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Somewhere, lying alone. Bleeding, and dying as I fade from this world.
Member Since
Ranger (really, student)
Real Name
Stephanie (these are just my nick-names), Konna, k-chan, Legolas, Tanis
Avenging on my father, finding friends who don't run away from me
Anime Fan Since
it was a dark and stormy night...
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha, Wolf's Rain, Ranma 1/2
to fulfill my dreams, but also find someone who is my intellectual equal, understands me, and wil love me foreverl
memorizing songs of lore, reading, drawing, brushing up on battle skills, reminicing, wandering, climbing trees, and "bothering" my friends
causing pain to people who bother me, climbing trees, drawing, holding a grudge (fine arts in truth)
| KenderKiller123
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/09/04:
I was just so...bored.
 You are Yami Bakura!! You, like Yami Marik, are also very EVIL! But of course, you have saved people before. But only because they had something that you wanted. You want many things in life, and you will stop at nothing to get them. But, hey! No big deal! You still look really good, and you are also a great duelist!
Who's Yami Might You Be? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/08/04:
um....ok. i wouldn't really kno 'cause i've never kissed ne1. no1 understands me so no1 has ever asked me out. *sighs* why doesn't ne 1 understand?
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/06/04:
no kidding! I'm always running to get to my next class! -_-''
Result Posted on 09/06/04:
 You are fall! You can sometimes be what you call a "loner." But don't take it the wrong way, you are mostly misunderstood by those around you...ruining your self-esteem. You seem to not be very confident in yourself and you also are afraid to take risks. You need to get our more and experience life the way it should be.
What season are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/06/04:
 you're insane! you really funny and likes to make lots of friends^^ but your not always hyper, but thats a good thing^^ I AM INSANE! AND IM PROUD OF IT!
are you insane O.o brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 09/06/04:
 Chocolate Pocky! You're pretty normal actually. Pretty blah, but still tasty, and you know how to have a good time, even if those snobs out there ARE riding around in their ferraris going 115 mph, chomping on those perverted banana pocky.
What Kind of Pocky are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/03/04:
Result Posted on 09/03/04:
How am i the life of the party? I hate large groups of people, let alone being in the center of them! T_T
You're an Artisan!
Ambitious and talented, you're very hands on about getting what you want. You also tend to be the life of the party, because you're so spontaneous. Cream rises to the top.
What type of person are you? (with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/03/04:
 You are a loner...not that you don't like people, it's just that you like to spend time with yourself or you are an outsider...don't like talking too much and even going out...loneliness isn't healthy, but you like it...what can say?! Just live the way you want...u_u
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 09/03/04:
 You are James Potter,father of the boy who lived. You are kind and would do anything for your friends and most likely your friends would do anything for you
Which of the marauders are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
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