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myOtaku.com: KellyGirl57

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

   The real post ^_^;
Okay, I'm back from grocery shopping with my gramps, and we got caught in the rain, heh. Luckily we were in the car! =D The raindrops were scary though. I don't even think they should even be classified as raindrops. They were more like rainbombs! O.O I could hear them assualting the windshield through my iPod! I think there were ice shards mixed in with the rainbombs as well! We coulda died! o.o I know what you're thinking, but it's the truth! >.> Anywho, yesturday I went to the naval base at Great Lakes to get my passport so I can move to Italy. My flight is scheduled for 9/25 so hopefully everything will get done in time. The reason I am going to Italy is to live with my Dad. He is in the Army, and that is where he is stationed. Umm, what else... It took my sister like 2 hours on the phone with a technician to get our internet back up and running. -_- Hmm, what else? I downloaded like 50 thousand DAI songs today. I'm starting to really like them. ^_^ Too bad they disbanded! T.T Okay I'm done rambling, until next time!

Look what I made. Isn't it pretty?
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I honestly forgot what manga I got this from, but I can assure you it had indecent content in it. ^-^

<3 Kelly

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