Kenshyou Harpuia
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
OMG!!! FIGHT!!!!
well hey long time evryone sry i havent been updaiteing lately caues skool just started i saw some old friend it was awsome(daje vu)uummmm yeasterday me and some friend took down a tree with r hands(it was already boken leening over so we picked it u and pushed and it fell)i was awsome
some little kids watched us so when it hit the ground they were all like "OOOOOOOOOO!!" it was yeah today i am going to the mall like all day so yeah i guess i wouldnt be updateing much just on the week end may-be erlyer

well talk to u all L8rzz
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
same old same old
hey everone nothing much has happend i am went to that mall yesterday i just hung out in the arcad with some friends i play capcom vs snk it was awsome
so anyways like i said skool starting soon and i haent gone skool shopping and that kind of shit so yeah i dont got shit to start out with....haha...
well latly i am been read Cowboy Bebop shooting star its the true magna serios it perttty kool well i just started reading it(I am still on the frist one) but it till awsome....As u can see thats my new theme what do u all think i like it

well im geting tired so i will talk to u all next time......
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
hello everyone not much been going on i've hanging out with friends a shit uuummmm i think i am going to the mall today and hang out with my friends some more be for skool starts......
I think skool starts like on Tuesday i wish it would start like the week after then cuz not ready for it to start i am going to be soo tired........
well anyway this is a pic of some of my favorit cd ys i know there r two of the same cd i did say bands i said cds
ok so i guess i will talk to u all next time or something
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Friday, September 2, 2005
i am sry if this pisses anyone off but u got to check out this site it funny as hell
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
not much to say........
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
ok i just got done reading §-CRY-ED 5 it has the best ending ever EEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVEEEEERRRRRRR......ever XD
i mean there not much to say i think you all should ckeck it out it fucking awsome. I love it!! YYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
BBBBut it sucks cuz it the last one of them NNNNNNow I am ssssad cuase it is one on my favorit mangas and it always will be so anyway ya'll should check it out ok kool.
well talk to u all L8rzz!!!

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Monday, August 29, 2005
ones again
hello everone not much has been going on i went to Bush Garden it was awsome i went with some friends uuuuummmm that was on satrday i went and saw the movie Batman Begins it was an awsome kick ass movie i loved it well anyways sunday i just hung out with some friend it was pretty kool.
I think skool is going to be starting soon for me. i dont really want to go bak i am have i pretty good time latly but hey not ever thing can last forever right it got to end some time

well talk to u all.....
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
long time
hey everone whats up sry i have posted in a while, i have been up to alot like sunday i went to a concert it was awsome there were there band the frist one suxed they were called Bad Acid Trip the second to was Mar Volta they went awsome they played for like an hour it was great then last and best it was system of a down they were fucking awsome! They played like ever song a hoped they would.

then that night i stayed the night at one my friend houes(there was 3 of my friends there 2 brothers so we stayed at there houes) we did really hang out we like watch t.v. i dont remember wut we watched cuz i was so tired so then monday we sleeped till 1 or 3 we watched a Dane Cook dvd it was funny as hell and that was we did all day monday and we went to 7 eleven then we stayed the night there again the next day we didnt do shit again so we just srewed around like throw stuff at each other and play video games.
sry if i typed so much i never tped so look at it as a one time thing and i am going to stop now
ok L8rzz
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Friday, August 19, 2005
whats up all sorry i haven't been able to update i have been hanging out wth friends and stuff one of my friends stayed that night at my houes on wedsday we were up till 4 something we would of stay up the whole night but he had to do work at his houes so he left at at like 3 befor that some friends come over we hung out at my houes till my friend that stayed the night his grandma called siad he had to come home so then they all left cuz i could go with them cuz my mom said i had to watch my little brother.......well this week-end i am going to Maryland
well talk to u all L8rzzz bye
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
like i said
hey everone i said was was going to post my pic so i did well tell me what u all think ok uumm not much to say i hung out with my friend thats about it yeah my like is pretty bord right now cuz like two of my other friends well one went to Whales and the other one went to Ohio well thats about it hope u all like the pic of me

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