Kenshyou Harpuia
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Hey, what up everyone like I said I will try to post more often. Now lets get on with it. So yeah I saw the movie 30 Days Of Night with my friend on friday. It's a really good movie and you should go see it if you already haven't. I might go see Saw 4 but i don't know. I think movies should always and in 3s. I mean movie "series" ended in more then 3 and batman doesn't count, I say none.

well anyways I hang out with some friends over the week-end. I watch me friend play Portal for X-Box 360 it's an awesome game. And he played alittle of the other game team fortress 2 it looked pretty fun too. I didn't really see him play Half Life 2 much.

As of late I have been on gaiaonline thing if any of you have hear of it. A few of my real life friend are on there so I do some stuff on there. If you want to find me just let me know and I will pm you my username.
Well That's about it i will talk to you all
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
S**T. I forgot.
Sorry, I have been doing alot of stuff lately so i have had time to update.So anyway like i said I am "trying" to do some importent things but it don't seem to be working out to well. Other then that I have been doing fine today my moms birthday and I forgot about it(I SUCK). I don't know what to get for her.
I think i am going to go see that movie that's coming out this friday 30 days of night it looks really good.I going to see it with some friends, it will be awesome. Speaking of movies Have any of you seen the movie Crank. It's a good movie I liked it. It has Jason Statham in.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Wow, haven't been here in a long time.
Yeah like a year or 2(I think). Well Anyway i think I am going to start post here again I kind of miss it alittle. And so I am 19 now that kind of kool I guess I'm trying to do stuff but i can't see to get it together. Ok that relly about it.
Here's a kool Band Reel Big Fish you should check them out they're Awesome.

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Friday, July 14, 2006
Lets see who cares!!!!!
Well I am back.So yeah I have been doing great I am out of skool cuz I graduated and I am 18(Dec 04)like last year.Well anyway i have be lazy about geting a job and stuff.OOOh and the manga I have been reading for awhile Ruroui Kenshin is done vol. #28 I am kind of sad but not really.And now I don't know what eles to read I mean I have other mangas but that was main manga so yeah if any of have a suggestion shot.
Well I am back and i will post agian soon

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Monday, December 26, 2005
yeah, uumm Merry Chirstmas?
Hey everone, I had a good Chrirstmas.I didn't get anything really that great a got some T-shirt and some gift cards and stuff like that. Well like i said I am going problly not going to post anymore maybe ever now and then but don't aspect much.

Well if you want to talk more my AIM SN is TehInfamous Josh
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
yeah hey ever one I have been doing fine I have had time to post and stuff cuz of the same stuff friends and skool work. So yeah I have been think that should stop posting and you all wasteing your time and stuff I don't know yet. I am still not sure But anyways, i have been read a new magan called Death Note its pertty awsome, I don't reall feel like explaning it. But i think you should check it out it really kool
well till next time

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Friday, November 11, 2005
HHEEYYY !!!!! I am not dead!!
Hey, What's up ever one I bet no comes to my site anymore. All well, ok anyways I have been hanging out with friends and shit school and play some video games(mostly Halo and SC3), watch some good moives. Most of my week-end(friday and saturday night). I have stayed at my friends houes thats been pretty kool.OOOOO YEAH the computer in my room some how crash. I don't know just was slow as hell one day and never got better so i got my friend working on it.So its all good.Thats about it in a nut shell nothing really big.
O and I hope you all like my new theme Outlaw Star.It's Awsome!!!

Well talk to you all L8rzz
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Saturday, October 29, 2005
loong time no talk
sry i haven't update in a long ass time i have been hanging out with friend and doing skool work thats about it well i g2g

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Thursday, October 20, 2005
hey all
Hey whats up every one,
Sorry I have not updated in a long time. I have been doing things like hanging out with friends and doing skool work you know. Well it is Fri--- I mean Thursday I wish it was Friday....well not really....
Ok anyways I thought I would have a new theme so I am doing the Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles. No I have a done it befor, I did a theme on Michaelangelo(If you do not know who that is then you should not be here(jking)).
Here is my site background

Here is my post background

Talk to you all L8rzz.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
hey everyone,
i have decided to hold of on makeing a new name cuz i havent had time to started it with skool, friends, and family, you know that kind of shit
well not much to say really i have been playing resident evil 4 awasome game i am pertty fur like chapter 3-1 yup....
OOOooo yeah i alway so been listening to the new Gorillaz cd demon day i love it its awasome.....

well talk to you all L8rzz
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