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Fort Worth TX
Member Since
High School, were else?!
Real Name
Tiffany Carter
Finaly an question i can be proud to answer. Pissing my brother off...><
Anime Fan Since
I saw sailor moon and liked it but i didn't know it was anime, then in 6th grade my uncle checked out a love hina book for me and my bro told me about anime depends
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket Fullmetal Alchemist Land of the Blindfolded Boys over Flowers Chibi Vampire also known as Karin Marmaly Boy Parasite Love Hina Rorouni Kenshin Bleach Naruto Chobits Hellsing Trinity Blood and did i mention Spiral?...and uhh many
don't know
Reading manga, watching anime and going to my friends house (not just lucy!)
i don't know
| kenshinlover84
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Hello ya'll ^^ Have any of ya'll heard of Cheon sang ji hee?
Well their going to be mt next playlist...not only
are they all hot they
can sing and damn its sounds so relaxing ^^...
the harmony. Well i don't have much to say except today the wether was
bad as hell. It was bright outside and was dark. I was reading
a realy good book called twilight (that i highly recogmend ya'll
I'm already halfway through it on my second day of reading it and the book is big.
I'm also reading something called the naming that is just as big and not even halfway
through it in over a week. So i'm telling you u
shoukd read it...well enough about that..he he...)and i looked up outside and
saw how dark it was. Then i saw i bolt of lightning
real close and the fire alarm went off. If there
was a fire i'm pritty sure the storm put it out. Ok well enough
rambling about
a storm and uuuhh...OH! During lunch i spit out my soda...again! Because KANNA
made me LAUGH so fucking hard (><)and while i was sipping my beautiful dr.
pepper too T.T poor dp, it never got the chance...i told her never to make me
laugh, i'll spit it out, but most likly choke on it, thats what i always do. Well duces!
List of things i choke on...(u don't have to read this part)
1. spit
2. rice
3. chocolet donut
4. noodles (like ramen and stuff)
5. soda
6. candy
7. hair
8. chips
9. oh how could i forget...water
10. mostly all the luiquids that i ever drink...(pathetic i know)
11. well can't think of anything more, but there is a lot more...(if ur perverted, then i must say *clears througt* NOT THAT!! I HAVE NEVER CHOKED ON...THAT!) how ever here are some pics of cheon sang ji hee, twilight and the nameing i'll have to put later. sorry, the asshole won't let borrow is floppy, i left mine at home.

Cheon Sang Ji Hee!!! soo hot

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