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• keitaro-fan
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• 1993-01-20
• someplace on the map
Member Since
• 2006-07-05
• school
Real Name
• Only me and my peeps know!
• reaching up to 73 mangas and playing in the band at school and first watching anime!
Anime Fan Since
• a long while ago
Favorite Anime
• D-Gray Man, DEATH NOTE, Bleach, Naruto, Spiral, Black Cat, Love Hina(of course), Negima, xxxHolic, Tsubasa Resevoir Cronicles, Genshiken, Kubijiki Unbalanced, Zatch Bell, Yu-Gi-oh
• coninue to like anime for the rest of my life and reach a goal of 125 mangas, to get into college and continue to get good grades.
• playing the flute and watching anime reading mangas
• playing music, and making up interesting stories, drawing spoofs of my favorite anime scenes with stick people.
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when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against's policy
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Guestbook Entries:
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Kimihiro Watanuki (07/28/07)
cool site. xxxholic rules! i'll add you. check my site out one day and sign my gb.
Lazy Cloud (07/26/07)
Hey! cool site!I love it Hope we can be friends^^ I'm going to add u if u don't mind^^
-Lazy Cloud
P.S.I'm Sakura hime's cousin^^
sparkle 078 (07/22/07)
yay! xxxholic fan! i love it so much. even more than tsubasa. btw, i love your site! hope you can visit mine!
ja ne
LAURA-CHAN (07/21/07)
thx for adding me and visiting my site! luv ur bg its beautiful!!! adding u as well!
Knight Edge (07/08/07)
Hey there, sorry about this random guestbook signing I guess I am boring but hey at least you are getting another one to your collection right? Anyway drop by my site and sign mine as well when you have a chance. Thanks. Later
ItachiFan101 (07/07/07)
v ur site.U me and I AM SO ADDIN U!!!!!
Souxie (07/03/07)
omg!! love ur bg!! get backers kicks ass.
adding you
TrustMeImANinja (06/20/07)
Bwah! Randomly found you! I like yer sitey, Death Note rox meh sox! =3
Drop me a line!
Toy Master Near (05/30/07)
If you like Death Note check out my friends list. There's also Light, Misa, Matsuda, L, Matt, Mello, Sayu and...more I'm sure.
PM me anytime ya want.
KuroYUKIrou (05/29/07)
Hi, Keitaro-fans! good to see you!^._.^ thanks for signing my gb 1st.
your site is very dark and mysterious!love that! I think you are DeathNote-holic ^._.^
good choices of wallpaper,postbox,avatar,etc. I like L better than Raito ^._.^
I watched the movie! it's cool!
I don't read the manga, well,many reasons I can't tell.
You're so mysterious! based on your profile. But I like the way you post about your friends. You must be a good caring friends. Gee, your friends are lucky to have youas their friend. I'll add you happily as my new friend! Tomodachi ni narini mashou!
You've collected more mangas than me! Whoa, I envy you.
You can play flute? WONDERFUL!
I can't play musical instrument ~_~
Playing in band is cool. GREAT JOB!
Hope you always get good grades!
(pray for you)
PM me anytime, but please forgive me if I can't reply it directly after I received the message.
See you around!
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