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College Student and Disney Store Employee... AND Being me! ^_^x
Real Name
Keitorin or Keito-chan or Kei-sei
Drawing, singing, dancing
Anime Fan Since
About fourth/fifth grade
Favorite Anime
Too many. Mainly Rurouni Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, and Gensomaden Saiyuki.
Surviving college... -_-;
Drawing, reading, singing... lots of things
Drawing, singing, acting, playing instruments, lots of things
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
I turned 18 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH ME! I had an awesome time with my friends! First we went to lunch at Perkins, then to the OC library for a Harry and the Potters concert, (I got a shirt and they signed it!!!!!!!!!!, then dinner at Hana (Japanese resturant... duh, look at the name), and finally Scary Movie 4! The only bad thing was that one of my best friends, Dai-zu, couldn't come because her boss is gay. She called her this morning to tell her that she needed to work after requesting off. Isn't that retarded? Oh well. AH! I'm so happy. I got fun gifts. My friend Meg-chan drew me our joint-custody British husband, William Moseley (Peter Pevensie from Chronicles of Narnia! We're in love with him!) She did such a good job and I love it! My other friend, Ji-mu got me the thrid Saikano! Yay! I'll get Dai-zu and Jose's gift on Monday! Well, I had a busy day! Time to chill and read! Catch you all later!
Keito-chan ^_^x (OFFICALLY AN ADULT! Oh God.. 0_0;)
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Well! I'm excited! It's Spring Break! Wahoo! I'm working for a lot of it, but that's okay. I work at KB Toys and it's like the best thing ever! Today I'm going to the mall with my friend to find Chronicles of Narnia paraphanalia! We're just a little obssessed. I work with her, and last the other day when we were working together, she told my that the kid who plays Peter (William Mosley) has a girlfriend and I yelled no. -_-; My friend and I are a little crazy. We agreed that we would share Peter(he's so freaking hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), so it's basically like joint custody. ^_^x We're weird I know. I have some new art, but since I'm not in school, it's impossible for me to post it. So, when school starts again, hopefully I'll have stuff up! Alrighty! Catch you later!
Keito-chan ^_^x
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Yes. I am back with my poem AND I have an idea for my Canterbury Tale that's due in two weeks, that I have yet to start writing... Ahem. Okay, here's my poem.
"By These Ten Bones"
By these ten bones
I pledge my patronage.
My promise to the night
And what it holds.
With these pale bones,
I caress the gentle moon.
She answers my forlorn cries
With rays of silver light.
Upon these frail bones
Lay scars of the past
From mending hurts and betrayal.
Fixing the patches of life.
Through these able bones
I turn the gears.
Manipulating the clockwork.
Fashioning a world of my own.
Shaping these unforgivable bones
Are the hands of Time and Destiny.
Unable to break free,
They do the Dark's bidding.
To these ten bones
The bloody promise is made.
Deep red tracks mar alabaster skin.
A promise to Satan himself.
By these ten bones
Pain is delivered. Justice done.
Fate dictated by hate.
And these ten bones stay clasped.
That's it! I hope that you like it. Tell me what you think. In my livejournal, it's a little different. Some things aren't capitalized like fate and destiny. Typing it here gave me the sense that the words were people. I'm so whimsicle today. And I know I spelled that wrong and I'm waayyyyyyy too lazy to check. I guess I'll post some more poetry from my portfolio on here. That one wasn't in my portfolio though. I wrote it after I handed that in. ^_^x It's based of a book by the same title. I can't remember who wrote it. It's really good. I give clues about the book in there... well sorta. It makes sense to me because I read it. And "these ten bones" are your fingers. Yes. I know. Your fingers have more than ten bones in them. Work with me here. We had this discussion in my Graphic Communications 2 class first period. I lost, but I told them that it was my literary work and they couldn't change it. ^_^x YAY ME! And when I wrote this poem, surprisingly enough, I wasn't in emotional tumoil for once. That's when I write the best poetry. -_-; Don't ask. More poems to come soon! I promise!
Keito-chan ^_^x
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
Poetry is FUN!
Hey everyone! Guess what? Poetry is fun! Haha! that rhymed! Sorry. -_-; Ignore the fact that I'm acting borderline retarded. I have a headache and that's making me lose brain cells. Like I have many anyway. ^_^x I actually do want to post a poem that I wrote not too long ago, but I'm also in poetry mode because in my senior English class (British lit. BLEH!), we're reading the Canterbury Tales and my teacher is having us write our own tale. Lucky for me I'm a decent writer. But I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do so I had an idea of using either The Lady of Shalott by Alfred Tennyson or The Ballad of Tam Lin. The Tam Lin one would be a mock-romance/heroic sort of story, while The Lady of Shalott would be a chivelrous/romantic tale. Still not sure what to do. Well. First I have to get permission from my teacher to do it. I'll post the poem tomorrow because I have to go. Catch you all later!
Keito-chan ^_^x
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Monday, February 27, 2006
Hey, everyone! I got my first college rejection letter the other day. -_-; I wasn't too upset because I figured that I wasn't going to get in because my SAT scored weren't exactly what they were looking for. I decided what college I'm probably going to. It's Monmouth University for journalism. I plan to double major in Print Jounalism and Radio/Broadcast Journalism. Whee! Well, time to do homework!
Keito-chan ^_^x
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 Gaurdian Angel. You are very protective over what
you love and would die if what you love was
ever hurt or taken from you.
What kind of angel are you (preferably for girls ~ PICS ~ many results)? brought to you by Quizilla
 Sun-The Sun is the center of the chart, the core of
who you are in essence. Your Planets says a
lot about your potential, about what you can
do with your life, but it doesn't tell you
what to do. You carry certian
characteristics that are inner, not outer,
facets of your energy personality. It
functions primarily as your sense of
yourself- your core indentity. It is not a
static quailty in your life- as you get older
you will express different aspects of your
Planet at different times.
The Father
Ambitoin and drive
Creative potential
Lack of Sensitivity
What planet are you? (anime pictures/girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Greek name is Agudea meaning kind.
What is your Greek name? (girls only, I'll be sure to make one for da guys) brought to you by Quizilla
 Tiger demon. You have a hot, short temper, and
don't let anyone mess with you, so they CAN'T
underestimate you. When you have the chance
to show no mercy. You have friends
even though you say you don't need any. Your
element is fire.(AWSOME) Your colors are
orange, green, and black.
What's your half demon side? (ANIME pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Hidden Power Is WaterYou have a rather calm soul, but when tempted
will get pissed off at those who bug you. You
do whatever you can in your powers to help
those of your allies and have a okay taste
for human kind, but you find them rather
annoying on occasions. Gem Stone: Saphire, Eye Color:Ice
Blue, Hair Color:Dark Blue that's long
that goes to your waist. Quote:If you wait for me
Then I'll come for you. Although I've travelled
far, I always hold a place for you
In my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me
once in a while, Then I'll return to you.
I'll return and fill that space in your heart
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
Keito-chan ^_^x
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Ah! I'm so happy and excited! I won Sailor Usagi Chan's Mew Mew Contest! I've never won a drawing contest before. I always come in second! It doesn't matter that it was only out of two! I'm happy! And to make it even better, tonight was the opening of Footloose at our school and it was awesome! It's my last musical before I ship off to college! =( I almost started to cry when one of my friends started singing his song. It went so well and I'm so happy for everyone! We have three more shows left! Wah! Okay... way to hyper for 10:30 at night. Good night, my friends!
Keito-chan ^_^x
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Yeah! This is soooooooo awesome. I was caught in the big Nor'easter that caught the East Coast. I got about 17 inches of snow! So happy no matter how much I don't like snow! I have off from school tomorrow and am so happy. I had musical stuff to do and I didn't want to do it, though Saturday's practice was quite effecient. I finished my contest entry for Sailor Usagi Chan's contest. And of course, my dog had to slobber all over one of the characters right after I inked it. I really wanted to throw him off the roof, but most of it is colored. I just have to explain what happened to Sailor Usagi Chan. Dumb dog. But that's okay, I love him because he's such a mush! He's sitting here right now looking at me with his mush eyes. -_-; Brat. Well, that's all! Going off to watch the Olympics and draw!
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Yeah. I'm bored! I'm studying for finals before going into my last semester of high school! SCORE! I can't wait until I graduate in June! So freaking happy! I have more fun quizzes. Sailor Moon this time!
I'm the out of control Sailor Scout. Yay me!
Interesting... She used to be my favorite scout!
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
New Quizzes
Got this from one of my buddies' pages! It's fun! Though I don't really read/watch Yu Yu Hakeshou anymore. One of my best friends and I used to talk about it while we watched it on the phone, but we stopped. Cartoon Network also stopped showing it as well...
**NOTE** I don't take these seriously, though my friends think I do. I'm just a loser! ~*grins*~ Ignore the fact that I get excited about these freaky quizzes! AHAHA!
Naruto quiz! Whee!!!!!! Though Naruto thought I liked Sasuke more. Nah. He may be sexy, but Naruto is cuter! In a different way that is!
Fun fun! More Naruto!
Guess I shouldn't drink anymore huh? And call Battousai short...
I kick Yahiko! Whee! Sounds like something I would do.
I love that song! Though Dame and Ice Blue Eyes are better!
That marrige lasted long... 11 years. But to Sano, so that's cool.
Fun, ne? Whee!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really happy! I don't have Footloose practice. No homework. And I need to go to the library because my books are in! YAY-ness! Hahaha! Yeah... really hyper. Well hope you have fun with the quizzes! Join me in my quizmania-ness... Is that even a word? ~*shakes head*~ I should be shot! Leave a comment about my insane-ness!
Keito-chan ^_^x
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