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julia3_0_0_0 (NevaOn
Member Since
7th grade bi-polor bitch... And Satans ex-wife... I get half of Hell!
Real Name
Julia. Oy, please call me Ju-Chan, no Julie! Only meh sister can do that...
getting a one on Solo and Ensemble two years in a row, going thirteen years without ever having a boy-friend...
Anime Fan Since
I guess a long time?
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Chobits, Kodocha, InuYasha, Gravatation, Evil's Return, TRIGUN, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Marmalade Boy, Love Hina, T...R...I...GUN, Lupin the Third, Case Closed, FRUITS BASKET!!! ummm....... I'm sure theres more...
Um... none?
Double-jointed-ness, violin, piano, viola, tiny bit o' cello, and a little guitar.

Thursday, June 9, 2005

In loving memory.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Yeah... Haven't updated in awhile... I think I will fill this post with pointless pictures:

XD I LOVE that thing! Soo hilarious...

Das also a pretty funny one ^^

So true!

Oh! It's Shu-Chan and Eiri-Sama!

Yes, yes, that is soo wonderful...
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
Just Really Bored
Current Mood: Lethargic?
Currently listening to: Harder to Breathe, Maroon 5, Genie's Playlist
Ja... My sleep schedule has been really screwed up! Thanks to the brilliant people at Fox, I have to stay up until ten-thirty to watch King of the Hill before I go to sleep instead of ten. So I go to sleep at eleven, usually delaying it until eleven-thirty for the Drew Cary Show (Hey, Fox is like the only channel I watch lately! Which makes me feel kind of sad). So I go to sleep at eleven-thirty, and wake up six and a half hours later, and can't open my eyes until second period. From third period, Math, through half of sixth, Orchestra, I'm able to at least ATTEMPT to concentrate. About the middle of Orchestra, I practically fall asleep in joy every time Mrs. Gunsch says she needs to work with just the cellists (they suck the most). I have to force myself to sit up straight, for those of you who don't play wood instruments, and it's actually pretty funny: I sit up like a British guard while playing, and the VERY instant the teacher makes her last baton movement, my violin falls into loose fingers, my bow flies into my lap, my head droops all the way to the back of the short chair in a slouch, and my legs zoom forward in relaxation, almost reaching the chair of the person in front of me. I go to History and basically sleep through all the projects we have there, and everyone wonders why I fail Spanish, last period. After that I have to drag myself upstairs, and lately its been so hard I haven't been able to hang out with my friends' possue before we depart to the bus; that must sound cliched, all the 'cool' (Okay, so I'm not popular; I AM popular with the losers, however, and I hang out with the cool eigth graders... Unfortunatly, no one knows) kids hang out inside the school and talk while everyone else is rushing to find their buses, and then a school authority has to come break it up, but hey, that really DOES happen at my school. And I have been to slow to get to the gathering. So after the tired display at school, I come home, and sit down to finish my English Vocab. homework, my Math sheets, my History projects, and my Spanish 'Punishment Work,' my teacher likes to call it. So after I'm done with that, I finish up my Fox programs and take a shower, and of course when I'm done in the shower, it has completely re-awakened me, and I go to sleep as awake as a hyper puppy. So I go to sleep ready to run a mile, wake up with dry-mouth and sore throat, and come home half asleep. Well my mom said something about catching up on sleep this weekend, and so OF COURSE on Friday my friends had to spend the night, and lets be honest, who the HELL sleeps at a sleep-over? Okay, so I stayed up all Friday, still got Saturday, Ja? Nein. We go to the mall on Saturday, and after everyone going their own ways, I gotta come home to punishment work. Okay, so she gave it to us on Thursday, and its due Tuesday, which gives us all the time in the world, but ME, I CANNOT have ANY added homework on school nights, so I do it the weekend before its due, always, usually NOT a problem.
Not this time. I stay up until three o'clock doing it, only get half-way through page two of four pages of punishment work, and get unpleasently awakened by my sister at eleven, calling me lazy. Well, hey bitch, I stayed up until three doin' homework, and lets add in the twist that we hadnt set our clocks back or forward, whatever (Don care) yet. Well luckily my mom was the one that suggested I stay home tomorrow to regain my strength, and who the hell am I to reject an opprutunity to stay home???
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
I'm Terrified
Current Mood: bisexual (o__O?)
Currently listening to: Look What You've Done -Jet, Genie's Playlist
Today Genie went onto a highway like thing for the first time in her driving practice. She almost got us into a wreck twice (It was only her fault the first time). She didn't seem to notice that she almost endangered her life, my grampa's, my mom's and mine, so my mom got into her face and yelled at her. And Genie, my fifteen-year-old sister in ninth grade, began to cry for the first time since she was in sixth grade, age twelve - and it scared the CRAP out of me.
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
Heh it's been a while...
Currently listening to: She Will be Loved - Maroon 5, Genie's Playlist
Current Mood: Excited -VACATION!
Current Status: Single - no crush - confused about love
Well I haven't updated in awhile... Hehe my introduction - The hentai thing... That was in somebody's sig and I just LOVED it... Heh... Well anyway tomorrow I'm goin' to Louis-i-an-i-a with meh family, I'm gonna need to go to spend some time with the guys (my dogs)... I'm gonna miss them... Le gasp! I hope Nibbles doesn't come in heat with out me!!! OH I've forgotten how it feels to have babies in the house!!! The last time we had a litter was in AUGUST..... Wow..... Bi-ee...
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