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Somewhere, lying alone. Bleeding, and dying as I fade from this world.
Member Since
Ranger (really, student)
Real Name
Stephanie (these are just my nick-names), Konna, k-chan, Legolas, Tanis
Avenging on my father, finding friends who don't run away from me
Anime Fan Since
it was a dark and stormy night...
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha, Wolf's Rain, Ranma 1/2
to fulfill my dreams, but also find someone who is my intellectual equal, understands me, and wil love me foreverl
memorizing songs of lore, reading, drawing, brushing up on battle skills, reminicing, wandering, climbing trees, and "bothering" my friends
causing pain to people who bother me, climbing trees, drawing, holding a grudge (fine arts in truth)
| KenderKiller123
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Friday, December 17, 2004
hullo, and yes, winter break has finally come. that means no more homework and much more updating. I'm going to see if i can bother on of my friends into telling me how to post a pic. I will also try to aprehend this one book from MikoKagome04. It gave me some really neat sketch ideas, so I might draw a bit and maybe i'll learn how to post it on myO! ttyl and Happy Christmas!
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
what happened to k-chan?
sry i kinda died on you guys for awhile. Life just keeps on running... away from me. I've just been swamped w/ homework, lessons, and work(my job). But anyways, the past is the past, so let's move up to today.
Something seems to have happened to me while I've been away. I feel like I'm losing my independence, and...(you guys really aren't going to believe me on this one)... i think I'm beginning to fall in love with someone. Is that even possible for me anymore? Could I possibly still learn to love after so long? I really think something's wrong with me here. Someone please tell, what are the first signs of truly being in love? Please, please tell me. I'm BEGGING you guys, and I don't beg for just ANYTHING.
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Me name
okay, since there's already a DarkKitsune and a Dark Kitsune Fire <---she stole my name! grrrrr, then I shall become Kitsune of Fire, k? Look me up, and sign my gb! thnx.
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Here is the repost of the word association. Please fill it out correctly in your comment^-^ thnx.
Quiz Your Friends Quizzy:
So far, most people believe...
1) I was born in Canada
2)I wish I live in Japan/UK [It was a tie]
3)The anime character I sometimes obsess over is InuYasha
4)I normally feel depressed/sad(feels like crying)
5)What you don't know is...I'm going to run away when I turn 15/I'm just waiting for someone to make my world a better place
[yet another tie]
6) the genre of books I mostly read are Fantasy
7) My fav colors are blood red, grey, and black
8) I have an extreme fear of dying
9) My fav animals are wolves, foxes, eagles, phoenixes, and dragons
10) What most annoys me is my little sister.
I'm not saying what's right and what's wrong. You can take the quiz (found in my intro) to see how YOU score. plz? will you, pretty plz? *sad puppy dog eyes*
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Christmas Word Association #1
I have decided to have a Christmas Word Association every Monday and Friday leading up to Christmas under a different topic each week, starting with today.
The way the word association works is: I say _____, you say ____. You fill in the second blank. Ok, here goes. NOTE-I will only be doing 12 words each time so that you do not get overexhausted with me. ^-^''
That's all for today w/ the word associations. Please come back Friday for more.
I am also thinking about getting a new account under one of these names(please tell me which one you like best ^____^): Dark Kitsune, DarkKitsuneFire, or Kitsune of Fire[w/ or w/o spaces].
Thnx for all the feedback!
COMMENTS:nekoyasha55- I work at Heritage Tree Farms in Peninsula on Riverview Rd. We have White Pine, Scotch Pine, and Blue Spruce that you can cut on your own or get pre-cut. We also have pre-cut Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, Canaan, and Concolor. Our hours are from 9-5 on Saturdays and Sundays.(If you want to see me, come between 9 and 12:30 in the mornings. I'm working cashier, so you'll see me on the way out. ^^)
Shippou123- thnx. and I won't be in school for the second half of the day tomorrow 'cuz I'm going on a tour of WRA(Western Reserve Academy) b/c I'm considering going there 4 high school. Don't tell you-know-who though, b/c she'll try to verbally compete w/ me then & that just bugs the hell outta me like when she said "Well, I COULD'VE gone a foreign exchange trip, but we can't really do that right now cuz we're kinda short on cash, obviously." -_-'''''*grrrrrrrrrr*
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Work was freezing today, and I wasn't even outside the whole shift or the whole day either!
I'm tired and bored and just glad that ElvenEagle123 isn't bitching at me anymore over the phone. It's such a relief to have her off my back for the weekend.
She's always bugging me about how "you gotta write the intro soon, you gotta write the intro soon" and blah blah blah. And then when my other friend goes and talks to her (cuz she's given us both problems) and then EE goes and says "oh I can't WAIT to hear about HER all period" sheesh, some people just can't admit they're nosy. She should realize too that my [home]work is my #1 priority, and that when I do have a break I like to actually USE it to REST. but she seems to give no allowances.
....................ok, that's my little rant for today. Sorry if I bored you guys into a coma. ^-^'''
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Happy......*sighs*......Turkey Day
yeah, my Thanksgiving sucks.... and my poor frozen fingers are falling off as I type this. *glances at heater* Damn, it just died. Oh, well. It will only let me die with my pain sooner.
Hope your Thanksgivings were better than mine.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I don't know what to post, so here's a little info about me based on my birthmonth, though some of it, I believe, is inaccurate, but most of it is correct. I'll let you be the judge of what is true and what isn't.
Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"
December Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.
 You're a dreamer! You like to daydream about many fantasies and wishes. You enjoy the fine arts and have many interests. You are a good person and great friend.
What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 .:You live your life: ~disturbingly~:.
You are utterly sad. You see only darkness but you are aware of a light that lights the people around you and you long for it as you long for a break from life itself. There is only one thing for you.. snap out of it because once its too late, there's no turning back. You will never have true friends.
How do you live your life? (with pics! ^.~) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, November 22, 2004
oops >O< >o< >.
Sry I haven't been on in forever, you guys. I've just been sooooo busy lately w/ homework and work, and of course there's chores. I might be out for great periods of time over the next month because the Christmas tree season is my boss' BIG paycheck that is supposed to last them until June when the Daylily season starts. So, yeah, they really need all the help they can get right now.(I'm working cashier! YAY! Go me!=^-^=) But righty now we're just working on getting everything set up for when the customer rush starts when we open @ 9:00am on Friday. Also, my Dad's just recently applied for a job in Cleveland that would bring in:
1) a bigger salary
2) happiness/self-fulfillment/
self-esteem for my Dad(his current job is a total bore to him) and...................
3)NO MOVING REQUIRED!!!^______________________________^
So, we're really hoping he gets it. And don't forget the holidays, of course! Not to mention the fact that I have one hell of a lot of writing to be done on my in-tray. XP but oh well, I guess I'll manage somehow.
*gives strained smile*
and.............That's it! See you guys later!

There you go BlackWave, I took it. Happy now? ....I feel like such an idiot ¬_¬
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