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Track, academics, I've collected all four of the Inuyasha movies, drawing...
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Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, FMA, Samurai Champloo, Azumanga Daioh, Evangelion, Inuyasha, GITS, Loveless, Lupin III! =D
Becoming rich and being able to have acces to any anime I want (legally), and I want to get into graphic design. I guess getting a scanner is a pretty legit goal as well. *shrugs*
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Track, drawing, video gaming, computers...
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Back from school shopping...
For the past two days, I have been out shopping like a maniac! I bought nine new outfits, some new shoes, and a matching purse. I finally saw FFVII Advent children (in fact I bought it, it was on sale ;]). Yes, I know, I'm slow. I LOVED it though. Obviously they relied more on their mad CG skills more than their story-telling skills, but anybody who knows me, can tell you that I'm an action-junkie! 8D I give it two thumbs waaay up! d-^___^-b I had to watch it twice which had me staying up way beyond my bed time. I had one killer headache as a result. T.T My aunt in law (who's actually younger than me -_-) spent the night, and she is snoring on the couch. O.o I'm gonna go make breakfast now!
Ps. My avatar seems to have vanished. I don't know what's up. :/
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Well, I woke up at like 5:57 am today (naturally), there must be something wrong with me. ~.~ For breakfast I had a broccoli and cheese Lean Pocket and a Splash Cooler flavored CapriSun (I couldn't open the V8 Splash! =[) to wash it all down. Obviously I didn't feel like cooking. >.< It was good though. I changed my theme, yeah. I just love my new avie. ^_^ I also re-arranged the music player so now Hikki's "COLORS" is first. I don't know, it just has the Sam Cham effect to it I guess. In case anybody was wondering, all of the songs are downloadable - just right click. ^.~ ...Look what I got on the evil test! >D You guys should take it too (answer truthfully) and tell me what you get!
You Are 74% Evil | 
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The real post ^_^;
Okay, I'm back from grocery shopping with my gramps, and we got caught in the rain, heh. Luckily we were in the car! =D The raindrops were scary though. I don't even think they should even be classified as raindrops. They were more like rainbombs! O.O I could hear them assualting the windshield through my iPod! I think there were ice shards mixed in with the rainbombs as well! We coulda died! o.o I know what you're thinking, but it's the truth! >.> Anywho, yesturday I went to the naval base at Great Lakes to get my passport so I can move to Italy. My flight is scheduled for 9/25 so hopefully everything will get done in time. The reason I am going to Italy is to live with my Dad. He is in the Army, and that is where he is stationed. Umm, what else... It took my sister like 2 hours on the phone with a technician to get our internet back up and running. -_- Hmm, what else? I downloaded like 50 thousand DAI songs today. I'm starting to really like them. ^_^ Too bad they disbanded! T.T Okay I'm done rambling, until next time!
Look what I made. Isn't it pretty?

I honestly forgot what manga I got this from, but I can assure you it had indecent content in it. ^-^
<3 Kelly
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I'm back. ^_^
Thanks everyone for reading my Kikyou article/rant type thing! =P My internet was down for the past three days - so sorry I haven't been around! I gotta keep this short because my Grandpa is about to pick me up. When I get back, I'll attend to the GB entries and pms! Later!
<3 Kelly
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Monday, August 21, 2006
Since they are no longer accepting articles...
Here's a little something I typed up because some things I hear about my favorite character bother me! >[
Taking A Closer Look At Kikyou
By: Yours truly! ;]
Typed at about 2:30 AM because she has no life! D=
Current mood: Helpful? Nah, probably bored! >.<
Let's face it; Kikyou is either a character you love or you just flat out hate. I have come across many articles/post/rants throughout various places on the web explaining why someone can't stand Kikyou. I will admit, some of these are just, but most of them are not, and are due to character misinterpretations. Since Kikyou is my favorite character of the show and has been ever since she said, “I am free to love…free to hate…” Queue Fukai Mori… I know you know what I’m talking about! Anyway, since she is my favorite I have chosen to write this article in an attempt to clear a few things up about her. I do believe anyone who is reading this is familiar with the Inuyasha plot and back-story, so I'm just going to go straight to the point.
When Kikyou sealed Inuyasha to the sacred tree, she was making a very important decision. She did not want to kill Inuyasha, because she simply still loved him. She wanted to preserve him. Even though she thought that no one would be able to remove the arrow but her. That is still better than letting him die, right? This shows that deep down she still truly cared for Inuyasha even though she believed that he betrayed her. Let's look at another incident. Many people believe that Kikyou was attempting to kill Kagome at one point. This incident occurred when Kikyou fired an arrow at her that grazed her cheek. Let's face it; Kikyou's archery skills are unmatched. If she honestly wanted to kill Kagome, she would have. The fact that she did fire the arrow at Kagome in the first place, is still a little harsh ... However, her intentions were to threaten her, not kill her.
As well as people believing that she attempted to kill Kagome, another misnomer is that she attempted to kill Inuyasha as well! All right, let's play pretend for a while. Pretend you were resurrected, against your own will mind you, fifty years after your death. The first thing you remember is the person you thought betrayed - the person you love the most. Imagine how awful it would feel to see that person you care so deeply, about with a younger, more vibrate carbon copy of yourself! So now it's like a double betrayal. At this point you panic. To Kikyou the only way for her and Inuyasha to be together was in the underworld. That was her only choice if she wanted to get her love back. It was an act out of love and desperation, not hate and vengeance... Fortunately Kikyou has moved on from that state of despair. Which I think is a good thing. To me, she is better off with out Inuyasha...
Another, and quite possibly the WORST misconception out there is: the "dagger incident". In episode 47 after a while of gentle cuddling between Kikyou and Inuyasha, Kikyou suddenly pulls out a dagger and holds it to Inuyasha's throat. I know for people who have been reading the manga this was one of those classic "WTF?!" moments. In the manga, that NEVER even happened. This moment was supposed to be portrayed as a romantic loving one. In the anime, Kikyou was portrayed as in evil sadistic bleep. I really believe that the animators added that bit in just to hype up the Inuyasha/Kagome craze. Talk about disappointing...To further argue my point about expanding the Inuyasha/Kagome fan base, the next episode, "Return To The Place Where We First Met", portrayed Kagome as the most selfless, kind-hearted person out there. Don't you find it ironic how Kagome acts in this episode in contrast to how Kikyou acts in the one preceding? In all honesty I fully support the Kagome/Inuyasha pairing, but not to the point where it's okay to unjustly bring down another character. It is well known that Kikyou is a pure person who cares for the old, watches small children, tends to the wounded, and protects villagers. Even for people who haven't been following the manga, I'm pretty sure to them that it seemed awkward when Kikyou pulled out that dagger. That was extremely out-of-character. It's such a shame.
I have mentioned that I support the Inuyasha/Kagome pairing, however it does warm my heart when I see Inuyasha and Kikyou together. I think Kagome and Inuyasha's relationship will take a long time to meet the level of maturity that theirs did. I could go on about that very topic forever, but I'll just have to save that for a later day... Back on track, many people believe that Kikyou is the source of Inuyasha and Kagome's rocky relationship. In the beginning, her existence did shake things up quite a bit. At this point though, Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship problems are Inuyasha's fault. I think it's pretty obvious that Kikyou has chosen to move on. She knows she cannot be with Inuyasha as long as Kagome is around. She has come to terms with this. You can tell because if she didn't accept this factor, she would have simply killed Kagome off... Just like Kagome respects Kikyou for being such an accomplished priestess, and being Inuyasha's first love, Kikyou has grown to respect Kagome. Kagome has saved Kikyou on several occasions. Although Kikyou still talks condescendingly towards Kagome, she is grateful for her. What kind of person would she be to resent her after all of the things she has done for her? In many occasions, Kikyou has sort of indirectly saved Kagome as well. Like I was saying, Inuyasha is at fault when it comes to his relationship problems with Kagome. Every time Kikyou appears, it's Inuyasha who decides to pursue her. Inuyasha and his (completely understandable) confused emotions cause him to do this.
I can't really claim that this next point is due to character misinterpretations. I'd say it's borderline hypocorism, and slight sexism. Kikyou being the undead priestess that she is, is kind of, well, gloomy. She has every right to be. She is also very deep, like a poet. Some people might find the way she talks confusing even. I personally think it's awesome... Anyway, when she fights, she is the perfect assassin. She's calm, cool, and collected. When she is in battle one can almost say that she is ruthless. All of these character traits, well most of them, are similar to Sesshomaru! While Kikyou seems to have endless haters, Sesshomaru is one of the most loved characters of the show! They're so alike it's uncanny. I guess I should point out that Kikyou was not always this way. After she met Inuyasha, she began to enjoy her teenage hood more. Being with him was a time where she could just forget about all of her responsibilities and just be happy. Inuyasha changed her - she changed him. This is why they were meant to be. Now, she doesn't need him anymore, and he doesn't need her. She has her mind set on sending Naraku and the Shikon no Tama to the underworld. Until then she is unable to rest in peace. He is with Kagome now, so Kikyou is no longer needed to ease his heart.
Hopefully, I have covered the most crucial misnomers. My goal was to help people understand Kikyou more, and maybe change any negative opinions of her. Well, in the least I hope that this has opened people's eyes. People; please just give her some slack. If you analyze her correctly you will find that she is, strong, both mentally, and physically, intelligent, insightful, and all in all a very well designed character. The Kikyou fan is one who is able to see the underlying key elements of a character, and is able to distinguish evil from good. Are you a Kikyou fan?
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Go me!
My sister just had her guy friends over, and of course without my permission, they started playing my Xbox. My sister decided to wake me up, just so she can show off her exceptionally talented video-gaming little sister. So anyway, I whooped all of their asses throughly (several times if I might add) on DOA2U with my Kasumi/Ayane tag team. Woot, talk about girl power! ^o^
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
Something's not right here...
According to me calculations, approximately only 33% of people who visit my site, actually sign my GB. D= Alright, I need to sleep now. T.T BTW, that party sucked!
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Lately , I've been going on an ecard making frenzy... Bleh. Later on today I have to go to my Aunt-in-law's (whose only one year older than me) birthday party. For some dumb reason she wants a Hawaiian theme, and we're suppose where Hawaiian clothes. The thing is I don't even HAVE any Hawaiian clothes, and I didn't even bother shopping for some! XD XD -_-
School starts soon, I think I'm gonna cry! =[ I need sleep. >.>
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Check it out!
My ecard; it's featured today! Just click the image. ~.^

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I just realized that my first quiz got published! I should have been more aware when I was making it - I have already noticed 2 mistakes!. ^_^; Anyway, it's been graded with 100% accuracy so far! =D
What Inuyasha Ending Theme Are You?
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