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Somewhere, lying alone. Bleeding, and dying as I fade from this world.
Member Since
Ranger (really, student)
Real Name
Stephanie (these are just my nick-names), Konna, k-chan, Legolas, Tanis
Avenging on my father, finding friends who don't run away from me
Anime Fan Since
it was a dark and stormy night...
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha, Wolf's Rain, Ranma 1/2
to fulfill my dreams, but also find someone who is my intellectual equal, understands me, and wil love me foreverl
memorizing songs of lore, reading, drawing, brushing up on battle skills, reminicing, wandering, climbing trees, and "bothering" my friends
causing pain to people who bother me, climbing trees, drawing, holding a grudge (fine arts in truth)
| KenderKiller123
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/27/04:
Result Posted on 09/27/04:
never heard that song b4, a=& the chick in the pic is so f*ckin' ugly!
Result Posted on 09/27/04:
ahhhhhh! scary!!!!!
Result Posted on 09/24/04:
Result Posted on 09/23/04:
Take the quiz: "Which Tale Does Your Heart Belong To?" The Lord of the RingsYou have gotten the Lord of the Rings. You long for adventure and travel in your life. This series is so captivating because not only does it give you a thrill when you read it, it gives you the courage to do what's right. This book is all about conquering your fears and doing what you need to do, no matter what troubles you face along the way. It also lets you know that no matter what happens, you'll always have a friend to carry you up the mountain. "Become who you were born to be" |
Result Posted on 09/23/04:
this was sooooo true
 Gold! You have golden eyes. You tend to be quite distant, and may come off as depressed. In truth, you are, but once people get to know you, a smile or a laugh breaks through your emotion barrier every now and then!
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/23/04:
Result Posted on 09/23/04:
 You Guardian Element is Earth. You are very much a friendly type. One that is very accepting and caring. You can be powerful and great. You have no desire for riches and wealth, you are perfectly content with what and who you are. People may think you are strange, but you love yourself and you know that is what is important. You are a very supportive and helping friend. You have no great weakness.
~ Your Guardian Element ~ (Ladies Only) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/23/04:
 You're autumn! A very smart person with a few friends, you are very fun to hang out with. Always thinking up new ways to entertain yourself, your the life of the party where ever you go! You're also a great friend to have and do very well giving advice and are willing to take the time to actually help.
Which season are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/23/04:
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