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Somewhere, lying alone. Bleeding, and dying as I fade from this world.
Member Since
Ranger (really, student)
Real Name
Stephanie (these are just my nick-names), Konna, k-chan, Legolas, Tanis
Avenging on my father, finding friends who don't run away from me
Anime Fan Since
it was a dark and stormy night...
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha, Wolf's Rain, Ranma 1/2
to fulfill my dreams, but also find someone who is my intellectual equal, understands me, and wil love me foreverl
memorizing songs of lore, reading, drawing, brushing up on battle skills, reminicing, wandering, climbing trees, and "bothering" my friends
causing pain to people who bother me, climbing trees, drawing, holding a grudge (fine arts in truth)
| KenderKiller123
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Friday, October 29, 2004
Sewing, sewing,, work, work.
Yeah, I got alot of sewing to do for my cloak-which isn't even started yet-before Halloween. AND on top of that I have alot of homework to make-up from what I missed while I was gone, along with a GIANT project for Spanish. And, of course, there's still my job to go to tomorrow. I can't believe how swamped this weekend is going to be! Is anybody out there good at figuring out how to manage time?
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
ugh. last night, i couldn't get to sleep at all! i was tossing and turning until 2:40AM! and i just got back from MI! At least my homework's not due till Monday.......<_<
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Hullo everyone. Sry I was gone for so long, but I had to go to my Grandma's funeral in MI this week. She died at age 85 the morning after we put my dearly departed puppy Duke to sleep *huggles dog collar that she is wearing* *sniff* sry, I've just been crying about it alot lately, but he was so YOUNG! He was only 2 years old, and my dog befor him, Hunter, lived to be 12! And they both had to be put to sleep due to cancer, and in the same month! Isn't that odd? I'll try to visit some of your guyses sites tomorrow, but I might be swamped from all the h-work that I missed.
Oh, yes. Would everyone who eads this please visit queenangel's site and sign her gb? She's really new to myO(just got her a site yesterday), and would like to have some friends. She's really friendly. Thnx.
C ya round!
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
k-chan's pain/k-chan is leaving
I'm in alota pain right now, like im constantly bleeding or something. I really miss Duke right now, but nothing and no one can ease my pain. I'm leaving too. I have to go to MI for my Grandma's funeral on Wed. and I won't be back till Friday. (My Grandma died on Saturday morning) So, I guess I'll see you guys later. Don't forget about me.
 Black blood! Depressed and hurt. You are not evil, but you know that ther isn't only sunshine on earth. You are very loyal, wise and concealed. You have the blood of the dead ones, you're a true soul!
What is your true blood color? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
 You come from the Middle Ages. Your soul came from a time when dragons, knights, war and Princesses ruled the land.
Where Did Your Soul Originate? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
*sobs*.....oh, hello
We just got the call from the vet and Duke has cancer. We could give him chemotherapy, but that might only extend his life a year. I don't know what kind of cancer it is, and I don't know what to do! I need someone's help-and hugs.T_T
EDIT:We're going to put him to sleep tomorrow. I might leave school a little early, but I don't give a damn. I never got to even say good-bye last time. I'm not gonna let it happen again.
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I just didn't know what to do with myself...
You Know It's All About You (Over 100 Questions) | Created by niney123 and taken 4368 times on bzoink! | .:General Info:. | Name: | k-chan | Age: | 14 | Gender: | Female | Height: | 5' 7" | Birthday: | 9-3-90 | Hair Color: | Dark auburn | Describe yourself in one word: | thoughtful | Describe your personality in one word: | split | .:School Life:. | What grade are you in: | 8th | What school do you go to: | Hudson | And where is that: | Ohio (stupid state) | Do you get good grades: | yes, why do you care | Favorite Subject: | LA | .:Love Life:. | Sexual Preference: | Male | Do you have a bf/gf: | no | If so,what is their name: | - | How long have you been dating: | - | Do you consider yourself in love with them: | - | If so,why: | - | Have you had your first kiss: | no | If so,when: | - | Do you have a crush: | no | If so,what is their name: | - | Why do you like them: | - | Do they know you: | - | Do they know that you like them: | - | How long have you known them: | - | .:Friends:. | Best Friend(s): | s-chan,jen-chan,jess,a-chan,j-chan,shippou,ee123 | How long have you been friends: | depends on who you're asking about... | Do you consider yourself a good friend: | sometimes(most of the time) | How many friends do you think you have: | I don't know | Most popular: | shippou | Most conceited: | uh, no one... | Friendliest: | s-chan | Meanest: | again, nobody | Prettiest: | jen-chan | Craziest: | definitely jess | Oldest: | | Youngest: | | Most recent: | j-chan | Smartest: | depends on what you're refering to... | .:Favorites:. | Food: | CHOCOLATE!^^*glomps* | Person: | shippou(my friend) | Number: | 14 | Show: | Wolf's Rain | Letter: | l, m, or n | Song: | do I have to choose? | Band/Singer: | none | Place in the world: | Ireland | Season: | Fall | .:Your-:. | Dream Vacation: | Ireland/Scotland/England/Wales(GB) | Dream House: | It is to complex for your puny mind to comprehend it's description | Dream Room: | what's that supposed to mean? | Location: | Forest | .:Last Time You:. | .:Last Time You:. | Watched T.V.: | last Saturday night | Went to the bathroom: | about 6 hours ago | Ate: | about 5 1/2 hours ago | Slept: | this morning | Listened to music: | about a month ago | Used the phone: | last night | IMed someone/Got an IM: | I don't IM(don't have it) | Went to school: | today-3 1/2 hrs ago | Played a game: | depends what kind... | Took a shower: | Sunday | Hugged someone: | this afternoon at lunch | Went on a date: | never | Wrote a letter: | 2 months ago | Cried: | yesterday | .:Last Person You:. | Hugged: | jess | Kissed: | no one | Laughed at: | dunno | Cried over: | not sure (and i'm not telling you either) | IMed/Got an IM from: | I already told you- I DON"T IM! | Hurt: | dunno | Talked to: | my mom | Spoke to on the phone: | my art teacher | Ate with: | my friends | Spent time with: | jen-chan | Saw: | my mom | Missed: | shippou | Heard: | my mom | Played with: | do dogs count? | .:Have You Ever:. | Been out of the country: | yes | Been out of state/province: | yes | Done drugs: | no | Done anything illegal: | i think i did, but I didn't know that it was illegal then... | Slapped someone: | yes | Cut yourself: | yes | Played an instrument: | yes, piano, flute, and tuba | Hurt someone for no reason: | yes | Hurt someone: | yes,but that time it wasn't on purpose | Killed an insect/bug: | yes*hopes their spirits don't come back to haunt her* | Gotten stung by a bee: | yes | Lied to your parents: | hell yeah | Stole Something: | not from a store... | Kissed Someone: | yes(inside my family only) | .:This Or That:. | Rock or Rap: | rock | Singing or Songwriting: | both | Tennis Shoes or Sandals: | BOOTS!^^ | Phone or Computer: | computer | Biking or Skating: | biking | Analog or Digital: | ¿?confused.. | Coke or Pepsi: | Coke | Sprite or Sierra Mist: | Sprite | MTV or VH1: | VH1 | R&B or Country: | country | Cingular or T-Mobile: | cingular | Cats or Dogs: | dogs | AIM or Yahoo: | neither | Bzoink or Quizilla: | Quizilla | .:Word Association:. | Birthday: | cake | Peanut: | chocolate | Good Charlotte: | music | Ravioli: | food | President Bush: | Republican | T.V.: | boredom | Rock: | stone;granite;cold | Rap: | bad music;annoying | Chef: | cooking | Boys: | the other half of the species | Girls: | bitch or friend | Calendar: | year | Fan: | air | Evil: | darkness MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! | .:Right Now: | Eating: | nothing | Drinking: | nothing | Watching: | this screen | What is on your mousepad: | DELL | What are you doing: | this survey | What song are you listening to: | nothing(not listening to music) | What's in your CD player: | how should I know? | Wearing: | my special green sweater | Time: | 6:05pm | Month: | October | Day of the Month: | 21 | Year: | 2004 | Day of the week: | Thursday | What website are you on: | this one/myOtaku | .:Random Things:. | What color is your mousepad: | black and grey | What color is your keyboard: | black | What is the phrase you use the most online: | tehehe | Did you like this survey: | iz okay... | Are you sad that it's over: | kinda, now I gotta find something else to delay my homework | What are you gonna do after this survey is over: | update | Do you like pop-up ads: | NO! | How long have you been online: | 22 minutes right now | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
>.< ow, the pain...
hullo peoples i'm back. my day was pretty much boring and I still feel the pain. But i'll start from the beginning first.
American History:We talked about the national elections and when they're held, what positions people run for, who can vote, and yadda, yadda, yadda.
Algebra:Went over the easiest 2-day homework assignment ever, took notes and discussed the test for tomorrow *yawns*(I could be missing this for geometry ya know)
Gym:Today we had our FINAL(yes!YES!)game of fast football. The game was really fast paced, and here's where it all went down hill:I caught the ball and was running in for a touchdown when I was tagged from behind;I slid on the wet grass, trying to stop myself and slipped backwards onto my SPINE and hit my head on the ground with a thud, still holding the ball. I was temporarily paralyzed a couldn't get up for a second. I couldn't run very well the rest of the game and since one of our players was missing, we lost.
LA:I went upstairs to Language Arts and asked my teacher if I could go get some ice for my spine(it REALLY hurt), so he let me go and suspended it between my back & the chair backing for the rest of class while we went over prose some more(God, I hate that stuff) only to find at the end of class that the ice had melted and left a giant wet spot on the back of my shirt. It was veeeery uncomfortable.
Band:We went over Orpheus and kept playing this one part again and again because the stupid flutes just couldn't get it right(I used to play flute but left them because they are so damn slow[stupid 7th graders], so i switched to Tuba)
NOTE:I don't think ALL 7ths graders are stupid and disrespectful, just the ones in my school.
LA:More prose crap, we started writing another one for tonight's homework.
Lunch:Jen-chan, S-chan & I went to Mr. Fejes' room for the first ten min. where we played with his dwarf hamster,'Vicious', who we renamed Xiao Mao(Little Fuzz) He's so CUTE!^^ Then I saw shippou and EE123, we managed to clear something up[long story, so I won't go into detail here]so now we're friends again. I spent the rest of lunch jsut eating and participating in our "cornicopia of love"(group hugs) at lunch. tehe...Jess was very amusing. She started saying that J-chan was Kouga and started hugging her repetitavely o.O yeah, weird.
Spanish: Señora Garritano was at a doctor's appt. (she's pregnant) the whole period so we had this really, weird, ugly lady just watching us while we did our research for our Día de los Muertos proyectos in the computer lab. Juana and I got bored, so we started doing Spanish hangman on the Internet & guess what? WE DIDN'T GET CAUGHT! Ha!in the librarians FACES!
Science:Mrs. Gram talked about the take-home test even more today and then we watched this EXTREMELY BORING video about the geosphere; almost 1/2 the class fell asleep!-including myself. Heading kept nodding left and right as we desperately tried to stay awake to avoid the wrath of Mrs. Gram. She never forgets, that one.
Well, there you have it. That's my day. Sorry if I bored you to death.
Oh, yeah. Just one more thing: my puppy, Duke is at the animal hospital because he's been really sick lately and breathing strangly(he has to stay overnight). Well the vet managed to extract 4cups of fluid from his lungs, the poor puppy. No wonder he was breathing so heavily, and these things that surround his heart are inflated and my mom says that that could be a sign of cancer, but we don't know for sure yet that that's what it is. I hope it's not and that it's some kind of virus we can just get rid of with pills or something.
Tell me what you think of my new background. bye.
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Why does everyone hate me and forget about me?Why?!?WHY?!?*sobs*
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
*inhales* ahhh, woodsmoke
hi guys, sry i wasn't on earlier today, but i kinda had soccer and work. I still smell like woodsmoke and i wasn't even in the fire alot!
Woodsmoke, woodsmoke everywhere.
in my clothes and in my hair.
the embers burn;
in the flames they dance.
they heat my body
and dry my water-splashed pants.
NOTE: when i went to wash a particulairly large pumpkin, someone just plopped another big one in the basin at the same time that i put my pumpkin in. the water sloshed out of the metal washing tub and soaked the bottom half of my pants-_-"
HELP!: Two of my best friends think i hate them (which I don't)and that i'm turning into a prep(can't stand preps) What should I do!?!?
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