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locker found in Rokkaku
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musician, writer
Real Name
nakagauchi hitsuzen--do you really think i'll give my name that easily?--
Anime Fan Since
I was 11 years old
Favorite Anime
gravitation, prince of tennis, naruto, bleach
writing, drawing, tennis
drawing, playing the drums and piano
| kenshin no hime
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
Finally~~ my Byakuya fanart~~
whew! after almost a day painstaking job, i finished the Byakuya fanart i am raving about on my past entries XD
and again, tahnk you to all who voted, commented and listed the Sasuke fanart to their favorites lists!!! domo arigatou gozaimashita~~
and i feel kinda bad, depressed more like it...sigh, worse, i felt depressed about a friend's, this is bad X( of all people, a friend unintentionally makes me depressed...i feel very bad...whew, i'm a wreck.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
ryoma vs dan~~~ just can't help but to put it on my title XD
*been watching prince of tennis*
anyways, i just finished an Uchiha Sasuke fanart with a pose reference from TRC. and i edited my Hitsugaya Toushiro --Iced Actions~~Dancing Icicle art and my Kuchiki Byakuya with a pose reference from Mikagami Toukiya. I'll just have it scan today and will work on the colors by tomorrow. ~~whew, I wish I could do things like Fuji or Tezuka with ease~~ maa, this is really exhausting...
mou, my writing creativity(something close to that) has been drying up nyah~~ can't write anything resourceful aside from trying to stray the character from being too Mary Sue-ish... i guess o have to quit that one and focus more on doing fanarts...
by the way, to Kumo_Cloud, sorry! but i don't do request. i don't want to make a promise that i know i'll break...besides, i can't even do my own arts without spending too much time thinking of what to do about it and whatelse do i need to do on it...mostly, i hate disappointing people who expects too much from those requests they asked. so gomen nasai!!!
and to highlight the lamentations, i am not really good at doing CG based arts, with the exception of the traditional MS paint XD that's why all my works are either manual with the use of pencil crayons or with MS XD
thanks to SasukesForever for adding me recently on her friend's list!!
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Friday, July 20, 2007
Byakuya Fanart on the way...Naruto replacing as a plan
I just finished inking the Bleach fanart I reported the last time though I am not sure if did looked like the apathetic taichou. anyways, colour is just what it needed then its off.
As for the Naruto...uhm, its still just a plan. Might changed to the very last minute. While "My OC--Bleach style" is next. Still unsketched though XD talking doesn't make sense XD
I am currently watching Prince Of Tennis: Kaidoh vs. Wakato...of course, I'm all up to my Kaoru *massive fangirl cheer* XD and of course, Kaidoh did won (^_^>; and next up is O'Chibi XD and wow~ for the confidence *laughs* talk about a 12 years old declaring without falter that Hanamura likes him XD
well, that's for now...

What Death Note Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Chou Ryuuen on FY Fanart Section
I posted my Nuriko *Chou Ryuuen* art on the FY section...
Uncolored as of now...just like most of my works.
So to those who'll take a peek on it, hope you'll enjoy.
luv to the ice wielder taichou of Gotei 13 <3
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Monday, July 16, 2007
Change of Plans nyah~~~
konnichiwa minna-sama
i have a slight change of plan about the project i decided on recently...
the foursome artwork is now replaced by a Kuchiki Byakuya art and a "My OC--Bleach style".
i'll put the Hitsugaya Toushiro art in a halt, to give way to the two projects i have listed above...
much luv to Shiro-chan~~~
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
i finally did post a colored version of my toushiro hitsugaya fanart last saturday~~ and thanks to those who voted and those who also added it as their favorite~~
my next project is a foursome picture which includes toushiro hitsugaya, rangiku matsumoto, joushirou ukitake and well....the fourth slot is still debatable....
well that's for my new update nyah~~
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Friday, June 29, 2007
saa, let's see what's new...
kon~ni~chi~wa minna-san~
i will not post any new artworks yet...but I have a Hitsugaya Toushirou art in line and I am going to start on it by tommorrow~ *luvs the tenth taichou of Gotei 13 <3*
and by then, I am going to post the following anime related arts:
Rurouni Kenshin
Prince of Tennis
and again, thanks to those who voted and posted comments on my works! except for that Rikasuke who do nothing but go fangirling over Sasuke! duh, gurl, you're in the wrong place.
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Monday, April 16, 2007
one shot to the soul!
sigh, i'm back. crumpled, tired but happy (^_^)v
bleach is now aired on a local channel here...but really, I am not excited about it. and hana yori dango will be aired by next week, now that's what interest me.
i love the title ^...its Hyotei's Ohtori Choutarou's phrase...
and of course, I currently finished a drabble with a theme "Love/Lust". I wrote it on Peacemaker Kurogane's series. With Okita Souji as my prince. Then I am currently updating my on-going's Act 2.0 and having my short PoT novel "Hana-Ya" hanged for awhile...
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
ore-sama no bigi no yoina?! mou, no!
hai nyah~ minna~ hoe!! this march 30th and 31st the Dream Live Concert 4th -Absolute King Rikkai- 2nd installmentXD all those true-to-life bishies will be there!! wo ai ni Kouji Date!! very very happy that he is there *glomps Chouta!* but first, here's a pic of my favorite TeniMyu actor, Aiba Hiroki ^^ he is casted as Fuji Syuusuke of Seishun Gakuen XD

anyways, i am enjoying watching Gokusen II XD and i could say that it got better with better punch lines and better real-life lessons ^^ here are some piccy of those cutie bishies ^^
here's Takeda Keita of year 3, class D! his name is Koike Teppei of the former group WaT. You could also see him in Dragon Zakura and in the film RabuKom XD

and this pic is from Jdorama.Com(thanks guys XD and sorry for taking it without asking m(_ _)m . he is Tsuchiya Hikaru of the same class. His real life name is Mokomichi Hayami. In LJ, a friend and I argued about whose going to portray Seiyume shi, erh i mean Oshitari Yuushi in TeniMyu. I bet on this person since he looks alot like my Seiyume shi than Saitoh Takumi. Unfortunately, I doubt my bet doesn't have the talent to sing XD
well, that's my update for now. Man, i think i should give up writing ^^ i have no patience for it XD
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
it means "its evitable" in case anyone wonders...
tomorrow, my iSP will cut the line not until i pay the bill XD well, it affects me highly but, what the next week, i'll have it back again in no time so why waste my energy in fretting ne?
as of now, i am quite busy re-editing my Tenipuri novel that showcase Nioh Masaharu of Rikkai Dai as my prince. Then i just finished submitting my Rei-Suke art in colored version...i am a bit apprehensive about it since it rather makes me feel kinda unsatisfied.
actually, i am a bit waning away from reading dream novels as of now. i don't know, maybe i kinda feel stereotype about it and with what i'm writing...all are romance and with those "kiss and make up" scenarios, okay so not all are but...uhm, oh well. its just a harmless opinion. don't mean to anger anyone :3
and to those who add my arts as their favorites...arigatou gozaimashita. you just don't know hoe thankful i am.
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