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julia3_0_0_0 (NevaOn
Member Since
7th grade bi-polor bitch... And Satans ex-wife... I get half of Hell!
Real Name
Julia. Oy, please call me Ju-Chan, no Julie! Only meh sister can do that...
getting a one on Solo and Ensemble two years in a row, going thirteen years without ever having a boy-friend...
Anime Fan Since
I guess a long time?
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Chobits, Kodocha, InuYasha, Gravatation, Evil's Return, TRIGUN, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Marmalade Boy, Love Hina, T...R...I...GUN, Lupin the Third, Case Closed, FRUITS BASKET!!! ummm....... I'm sure theres more...
Um... none?
Double-jointed-ness, violin, piano, viola, tiny bit o' cello, and a little guitar.
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Thursday, July 29, 2004
Your very mysterous and rare. You're usally laid back and very quit. You're shy,cool,com and lazy. You always seem like your hidding a big secert. You keep to yourself alot, even with friends.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
... Purple?!
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

And that is a picture of Sir Lawerance
Harrington, or Larry. He is turning 4 or 5-years-old in September, and is the oldest dog we have. He is the father of an estimate of 65 living children. He is our little stud ^^.
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Quote of the Week
Quote from Eric Cartman's mother, Ep. Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut: Sometimes, when a man loves a woman, the man sticks his Ho-ho dilly... into a woman's Cha-cha...
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Today, Buba's puppies had therr first bowl of mashed up dog food ^^
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
.::You::. | Name:: | Julia | Eye Color:: | blue | Hair Color:: | blondish-brown | Hair Style:: | short | Birthday(month and day):: | October 31st | Heritage:: | huh? | Religion:: | Athiest | Age:: | 12 | Skin Color:: | white | .::Currently You're::. | Seeing:: | Everyone! I have eyes ya kno | Feeling:: | stupid, angry, love... WTF?!?! | Hearing:: | tha news | Talking To:: | tha comp. | Eating:: | ummm... im drinkin soda... | Drinking:: | soda | Wearing:: | A Harley Davidson shirt and blue Night pants | .::Relation Ships::. | Single or Taken:: | single | Crush/gf or bf:: | Crush | Their Name:: | ...NOT TELLING (Davian and Shelby, I WILL HOUNT YOU TO THA GRAVE!!!) | What do you like best about them:: | ummm... I'm able tu beat him up (we kinda have a like-hate relatonship) | Why are you attracted to them:: | hmm... I guess cause I really kno him. I've known him for aboot... 1 1/2 yrs, but I kno who he is... | .::Last Person That::. | IMed you:: | Tracey Glass | Yelled At You:: | my mommy | Hugged You:: | my dog | Kissed You:: | my dog | Said Your Name:: | my grandpa | Stared At You:: | my grandma | Laughed At/With You:: | my dog | .::Favorite::. | Band(s):: | I dont have fave bands. Jus because I like their song, doesnt mean I like them | Game(s):: | Tha Game of Stupidity | Movie(s):: | South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut (SP: BLU) | Book(s):: | Mangas (Ive liked every one i read ^^) | Friend(s):: | ummm... none... I dont PLAY favorites!! ::snap, snap:: | Song(s):: | hmm... none. Its just: I like it, or I dont like it. No playin favorites. | Tv/Cartoon/Anime Show(s):: | Anime shows: TOO... TOUGH... ::Explode::. Cartoon: South Park, Family Guy/ Futurama, The Simpsons/King of the Hill. | Food(s):: | none | Color(s):: | green, black, blue | Website(s):: |,, | Drink(s):: | Coke (not tha drug) | .::Opinions::. | Obesity:: | uhhh... wth is mi opinion supposed tu b?!?! | Fidelity:: | WTF IS FIDELITY??? | Anirexic:: | Damn you, Mary Kate... | Politics:: | ::makes rasperry sounds:: | Racism:: | BOO!!! RACISTS SUK | Homosexuals:: | Im a yaoi fan | Bisexuals:: | W/E floats your boat (what I think of: KAITLIN?!?) | George W. Bush:: | Get him outta ther! | Abortion:: | hmm... neva reely thot aboot it be4... | Rape:: | ::twitch, twitch, eyeball falls out:: | .::Opinion on the band/singer::. | Good Charlotte:: | good | Madonna:: | bad | Britney Spears:: | new songs: good, old: bad | Lostprophets:: | WTF?!?! | Black Sabbath:: | WHO THA HELL??? | Blink 182:: | semi | Something Corporate:: | ...who??? | Evanescence:: | ok | Eminem:: | HE ROCKS!!! | Usher:: | Neva reely heard him... | Yellowcard:: | huh? | Hoobastank:: | ... | Chevelle:: | SAT SUM1S NAME IVE ACTUALLY heard OF!!! | .::Random::. | Are you a guy or girl:: | gurl | 5 things on your desk:: | soda can, plate, pickie of one of mi sold dogs new home, speaker, my hands. | 5 cherished things in your room:: | SP: BLU tape, Trigun tapes, my ENTIRE box of Manga books, TV, and a pickie of mi oldest dog; given away on her 7th birthday (those bastards) | .::Friends::. | Best:: | ::twitch twitch, explode:: | Most Smartest:: | Shelby... you bitch... | Most Prettiest:: | hmm... I... DONT... KNOW... I DONT EVEN JUDGE GUYS, Y WOULD I JUDGE MI FRIENDS THAT R ALL GURLS??? | Most Funniest:: | me... jk, i don kno... | Most Sweetest:: | Davian.. I guess... (sumtimes it gets annoying... NO OFFENESE, DAVIAN!!!) | Most Generous:: | ... im not sure... | Most Annoying:: | Victoria | Most Creative:: | Stephanie | Most Boring:: | Shelby | Most Saddest:: | Tie: Shelby and ME | Most Talkative:: | I dont kno... | .::This or That::. | Dorritos or Cheetohs:: | dorritoes | Cat or Dog:: | DOG ALL THA WAY!~!~! | Jolly Ranchers or Starburst:: | Starburst | Orange Juice or Apple Juice:: | Apple | Blonde or Brunette:: | Blonde (If you mean Which would I like tu be: Burnette) | Black or White:: | black | Red or Blue:: | blue | Japan or China:: | Japan | Winter or Summer:: | dont kno... | Halloween or Christmas:: | Tie: Dont like them either: My dad died on Halloween, which is mi Birthday, and I just plain dont like Christmas, don aks me y... | X-Box or PS2:: | PS2 | MP3 or CDs:: | CDs | Pants or Shorts:: | Pants | Real Life or Webcam:: | real life | .::End of Quiz Questions::. | Did you like the survey:: | i love ALL surveys!!! | (Rand.) Scariest thing in the world:: | biggest fear: My mom will die and I will b an orphan... | Which question was the best:: | I...DONT..KNO... ::explode:: |
Survey For Yourself brought to you by BZOINK!
WOW surveys are SOOO fun!!!
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Saturday, July 24, 2004
 You are a loner...not that you don't like people, it's just that you like to spend time with yourself or you are an outsider...don't like talking too much and even going out...loneliness isn't healthy, but you like it...what can say?! Just live the way you want...u_u
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
nyaaa,Damn straight, biaytch! nya-ha ha, jk, jk
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Friday, July 23, 2004
Another Puppy Update
Yippi! Buba's almost 3-week-old pups have started walking! Before we know it, they'll be running around the house, and Grama will end up stepping on one... oi... No, no, don't worry, it's only happened once, and the puppy ended up living. Didn't even have to take it to the vet! It's just... my grama is... Just a little... Well, she doesn't look where she's walking -_-... yeah... Anyway, Bi-ee!
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Buba's Babies
Most of Buba's pups have started opening ther eyes. They are sooooo cute. We even have one of them sold. His new owner is gonna pick him up when he's old enough ^^
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Quote of tha Week
Since my site has been sooooo boring recently, I decided tu make a Quote of tha Week, every Wednesday. It'll probably mostly be from South Park. Anyway, Quote of tha Week; Well, I'll start off with sumtin reely simple: Stan: OH MY GOD! THEY KILLED KENNY!
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