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myOtaku.com: kenshin no hime

Thursday, June 15, 2006

~What Is Your Soul Purpose On This Earth?~ (Another quiz with more amazing anime pics)

Your soul purpose on this Earth is to make other people happy. You must put aside your problems and focus your time and energy in making sure the people around you aren't suffering alone. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to put all your sweat and blood into it, I do realize that sometimes you're gonna have to be selfish and self-centered. That's just a part of being human. But you do care alot about people, which will only make it easier on yourself to fulfill your purpose. Just smiling at a stranger is sometimes just enough to completely change the way their day truns out. What you do doesn't have to be so big, actually, it's the simple things that matter most. Or it should be. And you don't have to put so much effort into finding certain people to help. I believe that fate is gonna have them come to you. Just keep an eye open for when that person does cross your path. Feel free to rate or message if you can.
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~Which of These Hated Things Are You?~ (with anime pics and 8 simply dreadful results)

You my friend, are a zit. You are a teenager's worst nightmare and always descide to make your appearance at the worst time possible. All you want is to be loved, but it seems that everytime you want to prove yourself, someone goes and tries to do everything that might get you to go away. Let's face it, you are not wanted. You try your hardest to stick out in the crowd, and guess what! You do a very good job of it too! But please, for picture day's sake, try to blend in with everyone else. It's ok to be different, but just not in the pertruding, painful way. But hey, think of it this way, at least you aren't a telemarketer!
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What Makes You Beautiful?

Your mysteriousness makes you beautiful. Just as moths are drawn to light, some people are attracted by your darkness. You hold a mystery and grace that they cannot resist.
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