before leaving.
Keiko bit her lip and walked faster as she felt familiar eyes on her wanting to avoid the confrontation she knew would ensue.
"Hn. Absolutely pathetic onna.... You obviously have no sense if you think you can out run me." Hidan sneered as he appeared next to her matching her pace almost mockingly.
Keiko glared. "Why do you even care? Or is your life so miserble you have to come and mock me just for cheep thrills? Or maybe this has become like sex for you due to your short comings?" she shot back sick of listening to his insults.
Hidan snorted. "As if the thought of a pathetic ningen onna like you could arouse me in the slightest. As for lack of sex you're hardly one to talk.... A twenty-two year old virgin." he mocked.
Keiko went cherry red. "You-Well at least I get offers! When was the last time you had a woman come on to you!" she yelled ignoring the voice in the back of her head saying she wouldn't mind making an offer of her own.
Hidan smirked. "I get them all the time. And the baka's sister had no complaints." he stated leaving out the fact that that had been a year before he'd met her.
Keiko couldn't help the pang of hurt. "Don't insult Kankuro! And I doubt Gaara would apreciate you talking about him like that!" she rounded on him.
Hidan's smirk only became more pronounced. "Run out of insults already? I thought you had at least a little more intelligence than that." he insulted her again.
Keiko whirled around. "You are nothing but a maniacal, egotystical, self indulgent, over compensating, little-" she roared.
"We've reached your apartment, or are you too incompetant to even realize that?" Hidan cut her off before disappearing.
Keiko growled and ran inside jumping onto her bed after slamming the door. She screamed into her pillow for a few minutes before getting up to turn on the radio.
"Be my bad boy, be my ma-"
Keiko growled and turned it off. "Stupid song." she muttered.
Keiko patted Deidara on the shoulder as Yori aproached. "Just ask her out! You've been crushing on her forever!" she hissed.
"Yorimura-san! Hey I uh heard that you and gaara-san broke up awhile ago-not that I'm trying to pick you up on the rebound-And that probably sounded awful to even mention! But I was wondering if you know-Y-youmight want to maybe-Only if you're ready-" deidara stumbled over his words fidgeting and looking down at his feet.
Yori giggled softly and held up a hand to silence him. "It's perfectly fine deidara-kun! Gaara and I broke up 6 months ago. Hey you still have my number from that psyche project we did awhile back.... Give me a call. And call me Yori." she replied winking at him as she walked away.
Deidara went redder than Hidan's eyes and nodded vigorously smiling in awkward embaressment at Keiko.
Keiko patted his shoulder and followed Yori. "Found your good guy?" she teased knowing she'd get a positive answer.
Yori blushed. "Maybe.... He is sweet." she mumbled.
Keiko chuckled. "Poor guy.... Would have died of M.M.E.H. if you hadn't told him to call you." she stated with a look of seriousness.
Yori arched an eyebrow. "What is M.M.E.H.?" she asked curiously.
Keiko smirked remembering how her friends had explained what it meant. "Massive Male Ego Hemoraging." she answered with a wicked glint in her eyes.
They burst out laughing.
Yori smiled. "You have that calculous test today don't you?" she questioned.
Keiko groaned and looked down feeling like all traces of laughter were being forcibly sucked out of her. "Don't remind me." she grumbled.
"Cheer up it's only one test." Naruto told her as he appeared next to them.
Yori jumped. "Why do you guys always do that? I'm going to die of a shock induced heart attack one of these days." she complained.
Keiko glowered but hadn't jumped having grown accustomed to the sudden appearances and disappearances of her youkai friends. "Easy for you to say Mr. I'm so perfect, I have the brain of a legendary fox spirit who knows everything." she growled.
naruto smirked with amusement dancing in his eyes. "Well shall we?" he joked offering his arm to Keiko as they reached the door.
Yori grinned. "Good luck Kags!" she chimed waving at them.
Keiko grumbled darkly ignoring naruto's arm and walked in.
Keiko beamed in excitement as she came out of class-after Naruto of course-having aced the test. "Nothing could ruin this moment!" she sighed in happiness.
"It was just a test. You act as if it's meaningful." Hidan interterjected.
Keiko sighed this time in annoyance. "Why must you suck the life out of me?" she groaned wanting nothing more than to go talk to Yori and forget about the infuriating sexy apparition.
Hidan ran the sythe through her hair. "Because infuriating you is amusing." he stated simply.
Keiko imediately glared at him. "You are such an asshole! You think that you can just fuck with my life to get your jollies?" she demanded.
Hidan pinned her in place with his stare and ran a finger over her parted lips. "Yes." he answered disappearing.
Keiko blushed and then began to curse under her breath as she walked to Yori's all traces of her good mood gone.
Keiko flopped on the couch next to Yori closing her eyes wordlessly groaning. 'Why does he derive so much joy out of making me miserable?' she thought.
Yori patted her shoulder comfortingly. "Test go badly?" she inquired.
Keiko shook her head. "Aced it.... Had a run in with everyone's favorite spikey headed, egotystical, over compensating, idiotic-" she started her rant already getting angry again.
Yori smiled with amusement. "He's not that bad. Besides I'm pretty sure he likes you." she cut her off.
Keiko shook her head. "As if! He hates almost all ningen-Me especially-and he has no problem letting everyone in the world know that..... Why do I always fall for the bad boys?" she sighed closing her eyes tightly remembering all his harsh words to and about her.
Yori giggled. "Did you seriously just refer to Hidan as a "bad boy"?" she asked with laughter in her voice.
Keiko blushed and threw one of the couch cushions at her laughing friend. "Okay! I know he's a youkai but c'mon! He is the ultimate good girl indulgence; Dark, dangerous, brooding, -and yes I know it's an attack-on his arm, spikey silver hair, I-don't-give-a- attitude, and a normal mother's worst nightmare.... Give him a motorcycle and we'll do a photo shoot for "Bad Boy Weekly"." she snorted sarcastically yet the slightest tinge of desire in her eyes.
Yori only laughed harder. "Don't let him hear you say that." she warned.
Keiko rolled her eyes. "So has your good guy called?" she teased with a smile remembering why she came over.
Yori blushed. "Maybe...." she trailed off.
Keiko grinned. "What did he say?" she questioned.
Yori smiled. "Not much.... But he asked me to go out with him tonight." she admitted shyly.
Keiko clapped her hands together and squealed. "Awww.... Bet it's going to be somewhere romantic! Come on let's get you ready!" she yelled pulling her into the bedroom.
Keiko grinned at her handy work as Yori stared at her reflection before handing her a clutch bag. "You look great!" she complimented.
Yori blushed. "You picked the outfit...." she mumbled.
Keiko shrugged. "True. But that doesn't change the fact that you look fabulous! Well I'll leave you to it!" she called over her shoulder.
Hidan eyed her with a gleam in his eyes as she left before following.
"Oh would you just come and ruin my mood already so we can get this over with?" Keiko moaned.
Hidan stalked forward. "Hn. That seems to be what you like." he commented dryly.
Keiko flushed hoping he hadn't heard them. "Hardly! You act as if you know me!" she shouted feeling uncomfortable as his close proximity began to affect her.
Hidan smirked and pinned her against a tree. "Oh but I do.... Baka onna." he grunted stroking her hair.
Keiko blushed. "Ego maniac!" she growled.
Hidan forced her to look him in the eye. "But that's what you like.... I'm your "good girl indulgence."" he mocked crushing his lips to hers in a demanding kiss.
Keiko gasped.
Hidan's tongue rushed in to taste her sweet cavern claiming and committing every detail to memory before finally letting her breath.
Keiko panted her cheeks a light shade of pink. "So what does this mean?" she asked him as he backed away.
Hidan snorted. "Isn't it obvious? You're my onna. And I'm your "bad boy."" he added rolling his eyes at the last part before disappearing.
Keiko smiled knowing he was still close. "I can't seem to stop falling for bad boys." she mused turning to walk home.
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Monday, February 11, 2008
good news everybody! i don't need my crutches anymore! yay! my foot is looking a little better but the brusis are not going to go away for months! >< that's the bad news. ugh oh well at least i have my two bestest friends in the whole world to be by me...actually a lot includiong hidan and the akatsuki and yori and shino and kiba..naruto tied up....* coughs* well uh that's all for now!
* runs off*
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Sunday, February 10, 2008
Hey everybody thanks for the thoughts and prayers! My foot is getting a lot better. the swealing has went down a lot and no more pain. ^^
Thank you all so much! i love you all lots!
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