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julia3_0_0_0 (NevaOn
Member Since
7th grade bi-polor bitch... And Satans ex-wife... I get half of Hell!
Real Name
Julia. Oy, please call me Ju-Chan, no Julie! Only meh sister can do that...
getting a one on Solo and Ensemble two years in a row, going thirteen years without ever having a boy-friend...
Anime Fan Since
I guess a long time?
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Chobits, Kodocha, InuYasha, Gravatation, Evil's Return, TRIGUN, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Marmalade Boy, Love Hina, T...R...I...GUN, Lupin the Third, Case Closed, FRUITS BASKET!!! ummm....... I'm sure theres more...
Um... none?
Double-jointed-ness, violin, piano, viola, tiny bit o' cello, and a little guitar.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, July 2, 2004
 ~~~~-^ OPPOSITE LOVE^-~~~~
Your love is wierd. You suddenly fell inlove or have a cruch on an enemy or someone you though you never date. You seem shy,silent,and nicer to that person. tip,so you like an enemy,oppisite always attrake.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
I guess thats pretty tru...
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
**Jepordy Music**
lalala...... so bored, not much ta du......... lets see, about ta go to my friends house, but i need sum help w/ sumthin. Does anyone kno how ta make pics smalla witout having........ um, i 4got ut it was....... o yah, PhotoShop. I don have that, but does neone kno how i can get it? if not du ya kno how i can make pics smalla witout it, like i said b4? IM me n tell me, pwease!
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I wonder how accurate this is..........................................................
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Permalink The Anime Friendship Quiz
Hmmm... I guess that's pretty true... blargh...
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NOT much TO talk ABOUT
Hey ppl. I have no idea why I'm writing this, I'm sure no one will ever read my site. Oh well. I have nuthin to say, so I'll bore whoever reads this about my dogs.
Sharon, the one-and-a-half year old Cocker Spaniel dog we have raised since birth hasn't been eating today. We suspect she's due. Oh, yeah, she's pregnet. But she can't be due today, it's just to early... Also, Buba, her twin 3 years and five month old sister of a different litter has been actin kinda weird too. I can't wait to have some more puppies around the house. Yay!! I love living in a dog-filled crappy environment. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love all seven of my babies. Sweet Larry, adorable Nibbles, upset pregnet Buba, always nervous, also knocked-up Sharon, Lap-dog neutered Weasly, and baby Tiny and Bulldog, the youngest we have. Okey, I'm sure everyone reading this is asleep by now, so I'll shut up.
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
W00t w00t I don't think any of you care about this, but I am with that, cause I don't care that you don't care so BLARGH....
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W00t w00t I don't think any of you care about this, but I am with that, cause I don't care that you don't care so BLARGH
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Permalink What Cowboy Bebop Crew Member Are You?
Gyahh souper cool I am Feye... I onli kno her by drifting in and out of the conversations I have w/ my friends about Bebop...
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
Bad Luck Badger
Hello freaks that have visited my site more than once. I shall share a story with you, that has an interesting connection to BADGERS.
Saturday, in the U.K., it was a happpy time for most. But over in America, four badger-loving freaks had a bad encounter on this Bad Luck Badger Day.
Stephanie, Shelby, Davian and I trudged further and further into the park, trying to find a secluded area to celebrate the animal that we loved so much. We had Shelby decorate a paper plate representing a badger for Davian, one with a mushroom on it for me, a plate with a picture of a snake on it for herself, and Stephanie made her own of a badger, and we even had streamers and paper-cutout stars that we would throw. It would all be perfect.
After arguing over the perfect spot, we settled on one that we had to share with the billions of mosquitoes (I suk at spelling). After taking a quick rest from the tremundous (hehe... srry, Shelby, damn perfectionist...) heat wave and lack of, of course, air conditioning, Shelby, Davian, and I started tying the stramers to trees, while Steph still tried to catch her breath, having had to walk there on crutches she borrowed from Davian to recover from stepping on a toothpick that went at least half-way through her foot.
We finished with the streamers, and swatted at mosqitoues until we had at least enough energy to get up. We had arrived hot and sweaty from the heat, Davian had had to carry Steph part-way on her back, and I don't know about them, but I was pretty tired, and didn't want to deal with damn mosquitoes.
Once we had enough energy, we reinacted the flash film seen on EbaumsWorld, then threw the 'confetti' stars.
After that, I decided to go look around. After all, I do love nature. From our exaustion, I didn't feel like talking, so when Davian followed me, calling my name, I just kept walking. I was already ahead of her, anyway. She came up the slope I had already past, still calling my name, I heard her slide and yell in pain. I thought about going back, but I'm sure that Steph and Shelby could handle.
After hearing things rustle in the grass, I decided to go back. I found Steph and Shelby crowded around Davian, and her struggling to get up. Eventually she did, and we put her on the crutches, and let Stephanie climb on Shelby's back, since she was the thinnest. We got half-way back, and Davian decided she couldn't use those damn crutches. Stephanie took them back, and Shelby ran ahead to use the payphone to dial her family to come get us. While she was gone, Steph decided, screw the crutches, got down and crawled, right through the mud. This is what I excpected from Stephanie, but when Davian got down and dragged herself through, I was surprised. She was always declaring herself as somewhat of a 'prep'...
Eventually, Shelby got back, and was able to help Davian hop towards the bridge. By that time, I was starting to get more annoyed at the mosquitoes. At that time I hated them more than Christians hate Satin, I'm sure. Now at that time, we had one girl - Davian - struggling on one foot with her arm around Shelby, one girl forcing through the pain I'm sure was developing under her arms from the crutches - Steohanie - and on girl - me - swatting with one of the plates, cussing out damn mosquitoes.
Finally, after some major arguing, hobbling, and yelling in pain and frustration, Steph and I went ahead to try Shelbys family again, since last time they hadnt answered. Davian continued to hobble with Shelby as her only means of balance, and slowly made it to where me and Stephanie were. Things finally started looking better when Stephs mom arrived with her own crutches. She had called long ago, and it had taken a while for her mom to get here, since she was the only one of our group that didnt live in our neighborhood. Davian got her crutches back, Steph had her own, and Shelbys aunt had come through after I called. Covered in mosquito bites, with two wounded soldiers, we made our way to Shelby's aunts car, dropped Davian off, and returned to Shelbys house and enjoyed drinks, air conditioning, a mosquitoe-free environment, and bonus air with a fan. Our expierence was over, but I'm sure none of us will ever feel the same about badgers again.
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