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julia3_0_0_0 (NevaOn
Member Since
7th grade bi-polor bitch... And Satans ex-wife... I get half of Hell!
Real Name
Julia. Oy, please call me Ju-Chan, no Julie! Only meh sister can do that...
getting a one on Solo and Ensemble two years in a row, going thirteen years without ever having a boy-friend...
Anime Fan Since
I guess a long time?
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Chobits, Kodocha, InuYasha, Gravatation, Evil's Return, TRIGUN, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Marmalade Boy, Love Hina, T...R...I...GUN, Lupin the Third, Case Closed, FRUITS BASKET!!! ummm....... I'm sure theres more...
Um... none?
Double-jointed-ness, violin, piano, viola, tiny bit o' cello, and a little guitar.
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Thursday, August 5, 2004
 Congrats! You got the non-canon couple Ryouga and Ukyou....they're not really together, but they're perfect for each other, right?
Which anime couple are you? (with VERY NICE pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
-.-........ so............... bored..........and..........
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J | Joyous | U | Unnatural | R | Relaxing | I | Intelligent | A | Ambitious |
Name Acronym Generator From
w00t... ::Dies::... Hey, Shelby, it's 9:30 a.m., and I didn't go to sleep! The last time, I got bored 'cause therr was nuthin' to do... So I went back to sleep... Sorry people who don't know what the fudge I'm talkin' aboot... g2g, Nibbles is in great pain, she REALLY hurts, and we don't know why, so we're takin' her to the doctor. Bi-ee.
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 You are Screech. Hidden behind a facade of strangeness and geekiness, you were the most evil person to set foot on a school sitcom. Rumors have it that you're still working on your "secret project" in the school basement...
What Evil Genius Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I... don't know who that is...
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
South Park Update
My South Park Stats:
1st Season: 10/15
2nd Season: 11/18
3rd Season: 17/17
4th Season: 10/17
5th Season: 14/14
6th Season: 8/17
7th Season: 10/15
8th Season: 7/7
ALL: 87/120
SUCCESS IN: 3rd Season, 5th Season, 8th Season
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Quote of the Week
From South Park, Episode Cartman's mom is a Dirty Slut: Kitty: Meow...
Cartman: No, Kitty, this is MY dinner!
Kitty: Meow...
Cartman: No, Kitty, that's a BAD KITTY!
Kitty: **Hiss**
Umm, I think I've already put that, but I don't know...
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That one is Nibbles, or Princess Nadilina Harrington. She is my only dog. Well, we have five, but she is the only one that is FULLY my own. She has had two litters, and we still have one from her first, and is 2-years-old. She sleeps in my bed every night.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004

You know a little bit about England. Hey, come visit us sometime! It doesn't rain all the time, really....
And no, you can't have tea with the queen.
How British are you?
this quiz was made by alanna
<--- No, Shelby, it's not the quiz I'm interested in you taking, but it's the time: 7:00 A.M. Didn't think I could do it, did you? Neither did I ^^.
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Monday, August 2, 2004
The explanation of Larry, Junior, and Larry the Third(Please read post below before this one!): You all know of my dog Larry, I have/had a pickie of him on this site. Well, Buba had another litter about... I don' know, let's say... Somtehin' around one, two years ago (We've had SO many dogs, it's HARD to keep up with therr birthdays!!!), and one puppy was so obnaxious, so annoying, so loud that NOBODY would buy him. He was ALWAYS crying! For NO reason! So, eventually, we ended up keeping him. It was hard, because not even our family wanted him. He would just cry, and cry, and cry, and CRY! And it was sad, too. No one would ever talk to him. Nibbles' would wander by, and SOMEONE would say, "Hey, Nubbs!!!" (Nubbs her nickname ^^), and then Sharon would go bye, "Hey shar-bear!" and then, here comes Junior, of course being the crybaby he is. "......" NO ONE loved him! Everyone in my family (Except my grandma...) treats these dogs like family. My sister and I split the dogs between each other, and our dogs we offically call our sons or daughters. Even my mom went with it, and she was called Grandma. Even my Grandfather, who HATED dogs as he grew up, has a favorite: Buba and Sharon. She sleeps in his bed every night, since she was here first, and Sharon has sleept in his bed ever night that she was a mom, 'cause her puppies are in his bedroom. He won't admit it, but he loves them both.
And back to the Junior story: No one loved that dog, and as much as it saddens me, I admit that I remember Genie (my sis) and I ARGUING over which one got Junior. And no, it wasn't: "I WANT HIM!" "NO, HE'S MINE!!!" Nope. We each wanted the other one to take him. As I have stated so many times before, nobody loved him.
SO, being the 'nice' person I am, I took action. I started spending more time with him, and I gave him somebody to love. And eventually, I loved him back. (OH, and I'm sorry to all those people out therr that think animals don't have the same feelings people do. 'Cause I think that dogs, cats, gorrilas, ALL animals have the ability of love.) After a while, all his crying went away. He turned into a normal dog. And let me tell you, he was a GEORGEOUS pup. He may have been a crybaby, but he was adorable. And he wasn't a cry-baby any more. Because I took the courage to 'train' him, Junior became my dog. And I'm happy to say, Genie was very jelous. Once he stopped the tears, he became a very popular dog. I took him to a school outdoor thing in Fifth Grade, and my crush fell in love (Sadly, not with me (JK!)). Everyone got a snow-cone for this, and he actually gave his to Junior (Kids in my grade didn't USUALLY want to give up therr Snow-cone treats.), and his bandanna that we all got from the teacher. Junior went from 'The Dog That Nobody Loved', to 'The Dog That Everybody Loved', which makes it hard that sometime last year, Junior was given away... It still hurts me to think about it.
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Puppy update...
Buba's Puppies: GOOD LORD THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!! THEY'RE RUNNING AROUND ALL THE TIME BLARRRGGGGHH!!!! We even have a name for some: The smallest one we have is a boy, temporaroly named Smith, 'cause that's the last name of the people that are gonna pick him up. Smith has a sister (Remember now: 5 boys,two girls...) who looks EXACTLY like him; We call her his little twin. Also, Smithette ^^. And the biggest pup we have (Girl) I for some reason wanna call Niki o.O... We already had a pup nameed Niki in our first litter... And the last one we named we call Larry the Third, 'Cause he looks exactly like an ADORABLE dog we used to have, Junior, that was named after his father Larry. o.O Confused? I'll explain in another post.
Sharon's puppies: (Note: Three girls, two boys) I think it was... All of Shear's pups except the boys have opened therr eyes. Some of them are even scootin' around. We find them on the floor sleepin'... so cute... Also, them and therr cousins (Buba's puppies) recently got therr... Oh, sorry people, not very bright in puppy care, my sister is the one who's gonna be the vet (So she thinks ::shifty eyes::), and I can't remember what it is, but we recently gave them therr medicine for somethin'... I think it might have been worm medicine... Well, they always get therr first at two weeks, and therr cousins were on therr second.
Well, that's how the puppies are doin', I'll keep updatin'!
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
Souper... WAHH!!! SCHOOL STARTS SOON!! ::dies::
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