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Los Angeles, CA
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Pessimist, Former YYH Guru, FMA Addict, Family Guy Addict, Roy Mustang Worshipper, Stewie Griffin Minion, and Student
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Uh, no. Okay, okay, it's a different language.
I got a question answered by Justin Cook
Anime Fan Since
The rise of Gundam Wing
Favorite Anime
Fullmetal Alchemist; Other mentionables: Yu Yu Hakusho, Hikaru no Go, Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, Spiral, Naruto, Witch Hunter Robin, Gundam Wing, DNAngel and Shaman King
To start buying Family Guy boxsets...
Watching FMA...Worshipping Mustang...Beatboxing...
I memorized most of "Jesus of Suburbia"...I can beatbox...
| KenusukeHirameshi
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
Shweet. (I meant to spell that incorrectly.)
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
Result Posted on 05/04/05: many quizzes is that already?
You're Kurama! You have a kind, gentle nature, and are very spiritual. You rarely get angry, and when you do, show few outward signs of rage. You do have something of a split personality; sometimes you seem to be a different person entirely; cold, cruel, and harsh. This side of you doesn't show itself very frequently. Family and friends mean everything to you, and you would sacrifice yourself to save them. Friendship comes easily to you, everyone sees you as kind, caring, and good-natured. You love plants, animals, and anything else having to do with nature. You see all life as sacred.
The (Not so Transparent) Yu Yu Hakusho Personality Quiz! brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
I'm sensing a trend...
 You are Kurama. Noble and strong. You don't talk much, but when you do, you say sensible things. Originally, you were a fox demon, but know you live as a human. You only get really angry when people harm each other for no reason or when your friends are harmed. You are my favorite character on Yu Yu Hakusho.Yeah!
Not so obvious Yu Yu Hakusho Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
SWEET!!!! I'm Hohoemi no Bakudan (first version)! If only I could be the second version...Oh well...this is good enough.
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
Is anyone sensing a pattern here?
img src="" border="0" alt="Kurama"> (Kurama: Do you want to come over after school?)
Wow! Kurama thinks you're awesome!
There's only three words for you, student role model! You've got the knowledge to go through every single grade (Including at least 4 years in college) with an A+ under your name! How cool is that?! Don't forget about your nice personality! Manners mean everything to you! Smart and nice! Do I need to say more?
Which Yu Yu Hakusho boy would think you're cool? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
'Jeez...another Kurama...That last part has me thinking...
 You are Minamino Shuichi/Youko Kurama!
In your human form, you are sweet, calm, and caring. You are willing to sacrifice yourself for your friends and family without a moment's hesitation. The tactician of the Urameshi Team, you like to carefully guage your opponents strengths and weaknesses before pulling our your own weapon. You look before you leap.
In your demon form, you're a cunning, kitunse bandit. You can easily slip through the fingers of the authorities and know how to take care of yourself. You're increibly gorgeous, but no matter what anyone says you DID NOT screw half the Makai!
What Member of the Reiki Tantei Are You? (Yu Yu Hakusho) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
I'm surprised that I'm not a bigger Kurama fan...
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
I thought so...
Result Posted on 05/04/05:
Yep, it's always like this...Kurama or Urameshi.
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