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Thursday, October 28, 2004

Happy Halloweeh.. ish..
Hey! Happy almost Halloween!

You are Remus Lupin,the kind werewolf and possibly
the sweetest person in the world^^ You like to
read and love hanging around with your best

Which of the marauders are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Hehe! Ok, I know that I should be sad about the discontinuation of the Inuyasha premieres, which I am.. But while talking to Chisaki, I was prompted to search and see when they would be starting up again.. According to the AdultSwim message board, they will be starting up, in the US, on January 4 or 5, 2005.
So, needless to say, I'm ecstatic that it won't be that long of a wait.. Chisaki on the other hand.. Lol! *Dodges death glares and daggers*

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Monday, October 18, 2004

Taking a break from midterm studying! What better to calm down with than, another quiz! Heh.. I know, I don't really write anything about myself.. that's cause when I'm on here, it's usually only for a few minutes.. Like now! But.. all you need to know about me is in the sidebar <--- over there!
Besides, I feel that these quizes, which are answered, to the best of my knowledge, in all honesty, and give an important insight into my life. So there! =^o^=

My anime is...

What Anime is Right for You?

this quiz was made by http://www.seraphlight.net

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Thursday, September 30, 2004

   bored.. doing a quiz
If you are near a water dragon when its sad, it will begin to rain...
Your a water Dragon! Congrats! Like ice dragons,
you are extremly powerful, but show it more
often. You are a leader, and like to speak your
opinion. AND, you are charming, swift, and
great at dancing, ou enjoy getting stuck in the
rain, playing with friends, and swimming
anywhere! Wat-ER you wating for?

What elemental dragon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Thursday, September 23, 2004

Well, he's gone. I didn't even get to see him or say goodbye.. Well, other than when I told him good luck a week and a half ago..
*senses death glares* I know, Chi.. I'm supposed to think happy thoughts.. We're happy for him!! I'm trying. It will just be very different not seeing him every week.. I think it will really actually hit me when I don't see him when I usually do..
It's very interesting.. One of my coworkers is trying to set me up with a guy she met on the internet.. hehe.. He lives in a different city, not too far from here.. Heh.. Things can only get more interesting from here on out.. I mean, it's only day one.. Who knows? We'll see!

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Thursday, September 16, 2004

   Saw this, had to do it..
You're a Goodbye Kiss...
You have a goodbye kiss...sweet and romantic, but
tragic. Is your beloved one leaving?

What anime kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

*feels like crying* He's going away, but there's not going to be a kiss goodbye..
Like my friend said.. I've just gotta forget about him.. ~way more difficult than you could ever know!~ *sigh* It's always worth a try..

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Monday, September 13, 2004

Heh.. This was interesting..

theOtaku.com: Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?


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Saturday, September 11, 2004

Killing time after class..

theOtaku.com: What Personality Do You Have?

Heh.. I'm still at school.. Class just got out.. Waiting for the bus.. Meh.. the disadvantages of not having a car.. Oh, well.. I'm working on it.. Hey, tuition is horrendous.. Can you blame me?
Oh! Bus is coming in a few minutes.. Gotta go.. I'll probably write more later on today..

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   Last one.. I think..
Sporty Schoolgirl.
Sporty Schoolgirl. You love playing sports..but
that's just you and nobody can change it. ^__^

What Type Of Schoolgirl Are You?(Anime pic)
brought to you by Quizilla

Eh.. Might as well go catch some Zz's.. Night, minna-chan!

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Or two..
You have a free soul! As all the souls go, yours is
the most free-spirited and adventurous. You
like camping, hiking, or interaction with other
people. Your a social butterfly, but not
because of your style, but because of your
willingness to communicate with everyone. You
probably have close friends who can rely on you
because you always seem to know whats going on
in the world. You love music and are
free-spirited and someone fun to be around. A
born leader and great explorer-dont ever
change-the world needs more people like you.

What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

I have school in the morning.. It's been a long day.. But, not tired..

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